Hi all! We're having a church ceremony and last week met with the vicar. I'm so ridiculously excited about planning the ceremony, getting the readings and the songs just right. It's funny that so far the planning has all been about food and outfits, but now we're planning the ceremony itself and it's so much more exciting!
I've been through the service a few times and every time I end up crying my eyes out! Just the enormity of it all, coupled with the fact that I love my H2B overwhelmingly and I'm so excited and happy to be making all those commitments to him. If I'm crying every time I read it in my head on paper, how will I be on the day?! Obviously I'm really happy and want it to be properly joyous, not me bawling throughout.
How do you stop yourself being a big blubbing wreck?
Or am I just being all emotional because H2B is having to work away a lot and so I miss him as well?
EDIT: Another question - when you walk out of the church with your husband, where do you wait for all the guests to come out?!