Just been to the church in our parish tonight to pick up our certificate to prove our banns have been read there, only to find out that they haven't read them. They filied the paperwork under December to do, not November. So, with 2 Sundays left until the wedding there's not enough time to read them. Don't need this extra stress!! ARGH! We've been told we need to get in touch with some vicar in a nearby town who will do us a surrogacy certificate?? Anyone know anything about this? So the church has given us a cheque for the difference as it's not our fault and we have yet another thing on our list to do.
Car. x
LAST UPDATE - WE HAVE OUR MARRIAGE LICENCE - YIPEEEEEEEE!!!!!! We can now go ahead with our wedding in less than 3 days time. Talk about cutting it close. We are so relieved and so are all our family and friends.
Car. x