So for a bit of backstory… I have a Dad and a Stepdad. My Dad has never really been close with me, as a child I’d see him every 2 weeks. Now as an adult I see him maybe 3/4 times a year, despite him living 10 mins away and going to football matches a 2 minute drive from my house twice a week. My stepdad has been in my life since I was 4, has always been close with me and means a lot to me.
So our wedding is coming up and I’d asked my dad to walk me down the aisle, which he accepted. He’s not been very involved in our wedding planning but that’s not unusual for him.
Last week I decided that I also wanted my stepdad to walk me down the aisle, one either side. I asked my stepdad and he said he would be honoured to. I then made the hard call to tell my dad…
This is where it all went wrong. My dad flipped out and started bringing up the past with my mum and him, saying my stepdad was the reason they broke up etc etc - none of my business and nothing to do with my wedding but I can see why he would be upset. I said I would still love them both to be there and walk me down the aisle as my stepdad is a big part of my life.
My Dad has now said he will not be attending my wedding if my stepdad is walking me down the aisle as well. I don’t want to go back on my word and agree to just him doing it as my stepdad does much more for me than him, but feel really upset that he’s making me make this decision and that he’s not putting his feelings aside for one day for me.
Am I in the wrong/right? What would you do here?!
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