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Rockstar June 2024 Essex

Confused about hair and make up bookings/trials

Mrsjones2024, 20 of January of 2016 at 18:26 Posted on Planning 0 12

Hi ladies,

So, as the title suggests, I am a bit confused about booking someone for my hair and make up.

I am getting married in July 2017 so I have a way to go. I read a post on here about a lady who left it to six months before and then couldn't get a MUA so I would like to get one sorted as soon as possible.

I have found a couple that I am interested in. I contacted one lady who is free on my date. I would like to book a trial with her and then, as she is really reasonably priced, book in with her if I like her.

All of the MUA and hairdressers' pages I have seen so far all suggest having a trail 8-10 weeks before your wedding but surely that is leaving it very late?! You're obviously not going to book someone without having a trial but if you leave it that late, surely they will be booked up?!

I have no idea how I want my hair or make up done yet as I haven't started looking at dresses yet (have my first appointment for dress shopping on 30th April eek) but I am worried that if I leave it too late, they will all be fully booked!!!

I am considering having a make up trial with the girl that I have already spoken with in April for my birthday so that I can see how the make up looks/lasts/photographs and it will be nice to have it done for a special occasion. To me, I think you can tell how good make up is even without having it exactly how you would like it for your wedding day so that is fine but I think that hair is completely different!

Also, do you think it is a good idea to book a separate MUA and hairdresser? I have four bridesmaids and my mum who all want both doing so I thought it would be quicker to get separate ones. Or do they bring assistants?!

Also, if any of you are based in Essex then it would be great to know who you have used or are using.

Gaaah I have no idea what to do! What are you all doing? X

12 replies

Latest activity by Mrsjones2024, 21 of January of 2016 at 18:21
  • F
    Beginner October 2016
    Flutterberg ·
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    Hey, I was wondering about all this too. I have eczema on my face and am prone to reacting to different make up. I want a MUA for my wedding, I don't want to have to try and do it myself, but looking at various MUA websites they all only seem to do trials once you've booked your day with them...I don't want to book until I know if I'll get on with their products and like what they do, but how do you know that until you have a trial?! It's all very confusing! x

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  • E
    Beginner May 2017
    Ellensmummy ·
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    Hey, So we're getting married in May 2017 so hopefully will be helpful. I've just started sorting out mine this week. I've booked a make-up artist and pre-booked the hair stylist. Both are coming out to the house where we are getting ready. I based all my thoughts on previous work and examples they had alongside reviews. My MUA said she wouldn't ever do hair too as she feels is too much of a rush to get it all done for all the bridal party. I've decided to have our trials done next year maybe March time so have a good idea of what I would like by then as wedding will be all organised etc. This will be the same for my Mum and matron of honour. I've been emailing my hair stylist and she said it's common for just the bride to have a trial and then bridesmaids/MoB just on the day. This can also save a few £! She's suggested we meet for a coffee to have a chat about any thoughts and ideas. The date is provisionally booked but once we've had a chat I'll pay the deposit. The reason for leaving it so late for trial is because at 8 weeks max your hair will pretty much be the same length and possibly colour as it will be on the big day. I would send lots of emails/enquiries and get a good gage of the person who'll be helping you. Good luck! Xx

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  • E
    ExpensiveBrownDiamonds1257 ·
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    I am getting married on September 24, 2016. I started looking for hair and makeup artists around the beginning of December and only found one who is available yesterday. Our situation was a little trickier though because the venue is in a rural area and none of the local salons would provide on-location services. So I ended up having to expand my search area a lot. I think it really depends on what you want. I have a hard time keeping makeup on my face even with primer, so I really wanted someone who specialized in makeup application, rather than a hairstylist at a salon that does occasional makeup applications on the side. Because everything in my area booked up so quickly there is no way I could wait to have a trial before securing my booking. I am planning my wedding from a distance as well so I can't do a trial right now. I spent a lot of time researching, looking at photos, and reading client testimonials so my trial will really only be for working out my look, not for testing the competency of the stylists. I suppose if they turned out to be terrible I could always look around for anyone who had last minute cancellations, but I obviously would be stuck with them if I couldn't find an alternative. I think if you really want to test them out you're better off doing a few early trials now and booking the best one. Then when it gets closer to the wedding you might want to do another one to work out your bridal look. It is probably easier if you do it within close proximity to your date because your hair/skin is likely to be in a similar condition on your wedding day. I am having separate hair and makeup artists because (although all from the same agency) because I wanted specialists in each area. They will probably be able to tell you how long it will take to do each person and then can let you know if you simply need to book more time or need to book an asst (if they have one) or a second stylist.

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  • rach_217
    Beginner June 2016
    rach_217 ·
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    I'm similar to EllensMum and have a separate hair stylist (my cousin actually) and then I booked my make up artist based on their style using their website and I had quite a long telephone consultation with her before I booked and paid a deposit. My cousin is my hairdresser and styles my hair for most events/weddings I go to anyway and she knows what I like although we are having an "official" trial in March or April! My make my trial is beginning of April for my wedding in June. Xxx

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  • KinkyBride
    Beginner March 2016
    KinkyBride ·
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    I booked my MUA based on her portfolio and (in my eyes) the trial is more about trying the style/colours you want for your day rather than trailing the artist, if that makes sense?

    Im having a separate hairdresser as I don't trust anyone with my hair easily and the hairdresser I've used for the last 11 years is leaving her salon for a few hours to come and do my hair!

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  • E
    Beginner September 2016
    ExpensiveIvoryDiamonds473 ·
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    I'm just slapping it on myself! My hair will be done on the day, but hadn't even considered a MUA!

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  • Aimee Hicks (Makeup HIB)
    Aimee Hicks (Makeup HIB) ·
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    Hi, Look at the portfolios to see if you like the MUA and hairdressers work. Also you will get a feel of the person by email or having a chat on the phone. I would recommend having a separate hairdresser and MUA. I work alone and just do makeup, to do 6 peoples makeup would take at least 3 hours. So to do hair as well on top of that would just take too long and be stressful on the morning of your wedding. I suggest a trial 6-8 weeks before the wedding as by then you know your dress, colours, flowers etc. But always say if you want a trial earlier that's not a problem. Your idea of having your makeup done for your birthday is a good one. That way you can see if you like the MUA and her work and test the makeup out but not waste your money. You can then have a trial nearer the time or just have it done on your wedding day, whatever you feel comfortable doing. You could do the same for your hair. If you have a style done for your birthday you will get a feel of how good the hairdresser is, how well curls stay in or how well it's put up. See how you get on with the hairdresser and how they interpret what you want. Aimee x

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  • Justkeepswimming
    Beginner July 2016
    Justkeepswimming ·
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    Ok massively panicking after reading this thread as I am getting married in July this year and haven't booked my MUA or hairdresser yet!! I'm hoping as I'm a weekday wedding they won't all be booked up....*goes off to send some emails*....

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  • L
    Beginner August 2016
    lavenderblue ·
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    I'm the same Justkeepswimming although I get married at the beginning of August, but it's a weekday too. Although I have contacted one salon who have hair stylists and make up artists , haven't actually booked yet, I'm thinking of contacting some more to get some more quotes. I take it like with other suppliers e.g photographer with the hairdresser and mua it's normal to expect a written contract before you pay?

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  • E
    Beginner May 2016
    ExpensivePinkCars201 ·
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    I booked my hair/MUA around 14 months in advance. As others have said, look at portfolios and testimonials to get an idea of what they are like. I've booked mine separately even though my hairdresser does makeup 1) because I want someone who specialises in makeup and 2) with 5 women to get ready for a 12pm wedding, I didn't want to have to get up at 4am to get started! As it is, my hairdresser is arriving at 7:30! I booked quite far in advance as hair and makeup are very important to me on the day and I didn't want to miss out, especially as my MUA's work was featured on the cover of a bridal magazine. In fact, if you have a local bridal magazine and like the look of the hair/makeup then look inside as they should credit all of the suppliers used for the shoot.

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  • Karen84
    Beginner July 2016
    Karen84 ·
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    Oh sorry, I have just replied on your other post. Didn't realise it was a duplicate!

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  • P
    Beginner March 2016
    PurpleRain88 ·
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    I'm getting married in March this year, I didn't sort out my hair and makeup artist until November, having my trial 7 weeks before the wedding. I'm pretty remote (Somerset) so I didn't have a whole lot of choice...but the woman I've gone with has really good testimonials so the only way I can see myself panicking and finding another person is if it all goes horribly wrong!

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  • Mrsjones2024
    Rockstar June 2024 Essex
    Mrsjones2024 ·
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    Hi ladies, thanks for all of your replies. It does make sense now that I think about it to book the make up artist and hairdresser based on their pictures etc then have a trial nearer the time. It is risky though eek! I have decided to book a trial of sorts with the girl that I have already spoken with to do my make up for my birthday. She only charges £30 for a trial so I figure it will be worth it. I am mainly concerned about the base make up as I like a lot of coverage and am fussy about this so this will help me decide if I would like to use her. I noticed that she also has a hairdressing friend who is just starting out and only charges £35 for bridal hair so I have asked to book in with her at the same time to do my hair. I don't mind paying for another trial nearer the time with them as they are so reasonable. It is tricky though as the trials are usually so expensive so you don't want to have more than one! Thanks for your reply on the other thread Karen, I don't know why it duplicated! X

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