We get slugs coming in overnight - we come downstairs to find slug trails on the carpet. MrH takes it as an invasion of his privacy and doesn't believe that normal people have slugs coming into their houses. In fact, he's even embarrassed about me posting this in case you think we have a dirty house or something. He fears it's the thin end of the wedge - first slugs, then hedgehogs, then badgers etc. It's normal though isn't it? Annoying, but not all that unusual? ?
Anyway, last night he was a bit preoccupied and when we got to bed he let on that he'd set up a webcam with time-lapse photography to track the slug and find out how it's getting in ?
THis morning he watched the whole lot and established a SET (slug emergence time) of 4:20 am ? I fear tonight he might sit up and catch it ?