I've not been on here for a while, so forgive me for coming online tonight feeling somewhat sorry for myself! I am just so so down and unable to sleep, and unfortunately alone tonight. I've been through a very painful but relatively quick divorce - and it's finally all over tomorrow. We seperated 7 months ago, and divorce proceedings moved quite quickly as my husband was quite adamant that was the only course for us. He had reached the end of his tether with the arguments and practically threw me out of our home, although no-one was unfaithful. He has acted like a total sod since our seperation, but since we've sorted out all the financials etc, he has shown a lot more humanity towards me and I now see the man I fell in love with, which makes it really hard now because I am having to let go, but am still in love with him. When we seperated, my husband didn 't want to talk to me or see me - he preferred to do a total break so we only communicated about the divorce proceedings, and there was very little emotion coming from him - something I found very hard to deal with. I wanted an outpouring of grief from him, so we could get over it together somehow, but he seemed to shut me off and shut down emotionally. We got our decree nisi 6 weeks ago, and since then, we have met up once a couple of weeks ago for a drink (which was tremendously emotional) and now tonight he texted me and suggested going for an 'end of marriage drink'. I knew it wasn't a great idea, but I wanted to see him, so I went. He came back to my flat afterwards and we hugged and I cried a lot, and then he went home. The problem is I am still in love with him and never wanted this divorce at all. He has been much more black and white about it, and has been much stronger. I just feel like I am falling apart. I've just spent the last 2 hours reading all the emails he sent me before we got married (which were very romantic and loving) and looking at our wedding photos. A totally stupid thing to do, but i just couldn't help myself. Of course I've worked myself up into a stupid mess with uncontrollable sobbing. We were only married for a couple of years and split because we just kept disagreeing on things and the bickering all got too much. My husband was quite inflexible and stubborn and I know there were times when I was really unhappy. But the sense of loss and grief of the potential we have lost and also the fact we were so in love to begin with and now it has come to this, is just so devasasting. I just don't know how to put one foot in front of the other anymore, my grief is just so huge. I am sure I'm not the only one who has gone through this, but right now it feels like no-one on earth has ever felt this level of pain! Thank you for listening and for helping me to work out my feelings, so that I can hopefully get some sleep tonight.