I imagine that this has been done before, but I have divorced parents who do not get on and was wondering about what to do... are any other Hitchers in the same boat?
My top table will be round, I don't like the long top tables as I don't think they are condusive to flowing conversation.
My parents are divorced and both are remarried. I dislike my step-dad (who has a penchant for saying inapproprate things [e.g. once he implied that I should smother him in chocolate sauce- yes really]) and like my step-mum. I do not want my step-dad on the top table at my wedding. I do not want to split my dad and his wife as I am worried she may feel awkward (she is Spanish, and knows some family as they've been married a while, but she always seems more comfortable sitting with my Dad). So basically I have decided that I will not have my parents on the top table at all.
Do I have h2bs's parents and some family members (my brother and Gran e.g.)? Do I not have any parents on top table and just have bridesmaids and best man? I wish we had kids, then we could have just us and them and it would seem normal!
Any suggestions at all would be gratefully received.
I do NOT want a sweetheart tableof just us two, I think it may get a bit lonely and look odd ?!