I take Cerazette progestogen only pill, my doctor gives me a 6 months supply each time. Last week I called my doctors for a repeat prescription but couldn't collect it until today, H went to Lloyds to give them the prescription and the pharmacist says that there is a problem with the manufacturer and he has not received a supply for about a month. When he got home from work we decided to call our local Boots midnight pharmacy to see if they have any stock and the pharmacist was saying how he has called around every pharmacy in York since the problem arose and there is not a single pack anywhere. They have told me to hold on until the 6th when they get their next delivery and see whether there are any but otherwise they have said to go back to my doctor and get them to write a prescription for an alternative PoP. The problem is it took me months of hell going through various pills to find one which didn't exacerbate my depression and anxiety. I can wait until the 6th but I only have 10 pills remaining in my sheet and I'm worried that if they don't come back in stock in time I'm going to be stuck. I could not go through all of that hell again just because some idiot pharmaceutical company can't keep tabs on their stock levels. Has anyone else been affected by the shortage and can you tell me what you have done? Thank you.
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