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Beginner May 2007

Cleaning bathrooms - dust

LittlePeanut, 21 August, 2009 at 10:36 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 23

HGMD!! (Hitched get me domesticated)

How do you deal with dust and stuff that always ends up in the bathroom? I find when I'm trying to clean I end up with little bits in the cloth / sponge that then transfer onto the areas I'm cleaning.I think it's made worse by the fact the cloth is usually damp for the cleaning.

Do you use two cloths and have a general dust down before cleaning with a wet cloth? I only clean my bathroom (I mean all surfaces like the glass shelves, not the important ones that get cleaned more) about once a week or so usually as I'm rarely in the house, so the dust does seem to accumulate quite a lot in that time (old house, cat wandering around and my long hair won't help either)

23 replies

Latest activity by Ronald, 5 February, 2025 at 19:16
  • emma numbers
    Beginner June 2008
    emma numbers ·
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    Cleaning the bathroom??? I don't understand this concept of which you speak.

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  • jerseymonkey
    jerseymonkey ·
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    Not a problem I've experienced, and I clean mine less frequently so dust is probably worse! What type of cloths do you use? I use those felt type ones - I find J cloths can be bad for spreading stuff around.

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  • SaimaA
    SaimaA ·
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    I used to have the same problem and now dust the surfaces first with Pledge dust wipes and then clean the surfaces, makes it so much easier.

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    I use microfibre cloths. I find I spread wet dust balls around (sounds more gross than it is - the bathroom looks fine when I finish but I'm wondering if I'm missing an obvious step)

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
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    Great! thanks for that advice. I like pledge dust wipes (I get less of a flare up of sneezing / itchy eyes) and need some more, so I'll give this a go.

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    OMG, I'm SO not domesticate (please pardon the americanism)

    I've just found this...

    Disinfect toothbrushes weekly? Wash make up brushes weekly? My bathroom is lucky to get aforementioned extended surface clean weekly!

    Do people really live like this (no offence to anyone who does, btw. I'd be impressed. It's just not something I could see myself ever doing, even if I didn't work)

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  • Ms. Scarlett
    Beginner April 2007
    Ms. Scarlett ·
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    That is a bizarre list - without wanting to open up a can of worms, it's ridiculous to change hand towels on a daily basis when you've used them a handful of times to dry hands/face. However, I'd normally cleam the loo more than once a week (well, my cleaning lady does it once a week and we do it another one or two times as needed). Washing make-up brushes once a week? Bonkers. Also, I have never, ever soaked my shower head in vinegar.

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  • C
    Beginner June 2009
    claireac ·
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    That is one hell of a list! If you did all that the rest of the house would be a tip ?

    OP - I have the same problem as you, and I give all the surfaces a quick going over with the brush hoover attachment.

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  • Moose in the Garage
    Beginner May 2005
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    Where did you find that list? Is there one for every room in the house? Not that I am super-housewife or anything, just the opposite - I am the most disorganised, untidy creature but a list might help create a little order out of the chaos that is my house.

    By the way, as regards the dust in the bathroom problem, I brush everything off with a soft dustpan brush first, then wipe with a wet cloth and that seems to work. I find it especially helpful on pipes etc.

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  • Weather Girl
    Beginner October 2009
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    Ooooh I'm quite proud of myself! I actually do some of this stuff!

    I spray the shower tiles, etc with cleaner to stop limescale after having a shower and I keep bathroom wipes in the so that I can have a quick clean up if I spot dirt.

    On a weekly basis I change the towels, face cloths and bath mat, clean the sink, bath and the floor. I find that the floor just gets covered in hairs so I probably hoover a couple of times a week and then wash the floor once a week.

    I also like to have the window open as much as possible as I like fresh air in bathrooms!

    I do find it difficult to keep behind all the pipes clean though - can't seem to get rid of the dust. Anyone got any tips?

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  • emma numbers
    Beginner June 2008
    emma numbers ·
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    [insert skank icon] I clean the loos every fortnight though if we are expecting visitors I do them the day before they come. The rest of it gets cleaned/wiped over every 3-4 weeks with an industrial type clean every 6 months. I don't clean the toothbrushes (they get chucked every few months), the towels get changed every week or so and I hardly ever bother cleaning the shower curtain.

    Our bathroom is crap so I really don't care about it. We're going to have a new one done soon so I'm not really bothering too much with it now.

    [Sits back and waits to see if this is a new towel thread.]

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    To stop the dust balls spreading, just make sure you rinse and wring your cloth every few wipes.

    That list is immense. I'd say we only do 70% of it, and that's with my OCD OH taking charge of bathroom cleaning!

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    [joins emma on the skank bench]

    I'm about the same except I clean my towels less than that ?. I will clean the toilet the day of any visitors coming for however long - even a short visit - and clean the whole bathroom (and rest of house) if I have someone stopping over. Luckily it doesn't happen all that often ?

    I don't hoover weekly either. I do try to keep the public areas - living room and kitchen - at least tidy so that cleaning is very quick when it happens. Sometimes I fail but I try.

    [awaits flaming by people who wash towels after every use]

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  • Bridget Gump
    Bridget Gump ·
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    I don't really use clothes in the bathroom, just lots of kitchen roll as it's easier for me. Never really noticed a dust problem, only behind the door occasionally.

    I have one cloth which is deignated for the toilet area but tend to use kitchen roll on most of it anyway. I have one scrubbing sponge which is used for the bath when needed.

    The whole bathroom gets done once a fortnight, or when we have guests. Toilet done every 5 days or so. I'm quite good and use vinegar on all the chrome/taps, keep the shower screen clear etc. but the bathroom's still fairly new, I'm sure that'ss change in time.

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    Thanks everyone. A general consensus of doing something to remove the dust first, it seems. That's great, I'll give that a go.

    I can't see who asked for it, but the website is here - I read it thinking 'I must do some of that' but will undoubtedly go off the idea shortly ?.

    I don't do much on the list at all. Or rather, not on a regular basis. We don't really have hand towels, for a start: there's no where to put them and most of the time it's just H and I so we use whatever towel is there. I must admit I wash my towels a fair bit, BUT only because a) H does a v dusty job and tends to not quite manage to shower it all off before using the towels (grrr) and b) he tends to leave them in a heap on the floor so they go musty (double grrr). I clean the toilets when I'm cleaning the bathroom (which is, erm, dependent on mood) or when they need doing. Or when friends are doing. I do try to keep on top of dust on main surfaces but I don't do deep enough clean to get rid of it from, e.g. under the cabinet.

    Talking of which, I need to go and tackle the bedroom as I noticed a dusty bunny big enough to carry me away peeping out from under the bed this morning ?

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  • M
    Beginner October 2005
    misseatalot ·
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    Completely agree with Emma numbers on this one, even down to the fact that I'm waiting on a new bathroom too.

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  • WelshTotty
    Beginner December 2014
    WelshTotty ·
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    Towels get changed once a week

    Everything gets wiped down with a babywipe once a week

    Toilets get Domestos-ed and scrubbed twice a week

    Showers get washed down after every use (dont really get much limescale in my area so no need for chemicals to clean the showers)

    Shower heads get soaked in lemon juice twice a year to get rid of small deposits of limescale

    Erm..... thats it.

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  • Moose in the Garage
    Beginner May 2005
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    Thanks for the link LP - some of it is quite useful but I couldn't help but think of Hitched when I read this bit re the uses of your bedroom:

    Our bedroom is our romantic retreat where we re-connect with each other, deepen our relationship, and enjoy sacred and satisfying sex often.

    Is that the same as "tender loving sex" or whatever the phrase is? ?

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    I didn't read that bit. ?

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    LP, you might find this more helpful than the site you've linked - frankly some of the stuff on that list is a bit nuts. Flylady is more about doing what you can and making the best of the cleaning in the time available. I haven't kept it up tbh but I've kept the 15 minute idea when I have crisis cleaning to do.

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    Thanks SC - I did look at flylady a while ago and thought it might work. Then my little time at home turned into no time at home and I forgot about it.

    I'll have a peruse (which is infinitatly better than actually doing it, isn't it?)

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  • B
    Beginner January 2023 East Central London
    Bella ·
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    Hey! To clean your bathroom you can try to spray a disinfectant bathroom cleaner, like Clorox or Lysol, all around the bathroom sink and wipe with a cloth or sponge.

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  • Ronald
    Curious July 2014 New Jersey
    Ronald ·
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    Cleaning bathrooms is one of the most important tasks when it comes to maintaining a clean and hygienic home. A spotless bathroom not only looks great but also creates a healthier environment. If you're in Glenside, PA, and need help with keeping your bathroom sparkling, Polar Express Clean offers professional house cleaning services that ensure every corner of your bathroom is spotless and sanitized. From scrubbing tiles to disinfecting surfaces, we handle it all so you can enjoy a fresh, clean space every day. Let us take care of the cleaning, while you focus on the things that matter!

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