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Treacle tart
Beginner January 2006

Do you believe?

Treacle tart, 1 April, 2008 at 20:35 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 332

I went to see a psychic a few years ago and then just before I got wed.
I was quite sceptical and didnt know what to expect.
It was all very weird. The first time was all about my mother - she passed away 11 years ago now from breast cancer. She told me that she no longer has to wear her wig as she has lovely hair now 'up there'.
She also told me several other things that she couldnt possibly have known.
When i went just before the wedding, what she told me was astounding. She told me that Mr Tarts dad Colin (she named him) will be there (she knew I was getting wed and what month) watching us and will be so proud. She said that he would like Mr T to wear 2 roses in his buttonhole, one for him too and that he will try his best to help him with his crevat as he knows he will be useless at it.
She said that as my nan had also passed (we never got on), she would like to say sorry for certain views that she had expressed when she was alive - spot on, but would rather not say what went on. My nan and mum were apparantly 'thrashing out' their diferences up there too over buckets of tea as they both drunk gallons when down here.
She said that my sister in America was fine but a little 'snowed under'. My sister was in Boston at the time on holiday with heavy snow and couldnt get a flight back home.
She also knew that my mum had 10 children and I myself had lost a baby when I was 18. She went as far as to say that my mum had my little boy with her.
She said that my mum was beside me brushing my hair - something she loved to do even up until I was 20.
All of a sudden she asked me if I heard that. When I said what, she said that my mum just called me. I just laughed and forgot about it but when I replayed the tape a few months later - as clear as a bell, my mums voice called my nickname. Now, when I play the tape it's gone. I was doing the washing up at the time and just froze with shock.
I can't remember other things but I couldnt believe how accurate this woman was.
I have an appointment with her at the end of April and am actually looking forward to it.
I'm no fool and do not live my life by what this woman has said in the past and she certainly didnt pick on the fact that I was grieving and heard what I wanted to as mum had died years before and I was by no means upset iyswim. I wasnt a member of any facebook or sharing group at the time so ruled out that she had googled me!
I just wondered whether anyone believes in the afterlife and spirit world.
Do you have any stories to tell?

332 replies

Latest activity by HeidiHole, 2 April, 2008 at 22:26
  • sweetersong
    Beginner January 2006
    sweetersong ·
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    I am a Christian, so believe in afterlife. That means although I wouldn't go to one myself (I think the bible looks down on it, although as not mentioned expelicity is a pretty grey area) I defintely believe that real psycics do exist, although there are as lot of frauds who try and cash in on people.

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  • Sare
    Beginner September 2002
    Sare ·
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    I actually have a gift myself.It's not always clear, but I'm seeing someone mention the words "Cold" and "Reading"

    And whilst that may sound like I'm mocking, I have my own veliefs about the afterlife, but I think 99% of 'psychics' are scamsters.

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  • Nun
    Beginner September 2006
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    My Grandad came back to me in a dream once and told me lots of things that I couldn't have forseen. Even down to how many GCSE's I'd get and at what grades! He'd died exactly a year when he came back, but I still couldn't tell you on which date he died in Feb.

    I met someone who "knows things" about 3 weeks ago. I never knew that she had a gift, but there were things that she said which she couldn't have known. She said that she has May and August as dates for our house sale. So I shall just have to wait and see.

    I did go to a paid psychic years ago and she told me nothing but a load of drivel. Also, I can be very sceptical about things like this..

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
    Treacle tart ·
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    No, I agree with both of you when you say that there are people out there just to cash in on people but then on the other hand, I can't quite believe how she knew all the things she knew.

    Like I said, I'm no fool (although I can see why people might think that after reading the above) but am genuinely interested in your thoughts.

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  • Knownowt
    Knownowt ·
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    quote:Originally posted by sweetersong
    I am a Christian, so believe in afterlife. That means although I wouldn't go to one myself (I think the bible looks down on it, although as not mentioned expelicity is a pretty grey area) I defintely believe that real psycics do exist, although there are as lot of frauds who try and cash in on people.

    The Bible actually says explicitly that communication between the dead and the living is impossible (the parable of the rich man and lazarus in Luke)
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  • N
    Beginner June 2003
    Nooniepie ·
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    My friend has just given me the number of a psychic he has seen and I'm toying with the idea. I'm at something of a crossroads in my life and wonder if this can help guide me although at the moment I am still a little sceptical.

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  • C
    Beginner February 2006
    Carrot ·
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    I think there are a lot of scamsters out there but when you hear of people getting it as right as this one did for you it's hard not to believe. As a Christian I believe in the afterlife and I find it comforting to think our loved ones are still watching us and keeping up with events happening in our lives.

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  • *CJ*
    Beginner September 2011
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    I believe in something. I have been on three ocassions and they varied in the style of reading a how good they were. I only thought the first one was any good (and had a simialr thiing happen on my tape).

    I won't go into all the details of my readings but I think that if it makes you happy and more contented to believe then do so and sod what anyone else thinks ?

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
    Treacle tart ·
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    Hmm, see I don't think I need any guidance as such in my life at the moment. Or maybe I do? &lt?ondering>.
    I hate my job at the moment and am generally bored with my life as it presently seems to be.

    yes, maybe I am seeking some sort of guidance &lt?onders some more>

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  • N
    Beginner June 2003
    Nooniepie ·
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    Maybe guidance is the wrong word. I know what I think I should do but I guess I'm looking for someone to say "yes X is the right thing to do because then Y will happen" or something like that. Kind of looking for validation of the choices I'm making and to know that it will turn out right.

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  • sweetersong
    Beginner January 2006
    sweetersong ·
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    quote:Originally posted by Knownowt
    quote:Originally posted by sweetersong
    I am a Christian, so believe in afterlife. That means although I wouldn't go to one myself (I think the bible looks down on it, although as not mentioned expelicity is a pretty grey area) I defintely believe that real psycics do exist, although there are as lot of frauds who try and cash in on people.

    The Bible actually says explicitly that communication between the dead and the living is impossible (the parable of the rich man and lazarus in Luke)

    This is the quote

    " 22"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23In hell,[c] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'

    25"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'

    27"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, 28for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'

    29"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.'

    30" 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'

    31"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "

    This says that someone from heaven can not go into hell and vice versa. It does not say that Lazarus could not visit the earth, only that no one would listen to him, if they had not listened to the prophets.

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
    Treacle tart ·
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    quote:Originally posted by Nooniepie
    Maybe guidance is the wrong word. I know what I think I should do but I guess I'm looking for someone to say "yes X is the right thing to do because then Y will happen" or something like that. Kind of looking for validation of the choices I'm making and to know that it will turn out right.
    Yes, I know what you mean.
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  • Knownowt
    Knownowt ·
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    Read verse 26 again- do you not think that's fairly explicit?

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  • S
    Beginner June 2008
    shooting star ·
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    I've had a couple of readings. One face to face from someone who came highly recommended but who I didn't think was very good. As far as I could tell she got a couple of things but most was just lucky guesses, or predictions that turned out wrong.

    The second was over the phone and I thought she was very good. Some of the stuff I didn't know at the time and said she was wrong, but it turns out she was right! She has a blog where she writes about how her gift developed and comes across as very genuine.

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  • N
    Beginner June 2003
    Nooniepie ·
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    Who did you see if you don't mind me asking? Feel free to mail me thru my profile if you'd prefer not to say on here.

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
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    quote:Originally posted by Nooniepie
    Who did you see if you don't mind me asking? Feel free to mail me thru my profile if you'd prefer not to say on here.

    She lives in Penge, South London and her name is Tracey.
    Google brings up nothing for her - she gets most of her clients by word of mouth I think. I only found this out as I was talking to someone at work who said that she has used her before.

    Actually, the friend refuses to go to her again as the lady told her just after her mum passed away that when she sees a robin in her garden, it's her mum coming to visit and say hello. My friend took great comfort in this as a robin frequently came to feed until she found out that she had told this to a friend of hers too.

    I've always found her to be spot on but if she spins me the Robin yarn - my fears will be confirmed?

    No, jokes aside - she is good and I do believe her to be psychic and not a con artist iykwim
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  • sweetersong
    Beginner January 2006
    sweetersong ·
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    quote:Originally posted by Knownowt
    Read verse 26 again- do you not think that's fairly explicit?
    "26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.' "

    No because Abraham is in Heaven and Lazarus is in hell, he is saying those who want to go from here (heaven) to you(hell) can not, nor can anyone cross over from there (hell) to us (heaven).
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  • sweetersong
    Beginner January 2006
    sweetersong ·
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    Whilst devling into this further I found this

    It appears it is possible according to the bible to contact the dead, but it is considered sin.

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    I'm not the sort of person who would go, therefore would never know what they might be able to tell me I guess.

    The thing i get a bit miffed about is the whole point- if you believe, then surely you believe your life is mapped out and can't be changed, therefore I just can't see the point in knowing about it in advance? what does it achieve?

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  • N
    Beginner June 2003
    Nooniepie ·
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    quote:Originally posted by Treacle tart
    quote:Originally posted by Nooniepie
    Who did you see if you don't mind me asking? Feel free to mail me thru my profile if you'd prefer not to say on here.

    She lives in Penge, South London and her name is Tracey.
    Google brings up nothing for her - she gets most of her clients by word of mouth I think. I only found this out as I was talking to someone at work who said that she has used her before.


    Ah well I live in NotLondon so she's probably out for me.

    Hyacinth - for me it would be about knowing whether a certain action is the right thing to do, if things are going to work out how I'd like them to etc. Like I said it's just something that I'm considering at the moment.
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  • marmalade atkins
    Beginner January 2008
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    TT, I don't believe in pyschic ability, but do firmly believe that some people are adept at reading body language and non-verbal cues and can planbt tje seed of something in your head to make yu think they said it.

    I can see that you've taken comfort from what this woman has said about your mum, and I totally understand why. But, for me, I'd pick up on things such as brushing your hair - you have long hair, no? I'd be pretty sure that most girls will fondly recall their mum brushing their hair - I do.

    There are other things, but I dont want to pick this apart here - I just think that you'd be better doing something else with your money. I know you say you're not living your life by what she says, but to return twice and presumably paying is maybe tryng to get something that really isn't there.

    ? for you though, it sounds like you've been thinking a lot about your mum and I imagine it's still terribly hard even aftr all this time.

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  • Nun
    Beginner September 2006
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    I do feel that some of the problem with "Psychics" is that the people who tend to visit them are at that crossroads in their life. When you are at that place, you tend to be vulnerable and some psychics work on that. Plus, you read more into what you want to hear, rather than what is being said IYSWIM.

    But I agree that there is something out there. There was a thread on here last week which asked about very young children bringing up "things" that were not easily explainable. Search on my name and you will find it. I don't post that much!

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
    Treacle tart ·
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    MA - the things you have said ring true and you are right, I did find comfort in some of the things she said. I am torn in two about the body language as I really cannot see how she knew some of the things she did and whilst I probably may have imagined my mums voice, I cannot get my head around what she knew.

    I have only given her £70 in 4 years - £35 a visit but I get what you mean.

    Mr Tart says "a fool and his money....." ? Jokingly ofcourse (I hope so anyway lol)

    Thanks for the ?

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  • lmsunshine99
    Beginner August 2004
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    My mum saw someone when she was younger and what they told her was scarily accurate, things like she would live a long, healthy life but in her 30's she would have a serious illness and all her family would think she was going to die. Totally spot on. I keep pondering whether to go see one as I fairly sceptical but it interests me.

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  • marmalade atkins
    Beginner January 2008
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    Well TT we all give out signals, whilst thinking that we're cool as cucumbers. People like Derren Brown for example show us how they can be read and used to manipulate us.

    In terms of what she knew about your mum, I think it's common that people who believe in psychics often forget the stuff that was really vague, or wrong in favour of the "oh my God, she's amazing" facts. With things like cancer for example, if she'd determined how your mum died, it's not too big a leap to assume she had some treatment and maybe lost her hair is it? Maybe if your mum had never worn a wig, but a headscarf, the psychic would've covered her mistake by saying "Yes, a head covering anyway, she no longer needs it".

    I don't know, I know it sounds harmless, and if it's brought back positive stuff about your mum, half of my thinks it's ok, but then there's the stuff about your nan too and maybe you'd be better <sings> accentuating the positive, eliminating the negative </ends out of tune singing>.

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  • M
    Beginner May 2003
    MiniMinx ·
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    TT, I was a total believer until quite recently. Now I'm just confused...

    I went to see a medium with my cousin who had lost her fiance in sudden and shocking circumstances. The psychic was very accurate and told her things she claims no-one else could have known about their relationship. I was convinced.

    Recently I went to see Colin Fry (famous TV 'psychic') and was disappointed as many of his reading were very vague and confused.

    Last week I went to see Derren Brown. His 'cold reading', if that is what he is doing, is amazing.

    I am quite confused...if a person is convinced their dead loved one is contacting them, and it brings them comfort, does it really matter what the truth is?

    Surely if the TV psychics were total charlatans, somebody would have blown the whistle by now, wouldn't they?

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  • Mal
    Expert January 2018
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    I do believe. I believe because of some things that have happened to me, too personal and long winded to go into on here....
    Also, both my Mum and my Gran (on Dad's side) had out of body experiences. And they are so not the type to be fanciful, especially my Gran (she's like the Queen ?) It happened to my Mum when she was about 8, and to my Gran when she almost died delivering my Dad.
    My best friend has also had similar experiences, we have both freaked each other out before talking about it all.

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  • geekypants
    Beginner August 2008
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    I totally agree with Marmalade Atkins on this.

    A group of friends last year went to one and I got my session paid for because I really wasn't interested.

    She basically rhymed off things which would have been true for any girl of my age, and picked up on body language as she went.

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  • barongreenback
    Beginner September 2004
    barongreenback ·
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    I've seen cold reading performed live and it's amazing the detail they can coax out of people. It is utter, utter bollocks.

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  • M
    Beginner November 2004
    Minx Sauce ·
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    quote:Originally posted by barongreenback
    I've seen cold reading performed live and it's amazing the detail they can coax out of people. It is utter, utter bollocks.


    My view is, if my gran wanted to contact me (and lets say hypothetically, it was possible for the living to contact the dead), why did she choose to go through a complete stranger who would charge me £20 for the priviledge?! Why not come direct to me?!

    Exactly. Utter tripe. ?
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  • P
    Pommie ·
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    Each to their own and all that jazz, but I definitely think there are some genuine ones out there.

    I have been to one a few times (who tells me her gift is something God wants her to use) and she has always been spot on and is def not out to make money. She even said ' Life is going to be good for you, don't waste your time coming back, but come in and say hello sometime'- and she was right life is great.

    Mr P went after his dad died, and she told him that (OK maybe cold reading) but also told him about his mum who died many years ago...and got her foreign and very unusual name spot fact she asked us if that was the right name as she had never heard it before.

    And she gave us some advice about Baby P (we were TTC at the time) which was unbelievable.

    I don't care what other people say- this woman is the bee's knees and next time we are in South London we will go and see her.

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  • hope
    Beginner June 2007
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    Its something that I am not sure about - if they are fake how do they tell you things they would never know ??? and in the OP case name names ????

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