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Curious June 2023 East Sussex

Cannot face going dress shopping

Caris, 10 of October of 2022 at 23:47 Posted on Planning 0 5
Hi all,

Really struggling with wedding dresses.... it's all a very negative experience so far.
I'm a plus size bride, and on a budget. I went to Wed2B to try on dresses last year as a trial because I generally find clothes shopping horrendous. I went alone because I didn't want anyone interfering and honestly, I've had such horrible experience in boutiques, bridal shops and high end stores as a bigger woman.
Anyway, all the dresses I liked were not in my size. Many of them didn't even come in my size. I did manage to find a dress I loved but I'm really, really hating how big I look.
I then called a local boutique to enquire if they had plus sizes in stock and basically they said size 16 was the biggest they had and most of their samples were sizes 8-12! The woman was so snide about too.
I like to dress well but I really struggle with dresses generally (big boobs, big hips, heavy middle). I hate looking fat, there's no nice way to say it. My partner is slim and really toned, and getting slimmer by the month. I hate how big I look in comparison and pictures make me cringe. and believe me I'm trying to diet and exercise!.
How the hell am I supposed to do this? The dresses for plus sized brides that I like are way out of budget, but truth is I don't want to be plus size when I get married so what do I do? I don't have long left and I've really struggled to lose weight (stress, health).
I'm sorry, I just don't know where else to go. I feel so sad. Dress shopping is supposed to be an amazing experience and all I have are negative experiences (not my first time dress shopping BTW.... did it years ago but that's another story 😅🤫)

5 replies

Latest activity by Elizabeth, 12 of October of 2022 at 18:38
  • Gabriela
    Beginner December 2023 Oxfordshire
    Gabriela ·
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    Hi, you are beautiful just the way you are, no need to worry on what other will say it's your day you can check Princessly they offer customized size dresses a friend of mine bought on them and it is indeed perfect.

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  • R
    VIP July 2020 Monmouthshire
    RomanticGreenStationery27135 ·
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    Sending hugs to you - it's horrible when what should be a good experience becomes so stressful.

    You've got a few options. The first is to take a trip to a shop that specialises in plus-size wedding dresses. I'd give them a ring first, to get a feel for the kind of people they are. If the staff are good at their job, they are going to be kind and reassuring and make you feel good about going there - if they are offhand, scratch that shop off the list and move on!

    Another option is to look at high-street or mail order. You don't mention your size, but I know that many of these companies have their dresses in sizes above size 16.

    The third option is to ask a local dressmaker to make something for you - if you choose a simple pattern and not-too-expensive fabric, it doesn't have to be that costly.

    Or, if you can't find a wedding dress style you like in your budget, maybe think outside the box - look at evening dresses, separates...if it's something that you might be inclined to wear for special occasions in future, you might feel more able to spend a bit more on getting something you really love.

    Hang in there - I'm sure you will find something that makes you feel as well as look beautiful!

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  • C
    Curious June 2023 East Sussex
    Caris ·
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    Thank you, so much. I can be anywhere from an 18 to 22 depending on the brand and the cut. With wedding dresses, it's anyone's guess. I've been told they purposefully size dresses down so they're always too small. So a size 16 is more like a 12/14 depending on the cut.

    I'll take a look at some of the plus size boutiques, and you're right about giving them a call ahead of time. xx
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  • A
    Beginner August 2023 Perthshire
    Anna ·
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    Hi Caris,

    Firstly, I'm so so sorry you're feeling like this. Wedding dress shopping is a labyrinth anyway, and even more so if there's a limited range in your size and the staff behave poorly towards you.

    Whereabouts do you live? I know of two plus size stores near Milton Keynes, one called Serendipity Brides, which holds samples up to size 28, and dresses can be ordered up to size 36. The other is called About a Bride - they hold sizes 16-44, and their average size to try on is 28. I only know of them because I live near there, but it's definitely worth googling plus size stores in your area if you haven't already. And think about travelling outside of your area too, if you find a good place that's worth the journey.

    How long is it until your wedding? Please don't pressure yourself to lose weight for it - that's the most toxic part of the wedding industry in my opinion. But if you do want to, it's probably best to be realistic about how much you can lose. If there's only a few weeks left you might have to adjust your expectations.

    If you're trying to diet and exercise but there are factors getting in the way, don't blame yourself for that. Our mental and physical health is the most important thing. If you put pressure on yourself it may become even harder to get motivated, because your body image/self perception will be so low. Just do what you can, and if you're not enjoying the type of exercise/sport, then stop doing it and pick something else!

    Sending so much love!! I really hope you find a dress store that gives you a relaxed, safe experience of trying on dresses, and that you find a dress that makes you feel positive when you look in the mirror! xx

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  • Elizabeth
    Dedicated October 2023 Cumbria
    Elizabeth ·
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    Also part of the plus size bride gang 🙋‍♀️

    I’m going to a place called The Silver Sixpence in North Yorkshire
    There are plus size boutiques out there and not all the prices are extortionate (this was also my worry). Plus I think you pay 50% deposit on buying and then the rest on picking up so that might help with finances?
    I’m also keeping an eye on where you can buy second hand dresses. Start with your own clothes and what you feel good in and go from there to find your style. For example I am not a fan of my arms so I’m going to go for sleeves or maybe a cape as an alternative to a veil. If you find a dress or style you love but the price is maybe out of range, second hand is a good option.
    Remember your partner loves you just the way you are and you will be the most beautiful person in the room ✨
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