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Disheartened by dress shopping, very upset

5 June, 2011 at 15:34 Posted on Planning 0 46

Sorry for the massive ramble I am no doubt going to go into, but I went to a bridal designer sale yesterday, had a horrible experience and am really upset and disheartened with dress shopping now.

I'm 5 foot 8 and a size 12-14. Apparently, in the weird, warped world of bridal, this makes me some kind of elephant. I am sick of tiny samples and stingy sizes and I don't want to look for dresses any more and I'm just really upset. (Sidenote before anyone suggests this after reading the rest of the post - I flat out refuse to buy a dress that's too small and have it made bigger, especially if it needs a panel.)

To start with I wanted a vintage dress but a couple of shops took my details/measurements and said they'd let me know if they had anything - one was just if anything came in, one was actively going to look around and source a dress for me - and both basically said they wouldn't have anything for me as vintage dresses tend to be tiny (even if they're not all like that I'm just discouraged now). Then I tried on a dress I'd fallen in love with and Googled every day for a month at Stephanie Allin, only to find it didn't suit at all and wasn't all that in the flesh (but hey, at least it fit...) Ellie Sanderson Bridal in Oxford had told me they had a sample I could buy, so I was gutted to find it wasn't the one. They said they had lots more samples but they are all a small 12 and I would need to add a panel - no thanks.

Yesterday I went to a bridal designer sale with one of my BMs and it was awful. Basically, they measured me, looked on their chart and said I'd be a 14. You could pick five dresses to try, we spent ages looking through rows and rows and rows of dresses and found some really gorgeous ones to try. Turned out there weren't any curtains so you were there with whoever you brought - mum, BMs, whatever - and the staff, and could see the other brides and their people and they could see you, so I felt a bit weird, but kind of enjoyed having two people help me into the first dress. And then it wouldn't do up. And then it transpired that their chart was a load of BS and apparently I was actually a 16 and none of the dresses I had would fit. They said I could choose some more and go right to the front of the queue and come in again. I said to my BM that we might as well try those ones anyway just to see if they suited, but I was really bothered by one of the staff just standing there, and I said to her look can you just leave me and my BM to try these please and she said no, and I said why not, she said it was her job (apparently they have to stay with you so you don't injure yourself or something) and I said okay but can you please just turn your back for a minute or something and she wouldn't, I was feeling really upset and self-conscious by this point. When we went back to look at the 16s, there were hardly any, only a couple of rails, so not only did some frigging idiot decide, hey, let's make bridal sizes stingy, brides will love the way that makes them feel, I now had hardly anything to choose from. We couldn't find five to try, we ended up with four. They finally started to twig that I was feeling upset and self-conscious, so they arranged for me to go and try them in the room they were using to measure people, except the same sodding woman came with us, I didn't like her, she was just starey and annoying and I don't know why they couldn't have found someone else given I kept saying very loudly to my BM that she was making me uncomfortable and I wished they would leave me alone... then she kept saying about how the dresses I were trying would pull my waist in (I thought there was nothing wrong with my waist, now I am seriously questioning this) and then I said I didn't like anything they had and she said maybe I should have a consultation if I didn't know what I wanted. I told her I did know what I wanted, just there were hardly any 16s to try and I was never going to find a dress there. Then they suggested I look at separates - corsets and skirts - and I just went no way, I am not doing that, it needs to be a dress or it is just going to make me feel awful.

So basically I felt awful but put on a brave face for my BM because she had spent hours waiting with me, helping me try stuff on, etc. After she went to get her train home, I phoned my mum in tears. It was just a completely crushing experience, it wasn't fun, I didn't feel like a bride, it was horrible. Some of the people in the queue told me they'd had bad experiences in bridal shops e.g. felt bullied, been told off for not having the right underwear, and now I'm starting to feel I don't want to go dress shopping at all, and I resent the fact that apparently all the cheaper options like vintage, samples etc are not open to me and I have no choice but to spend loads of money on a made to measure dress (I realise I'm lucky that I have the money and can do this). I thought dress shopping would be fun, I don't feel like I want to go again, I actually felt like calling off the wedding as I feel like I am never going to find a nice dress, I know how bridezilla that sounds but I just felt like s**t. My mum was great, when I told her I was upset as everyone else seemed to be leaving the sale with a dress, she said "Yes but for all you know they all looked awful!!" which made me laugh, and I texted another of my BMs who pointed out that I get the best husband, bless her, but I just didn't know I would end up feeling like this, I thought when you were a bride you were meant to feel excited and pampered and beautiful, maybe that was just stupid and naive. My mum asked if people still get dresses made from scratch but I don't want to come up with my own design as I think you don't know if something suits you until you wear it and so that could work out really badly.

My mum is making an appointment at Ellie Sanderson in Oxford and telling them what's happened and that I'm quite upset/feeling over-sensitive now and can they not make a big deal out of the fact that their samples probably won't do up. Honestly though, I can't be the first person to end up feeling like this, all the bridal magazines peddle this c**p about how fun it is looking for your dress, well it's not.

Okay, sorry, I will stop rambling now. I just didn't expect to feel like this over something so important and special, I feel like it's all been spoiled now, I know how stupid that sounds. I just wish someone had warned me. My BM said the same - she freaked out when she bought her dress as nobody warned her the sizes were stingy and she ended up feeling rubbish. What stupid idiot decided making brides feel rubbish was a good idea?? I can't even look at the dress threads on here now, they just make me want to cry.

46 replies

Latest activity by judeclarke, 17 June, 2011 at 08:31
  • Blonde Viki
    Beginner July 2012
    Blonde Viki ·
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    Oh Anniepie Smiley sad I don't know if I can say much to make you feel better, because I agree with you - dress sizing for women, particularly with wedding dresses is a minefield. I was every size under the sun during my search and I too had plenty of occasions where they couldn't do the back up because they only had a sample in a 8-10. It does make you feel rubbish and you don't get a great idea what the dress will look like on you fitted properly, so I feel your frustration. I didn't like coming out in front of people with a dress on that didn't fit right either and instead of enjoying the experience, found myself apologising to my friends that I looked rubbish.

    The assistants sound like they weren't helping you much either, I don't see why the lady couldn't have made herself less intrusive. You shouldn't feel bad about her lack of tact though.

    I think your mum has done the right thing in booking you in for a more personal experience and if the shop staff know you need a bit of TLC during your appointment, hopefully they will make your next experience much more lovely!

    There is a dress out there for you and I hope you have more fun in your next attempts to find it!


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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    It's well known that wedding dress sizes bear even less resemblance to their "normal" size equivalent, even more so than between different shops.

    Whilst it's unfair that the more average sized person can't find things in some bridal shops because they only cater to a very limited size range, it sounds to me very much like a bad experience due to a bad shop more than anthing else.

    Whereabouts in the country are you? There are plenty of shops around that specialise in the more normal bride (bearing in mind the average uk female is a size 16 to start with) inccluding those that go up to a size 32.

    Lots of people have trouble finding "the one" but more often than not it's the attitude of the staff in the shop that make the difference than anything else.

    Buying your wedding dress *is* a very special experience (and this is coming from a guy...) and you're entitled to have it feel wonderful. Don't let a bad shop put you off trying somewhere else.

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  • Vanilla Pod
    Beginner September 2011
    Vanilla Pod ·
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    Oh Annie it sounds awful but try not to be too disheartened. I promise that not all of your shopping experiences will be like this! Most places really do make a fuss of you and make you feel like a proper bride! I dont even know what size my dress is! I'm a size 12 but as you say I knew the wedding dresses come up small so when the shop sample fitted me perfectly, she just said I will order it in this size, my mum asked what size it was and the lady answered "the brides perfect size" So for all I know it could be a size 20!! Which if I actually knew it would make me feel awful but I dont... Anyway just letting you know that not all dress ladies are horrible!!

    Good luck for next time!! I'm sure you will find your dress and feel lovely in it!

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  • C
    carolineT ·
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    I'm sorry to hear you had such a horrible experience, but please please do go to ellie sanderson in oxford - they are absolutely lovely people, and nicola couldn't have been more helpful to me when i went there - I didn't have a clue what I wanted and they were really patient and kind in helping me try on so many dresses. Trust me, if you visit them you will leave feeling like the beautiful bride i'm sure you are. xx

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  • lovelygirl
    Beginner August 2011
    lovelygirl ·
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    I am not a keen dress shopper.... it was not something i was looking forward to.... I hate being watched and what you have described would be my worst nightmare! I am also a 12-14 and I have bought a size 14 can't say I am impressed with the sizing of bridal dresses but I think they say it is inline with "true" and not "modern" sizing....

    The best thing I ever did was go to a charity shop with a bridal section and essentially played dress up in their dresses and left a few pounds in the donations box for the pleasure. It gave me a clear idea of what i was looking for and what suited with no pressure and no people hanging around watching me.

    It meant when I went to a sample sale shop I knew exactly what i was looking for and it made it a much quicker and sweeter process for me. I am not suggesting that you will find your dream dress in a charity shop but it could help you find the fun it again - we were singing disney tunes at one point!

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  • knitting_vixen
    Beginner September 2011
    knitting_vixen ·
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    Sorry to hear this, sounds awful.

    I think this may have already been suggested to you but have you tried Fur Coat, No Knickers? Vintage and they can cater for any size.

    Or perhaps getting someone to make a dress for you from scratch? Usually this works out much cheaper than a designer gown, you can show the seamstress what sort of things you like and she can taylor make something for you.

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    You WILL find better places, I promise! I am slightly bigger than you in all dimensions (5'9 and 14/16) and have only found one shop which made me feel really bad about myself. Most of the rest were lovely and focus on emphasising your good points - for me I have a relatively small waist so dresses that have a pulled-in waist enhance that and are a good thing - maybe that's what she was trying to say to you?

    Yes, the samples will usually come up slightly small (most of them are 12s so they can fit the best range of women into them), but if you go for ones which have a lace-up back you can still get a good idea of what the shape of the dress will be on you. Zips are a lot less forgiving.

    I really hope that your next experience will be better!

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  • Peachblossom
    Beginner March 2012
    Peachblossom ·
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    I agree too. There's no standard for sizing, I had my mum and the assisstant trying to yank a size 12 up over my massive hips which made me feel huge, then the next dress was a 12 and she had to pinch it in at the back cos it was so baggy. Sounds like you've had an awful experience but don't let it dishearten you. There are loads of lovely dresses and lovely shops around. You are giving them a massive amount of money for your dress and the service should be part of that. They should make you feel like a princess. I know it's hard but try and put the experiece out of your mind and start afresh. Having an appointment at a store will be a lot different from a sample sale, take your mum with you and if they start to make you feel uncomfortable or upset just leave. Hope you feel better soon xx

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  • A
    Beginner August 2013
    annie2000 ·
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    I'm really sorry that you have had a horrible experience. We went to several of our local bridal shops last week looking for bridesmaid dresses, and I found that a lot of them had this bad attitude, very quick to comment and obviously dont know how to do so with any kind of positivity.

    We did have a lovely lady in one shop who was happy to let my bm's try on as many dresses as they liked, and even to let me try on wedding dresses, knowing that I was just being nosy as I had already picked my dress and she didnt stock the designer so I couldnt buy it from her.

    When I first tried on my dress a couple of weeks ago it was a size 12 and too small, wouldn't do up at the back properly, but i just keep telling myself that wedding dress designers don't think as normal people do when it comes to sizes!

    So please dont let this one place put you off the great feeling that you will find when you do finally find "the dress" for you. I am also a everyday size 12=14 and will have to have a size 16 in my wedding dress, simply because they do come up so small. A lot of the designers I have looked at have their dresses go up to size 28 -32ish, so even though they may not have samples in the shop of the right size they can order your chosen dress in the right size. Some shops will also order in a sample of the correct size (the ones i have seen charge about £30 to order it in) but then will deduct that from the cost of any dress you buy.

    I hope you have a better time at the appointment your mum has made, and find your perfect dress Smiley smile

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  • MrsRedman11611
    Beginner July 2011
    MrsRedman11611 ·
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    Aww huny i know EXACTLY how u feel i am what they call "curvy" i am usually a size 16-18 and had to purchase my dress in a size 22!! I was mortified but at the end of the day you dont walk down the aisle with the size tag showing! And even if it did its your familt, friends and the man who loves you for who u are waiting for you!

    If you love the dress you choose it wont matter what size it is, And the best bridal shops willl not make u feel like an elephant! xxx

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    It sounds to me more like bad service than the wrong sizes in dresses? I certainly wouldnt spend any money anywhere that woldnt let you try a dress on without supervision! What do they think you are going to do? Leg it?!!!

    When I tried dresses on there was nothing in my size that I liked. I tried on all sorts of dresses in sizes from 8 [wouldnt do up] to 18 [needed clips and sponges to make it fit] I dotn know if maybe you thought it was going to be like a normal shop where theres every size in every style but you can try on whatever they have to give you an idea? Its unrealistic to expect a dress shop to stock every size in every style- someones always going to get dissapointed.

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  • judeclarke
    Beginner October 2011
    judeclarke ·
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    Annie I feel your frustration every time I go dress shopping, not just with wedding dresses. I'm 5'3" and 18-20, so everything I try on is way too long because they expect larger ladies to be tall as well.

    Don't be disheartened, there is a perfect dress out there for you somewhere. You just have to find it. And there are many bridal shops who will give much better service than you had at the sale.

    Keep looking, you'll find what you want, get the servcice you deserve, and look gorgeous in your dress on your wedding day.

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  • Rizzo
    Beginner July 2011
    Rizzo ·
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    Tbh, I would want to assist people with trying on their dresses - I nearly fell over when I tried mine on as it was really long and I could have quite easily ripped it when I did.

    I'm a size 14 and I tried on a size 20 in the shop and then ordered an 18 and I don't feel like an elephant...

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  • Rizzo
    Beginner July 2011
    Rizzo ·
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    We're both Ellis brides as well aren't we?

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    It sounds like you had a bad shop experience... I can't really comment too much on the shop experience as I found mine at a wedding fair and it was an end of line sample so I never did the whole shop thing. My dress is labelled as a size 10 yet I am a *smudgy* 12 (love that word!).

    From reading other people's experiences though unfortunately with bridal shops you do tend to have to use your imagination as their samples are very random. Not all designers sizes are the same and the shops simply cannot afford (in money and space) to stock all the dresses in all the sizes. You need to forget the actual number as it is not alligned to the rest of your wardrobe.

    As for the shop assistant staying with you, this makes perfect sense to me. Bridal dresses are not the same as normal dresses, they frequently take 2-3 people to help you get into the them and do you up. For you to try and get into the dress without someone who knew what they were doing may mean that you fell and injured yourself, damaged the dress or tried to take photos which most do not allow until you have ordered a dress.

    If you are still determined to try on a sample in the right size you may need to try other shops that stock larger sizes to get an idea of the style that you want, you can then look at the detail of others (there are only so many shapes... A-Line, Ballgown, Fishtail etc. the rest of the detail is secondary to the shape of the dress.)

    Good luck and I hope you get your dress shopping mojo back!

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  • Gurzle
    Beginner April 2013
    Gurzle ·
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    Mate, we've all been there. SOmetimes, there's so much emotion and intensity surrounding any decision to be made about a wedding that it makes everything stressful - and let's face it, a changing room is no woman's best friend, so couple that with ridiculous expectations (crying mothers, moved to tears brides to be...really?????Crying??? About a DRESS????) and you have a recipe for a meltdown and a complete crisis in confidence.

    Just forget it for a while, watch a film that has nothing to do with weddings, reread your favourite book and try and get someone to make you really belly laugh.

    Then have a roast dinner... ?

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  • kerrylou89
    Beginner August 2011
    kerrylou89 ·
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    I didnt want to read and run but i dont know what to say apart from *hugs*. I didnt have excatly the same experiance but something similar, im only 22 but was 20 when first started looking at dresses and im quite petite, so my mum suggested we go to a wedding fair to see what i could find as i really didnt know what i wanted, anyway after finding some gorgeous dress the sales assistant came over and asked if we wanted any help so i explained i loved theses dresses and could i try them on and the just more or less laughed at me and said 'really? what are about 16?'... i was soo upset i mean i know i look young but i felt so hurt and offended.. so i put the dresses down and just walked out... and it really put me off looking i felt really down and felt as if people were just laughing at me. I stopped looking for about 5months until i went with my mum and MOH and they encouraged me to try a dress on i loved... and know its the dress ill be getting married in Smiley smile

    So dont be disheartened and try and get your wedding dress shopping happiness back Smiley smile Hope it goes well xx

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  • kerrylou89
    Beginner August 2011
    kerrylou89 ·
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    i dont see why she wouldnt give you any privacy for a minute i mean come on your half naked,, its not as if your going to run away with the dress really *hugs* hope you get your want to look back. You will be a beautiful bride, i dont like to see people down Smiley sad xx

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  • MrandMrsFord
    Beginner November 2011
    MrandMrsFord ·
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    I'm with you on the sizing stuff! I am a size 12, maybe with the ocassional size 14 jeans, and mostly 10/12 tops. I'm rarely in a 14 and definately no where near a 16 and yet when they measured me up they said I could either buy a 14 and have the top taken in or a 16 and have it all taken in. Well how does that make sense? A size 10/12 buying a 14/16???

    I settled on a 14 and then will have it altered and taken in a bit at the waist which is where I am smaller as I am big boobed hahaSmiley smile

    Don't feel bad just because one shop didn't have the right dress for you, loads and loads of shops have great dresses and sizes!

    I went to The Wedding Centre in Marlow which although fairly far from oxford isn't a million miles away, and they have pretty much any dress all under one very big roof, it's like a big posh dress shop with upstairs and downstairs and then all vintage cars and hirable stuff in the courtyard. It's very fancy but the ladies are just wonderful and they have an absolutely HUGE guilded mirror the size of like 10 people for you to look in, and your own changing room and then you share the middle big with the big mirror with one other bride if there happens to be one booked in.

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  • RebeccaLou87
    Beginner October 2011
    RebeccaLou87 ·
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    Please dont be disheartened. Im a size 16/18 and my dress has been ordered in a 20! Ive lost weight since then, and at the time I felt the same as you, but after seeing some of the posts people had put on hitched I realised that everyone has pretty much had the same experience.

    So, DO NOT feel like an elephant, its just a number at the end of the day ? x

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  • NikiST
    Beginner July 2011
    NikiST ·
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    I'm so sorry you had an awful experience.

    I had a terrible experience with dress shopping as well and it really put me off. My OH had to step in and phone a few dress shops and explain that I needed a dress but I had been put off by some of the staffs attitudes in some of the shops and I was very upset, etc.

    If the assistants weren't assisting as much as they could and making you feel comfortable then they are failing at their job.

    You'll find your dress soon and once you have you'll be the happiest woman alive! Don't give up hope. xx

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  • Hollie1984
    Beginner July 2012
    Hollie1984 ·
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    Hi Anniepie

    Sorry to hear you have had such a bad experience. I am also from Oxfordshire and have just ordered my dress from Proposals in Witney. The samples dresses in there all varied in sizes from 12 - 22 which was great as im a 14-16 so could get a good idea of how they looked. I hope you find something at Ellie Sanderson but if not it may be worth having a look in Proposals, they have lovely dresses and the staff are all lovely and so helpful. ?

    Good luck!

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  • C
    claireL2bM ·
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    That sucks. But lots of good advice on here. Continuing the Witney theme, I got my dress from Blossom Bridal. Lovely girls working in there.

    Put the sample sale out of your mind and start all over again!

    Good luck and I hope you enjoy


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  • Dovercb
    Dovercb ·
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    Aww sweetheart, this just makes me want to send massive hugs.

    First off, you are not a giant or an elephant and dont let a retailer make you feel like that. I found it soo depressing when I was dress shopping for me ( smug married for 10 months) and I am a size 22 and when they attempted to put me in a size 12 you can imagine how depressing that was.

    First height issues, can I suggest as a retailer you look at Ronald Joyce, Mori Lee and Sophia Tolli dresses, as they tend to be longer than most dresses, and have lots of different looks, and something to consider is that lots of dresses come in different sizes and different lengths, I know I can order a couple of dresses in plus or minus 3 to 5 inches depending on the brand.

    Second off, if you dont like the person who is serving you , ask for a manager to assist you, or and this really speaks volumes, get dressed, and say thanks but no thanks. Dont let them make you feel stupid.

    I was at a bridal sale fayre today and had a good old mix of sizes, including a size 24, and something like 15 samples in a size 16 so we arent all bad. Dont be discouraged, take the recommendations of the girls on here , and read some reviews online and remember, YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER!

    Chin up and good luck

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  • BespokeTailor
    BespokeTailor ·
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    Annie, I am sorry to hear about your horrible experience. I can only assume that the member of staff watches you in case you damage the dress and then they know who to blame (ask to pay for it), I a may be barking up the wrong tree here but that is the only reason I can think of why a member of staff would not turn their back when asked.

    Try some more shops, there are some really lovely people out there! you just have to hunt them down some times! lol Fur Coat No Knickers is a great shop with great customer service and do offer a 'made to measure' service if required. From my experience with them they won't push that on you. My OH decided not to purchase a dress from there but that was nothing to do with the excellent service or the great dresses.

    Whether you are spending a few hundred or a few thousand pounds there is no excuse for poor service. In my own business (and the advice I offer others) every customer no matter how much they are spending is equally important.

    Good Luck finding the 'One' I am sure it is out there waiting to be tried on right now!

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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    I was trying dresses on in all sizes, regardless of whether they fitted cos when they order the dress for you its to YOUR measurements so dont panic about not seeing the 'final possibility' in all its glory, if they dont have your size. The ladies I was with made the dresses fit me with pads or modesty panels..

    the sample dress I wore was a size 12 and only fitted my size 14 bod coz of the stretching of the seams over the times its been worn again and again by other brides. and wedding dresses arent the same as high street dress sizes so dont get disheartened with a size 16 frock, its just a number afterall!

    seems to be more to do with bad service here...just keep having a nose around, travel if need be and dont give up.

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  • knitting_vixen
    Beginner September 2011
    knitting_vixen ·
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    FCNK- I have not gone there, but from what I can gather from their website (which is very good they ask you what styles you like, get you to try on a range of dresses and then in their words "customise it to your size and taste"). I would give them a call to check, but I gather from that they can cater for most.

    Re custom made- I have not had this done, but from what I can gather, you would have an appointment with a dress maker, show her the kind of things you like, she shows you fabric samples, then draws what she thinks would suit you. She would make a calico version of the dress first that you try on (called a "toile").

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  • lilrach22
    Beginner July 2012
    lilrach22 ·
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    I think the way you have been made to feel is shocking! i just wanted to say dont give up hope on your vintage dress!im a size 14 and iv found a lovely vintage dress! im having it slightly redesigned but the size wont need altering! google vintage clothes shop near you and go for a look yourself because you never know you might stumble across something that could potentialy b your dream dress!


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  • caweena
    caweena ·
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    I'm a size 14/16 and got told when they measured me that my hips are size 24 but my waist is 18 - imagine how freaky that made me feel!! lol I ended up ordering a size 20 which needed to be pulled in quite tight (corset back) the woman in the shop when I went to collect it said I should probably have ordered an 18 but there wasn't time to do alterations and it was fitting ok without so she saved me money!

    Out of interest, how many of us have been made to try on dresses putting them over their heads? every shop I went to did that even though obviously on the day I stepped into it!

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  • L
    Lynetobe ·
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    I knew from the start that they wouldn't have samples in my size. I have been bm dress shopping as a bm and they tweek the dress wtih pins and elastic so you get the kind of look.

    I suppose I am lucky in I know my body shape and know what suits me and saw a dress in a magazine that I cut out and searched for and found Justin Alexander the tea length one that is quite popular. I am a size 18/20 which I am sure in wedding dresses is even bigger. The sample I tried on was a 10/12 but the lady pinned it to my bra and looking from the front you could see it was fine. I was happy and order it for me and went back on Friday to try my dress on it was the most amazing feeling in the world to put your dress on and I have no idea what size it is and nor do I care!

    A lot of places won't allow you to take photo's and that could be another reason why the lady wouldn't allow you to be left alone. OK may be she was a bit OTT with keeping an eye on you when you were upset but unfortunately when shopping for dresses it can be a bit undignified standing in your pants! standing like your about to dive into a pool with a dress being shoved over your head.

    Maybe I am more resilient / less sensitive aobut these things or a naturist at heart as I had no worries about standing there in me undies the ladies have seen it all before and probably people a lot bigger and skinnier than me!

    Don't let a bad experience put you off dust yourself down pick yourself up and head to another shop and try and enjoy the experience.

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  • mummytofour
    Beginner June 2011
    mummytofour ·
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    Hiya hun,that does sound awful! i went into a shop she was soooo pushy & told me i needed a halter neck due to my shape??? errm no i dont! i am a size 16 & my dress is a size 20-22!! i hated the fact i only fitted that size! i had a choice of 4 dresses after looking in lots of shops!

    now i have lost 2 stone the dress has been taken in loads & i tried it on,on saturday & cried my eyes out i love it now it fits right!

    but anyway i am not a size 20 but this is the only dress size in wedding dresses that fitted!

    you will find the perfect dress hun!


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  • FutureMrsWilson
    Beginner January 2010
    FutureMrsWilson ·
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    I'm sorry you had a bad experience dress shopping. I can totally relate! (Especially with all the other plus size brides.) I'm a generous 18/20 with a 38J bust so even the largest sample size they had in the shop (22) was tight to the point where it hurt. I had lost 5 stone before hand as well, so it was hardly a confidence booster.

    I'm going to continue losing weight until I feel less of an elephant before going back into a shop. But tbh, I'd kill to be your size and you should definitely persevere and shop around. I'm sure you'll find the perfect dress, regardless of it's size and feel amazing!!!

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