I am so peed off with selfish people hogging seats on trains and buses with their bags while people stand crammed onto the train like sardines. Today I got on the train and there was some muppet with one arse cheek on each of 2 seats and a bag next to her, I got a seat elsewhere but other people didn't and she still didn't move. Me, I have no bloody hesitation in asking them to either move themselves or their stuff - there's no way I'm paying over £5 a day to commute by train and have to stand while bags take up seats. People usually do it, but they look at me as if I've just farted/confessed to kicking puppies as they do - but so many people don't and just stand. What is wrong with these seat hogging numpties? Do they have their heads up their arses, or do they just not care?
Does this really get on anyone else's t1s or am I just petty, and should shut up and stand up next time it happens?