The events team at the hotel said that they are happy to set things up. They'll put place names, table names, favours etc out but I need more things than that setting up and I don't know where there limits are (or what their artistic skills are like). I'm getting ready at the venue but I won't have time to do it myself. We'll need our cakes setting up (one for during the meal and one for the evening - and they're going to be fiddly!) and our sweet table setting up. I'm hoping to book someone to do chair covers and our florist will sort out the centrepieces.
We also want some of the garden 'dressing' and a few things adding in the evening.
Do I need to get a venue dresser (and would they stay to help turn the marquee round after the meal?) or should I push my luck with the events team and hope they are artistic enough to do cake/sweets/displays etc.?