Right, not long ago I bought some curtains for our lounge. In our lounge we have a wide set of patio doors and one smaller part glass door. The curtains I bought were over £100 which to me is a lot of money for curtains although I know that is probably the cheap end of the scale.
Anyway, I don't like them, they are just boring plain neutral colour. I've just ordered some more which I love for the patio doors - they were £110. In order to create the right effect I really need to cover the smaller door as well (on the same wall) but as before, I have to order a whole pair of curtains and I will only need to use one of them so one will go to waste. The extra set will be £90.
So £200 to me is a lot for curtains BUT it's not an average window size is it? That's for an extra wide, full length patio door and it basically covers the whole back wall of our house. So £200 is cheap really isn't it? Isn't it? One friend of mine spent over £1000 on curtains (but she's very rich!)
What would you spend/have you spent on curtains?