Afternoon ladies!
As an old married I am usually found on the baby talk board these days but I was hoping you lovely lot could assist me with a bit of market research! My husband has recently set up as a chimney sweep and one of the services he is offering is wedding attendance.
For anyone who does know (as I didn't until a few weeks ago!), it is thought to be good luck for the bride to see a chimney sweep on her wedding day for the reasoning see here). We are just testing the water to see how much its worth pushing this side of the business so if anyone has time to answer a few questions it would be greatly appreciated! If this type of post is no longer acceptable over here (not been on this board for almost 4 years!) then just say and I'll delete!
So, my questions are:
1) Prior to this post did you know about the chimney sweep/good luck thing?
2) would you consider having a chimney sweep at your wedding (or have you already booked one!)?
3) how much would you think is a reasonable price?
Thanks ladies
L x