Good Afternoon ladies,
I really hope you can help me out with some inspiration. Our venue will only allow us to have real petal confetti - so I have bought some dried petal confetti from ebay as I am not certain that people will bring it and we want a 'confetti' photo.
The plan is for the 2 BMs to have the confetti in some sort of contatiners and dish it out to the guests after the service while we set the photo up. Where I am stuck is what to put it in that will fit with the feel of the day.
The theme is vintage glamour, and its quite elegant I guess - the boys are in evening wear, BMs in what is essentially cocktail wear inspired by the 1940's styles, in dark purple, with the colopurs throughout being essentially monochrome of purples and ivory accented by pearls.
The table centres and venue decoration are flowers in cut glass vintage (style) bowls.
My first thought wasbaskets - but this is a little english country garden for the rest of the theme I think.
Then I thought I could use some of the extra glass bowls I'm not using for table centres, but we will be outsde and the ground is a little uneven and I think holding glass bowls might be asking for trouble....
Other elements of the day are a little hint to a pirate theme - with wooden pirate treasure chests as favour boxes, and larger chests as a post box and one for a 'guest book' where people will write messages on cards and put them in the chest.
We are also quite geeky, but OH doesn't want that being too obvious...
So, Iam quite stuck for something thats easy to carry and fits the theme... any ideas ladies?
DM xx