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Beginner September 2015

Does anyone else feel cautious about flashing?

mustard_mitt, 17 of July of 2014 at 22:06 Posted on Planning 0 16

I know the done-thing is to flash things like invites, dresses, venues etc, but I feel very (perhaps overly!) cautious about it.

Our STDs were printed today and they're amazing and I plan to start sending them this weekend, but they're also quite unique and if any of my friends/family actually were on here, they'd know immediately I'm me and that unnerves me a little. I'd love to show you all, but anonymity on the internet is a wonderful and rare thing, especially when it comes to talking about personal and private things. I'd be a little uncomfortable if anyone (other than my TOG, who I found on here) knew who I actually was. I know it's probably a once in a million chance, but I have a lot of friends getting married in the next couple of years so there is a possibility, right?!

Does anyone else feel cautious about flashing personal details? Or is it just me being a little too private?

16 replies

Latest activity by mustard_mitt, 21 of July of 2014 at 08:39
  • LittleSnowflake
    Beginner January 2016
    LittleSnowflake ·
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    It doesn't bother me personally. I'm not worried about friends/family seeing things as I know for a fact my family aren't clever with computers - especially my OH he doesn't even no where to switch them on!

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  • MrsHertfordshire
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsHertfordshire ·
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    I completely understand in my search for my jack russell cake topper in my lunch hour at work I googled and what was in one of the search results- my post on hitched!!!

    Thankfully I don't mind if friends see my posts here and I know my OH wouldn't google anything wedding related or even think my username was me. I have flashed and flashed my dress but I have been fortunate enougn to loose some weight from a 16/14 to a 10/8 so as long as OH doesn't see, I wouldn't mind people seeing and reassuring me on my choices

    i hope that helps if not reassures you that flashing can be scary x

    Ooh and it's not me in the dress, in my flash, I'm not nervous of showing work colleagues who arent invited my first ever fitting when the shop ran out of pegs and it was old season it was stretched within an inch of its life so it hung incorrectly - publicly I show the model in the dress. Besides we've all seen two people in same top/ dress at an event and it fits so differently on each of them Smiley smile

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  • B
    Beginner September 2014
    BigRedCandle ·
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    I don't post much at all but I would not flash anything. I would hate for anyone to accidentally or not-accidentally see an important or secret part of my wedding (e.g. dress).

    I know someone on this forum and it was very easy to work out who she was from her username and avatar (even the username alone!) and she has flashed her dress. I would hate for someone I know to see my dress before the day.

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  • H
    Beginner October 2015
    hallowedding ·
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    Yes! I'm so glad it's not just me that thinks like this. I've got three work colleagues and OHs niece all getting married in the next two years and I hate the thought of any of our guests knowing anything about our wedding. I'm a very private person in general and I don't want any of our guests to know our theme or colour scheme or anything about the day really. I'm sure I'll share some details with you all at some point nearer my wedding though. I think my paranoia about this increased when I posted asking for opinions on my choice of tog (who isn't a hitched supplier) and the next time we talked on the phone he asked if I'd written a post about him/his company on hitched! someone who is already using him told him that i had posted about him but they didn't respond to my post when I asked if anyone had heard of him/used his services! I think if non-members couldn't view the discussion forums I'd be much happier flashing you all but for now I'll be keeping my bits to myself

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    It's always worth remembering that the internet is not private. Just because we are posting from the comfort of our own phones, desks, sofas etc makes us feel as though it is just us talking to a few other lovely peeps.

    But of course, for every one who posts a reply, many more read. I lurked for ages before actually posting, and often I won't post at all because I'm at work/on the bus/too tired to spell properly....but I read loads and so will everyone else.

    So, caution should ALWAYS be exercised when posting anything on any forum. I used to post on an unrelated forum, and my ex MiL heard something from my ex SiL that she said she had seen on there. Now, out of 68000 posts I had made (yes, I was on there for many years!) she had picked up on one, made it into something that suited her need to get at me, and passed the inflated version of it to my MiL who actually blamed my divorce on the fact that I had written something about fish and chips (FFS!). (she did apologise later, but it taught me a lot about people)

    Therefore, although I DO post things that are quite personal to me (see my "fit and sexy" thread on the weight loss forum for example), I am always aware that anyone can read it. Work colleagues, employers, OH, my children, etc etc - and their right to be protected and not embarrassed, for example is high on my list of priorities. So, I am always careful not to say something I wouldn't be happy to stand up and say at work, or to OH, or whatever. It wouldn't be difficult for anyone who knows me to pick up on my posts and guess it was me, and I don't want to let myself, or those important to me down.

    As for flashing details - I think I've flashed my engagement ring and my shoes. That's all you're getting for now. Simply because I KNOW I would be easy to find on here, and I really do want some things kept as a surprise.

    Having said that, I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing other people's flashes! So, if you're happy doing it, please do so! I promise to flash all mine (ooh err, missus) after the event.

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  • mustard_mitt
    Beginner September 2015
    mustard_mitt ·
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    It's strange actually thinking about it. I mean I've not posted anything slagging anyone in mine (or OHs) family off. I've not revealed any personal details about myself in any post. I flashed a dress months ago I wanted to find but to be honest I know I'll never be able to get it. The one post I made about a friend I changed her name and some details to protect identities and yet I'm still concerned about people knowing I'm me.

    I suppose as well because my ceremony is going to be different to the majority on here, I feel more susceptible to the backlash of revealing things with flashes. The annoying thing is, I would like to gather opinions on some things, but I don't want to do it on a public forum. I feel daft just writing it, because chances are no-one I know is or will be actually on here!

    I guess for quite a few people who have a big group of friends on here it doesn't matter, because they all know and have met each other anyway, so they feel like they can flash away. I guess I'm far too private for that and after spending the last fifteen years both posting on and moderating forums, I know sometimes a little information can go a long way.

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  • laurafish
    Beginner July 2016
    laurafish ·
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    I do feel a bit cautious about flashing, but the point above is totally true. If someone I know reads my posts, they will know it's me regardless of whether I've posted any flashes. I do know I won't be flashing my dress, but I probably will post about other stuff when the time comes.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    No, I'm not worried at all. The chances of me knowing someone on here IRL are very slim, and my photo has been on the internet enough!

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  • bliss_balloons
    bliss_balloons ·
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    I doubt anyone I know would be on here, they're not really into forums and no one I know is getting married. The only thing I'd be worried about someone seeing is my dress.

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  • snow bride
    Beginner June 2016
    snow bride ·
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    I have to be careful as both of mine and my OHs are slightly 'interesting' and have both been known to stalk us out on forums. His ex even started a blacklisting campaign against me inviting people to attack my Facebook / work email!

    I wouldn't put it past my ex (or his) to try and mess with the wedding (when my ex found out we we're expecting our first child he turned up to threaten me!!) so I'll have to be a bit careful regarding details :-)

    However for things like people seeing my ideas etc who might know me, that doesn't actually bother me :-)

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    My H2B's ex did that too! Tried to start a thread on a forum accusing me of all sorts. Unfortunately she didn't realise I'm a moderator and have to approve all posts by new users Smiley smile I don't use that same username on here though.

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
    cymruangel ·
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    I have faithfully promised my mother that I won't flash any pictures of my wedding dress. She was even a bit funny about my dad popping to see it at my fitting, such is her desire to keep it a secret.

    Apart from that, I haven't done much other flashing as there's nothing terribly unique or exciting about my plans, I'm more likely to join in with a mass flash than start my own for that reason too. But I did introduce myself with a few bits and bobs, because it seemed only polite.

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  • H
    Beginner July 2016
    HeavyMetalMaiden ·
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    Personally I am not worried about people seeing things. So far I have only flashed my venue. However, I think I would only flash a little 'sneak peek' section of my dress. I doubt I would flash every little thing, but I will certainly flash the odd big thing! Probably would save most of it for my wedding report! I do love seeing other brides flashes though!!!

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  • S
    Beginner November 2014
    Sazzle24 ·
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    I felt worried too so held back on venue flash and invites flash. Dunno why I'm worried though. I show anyone and everyone my dress hahahahaha. The woman in the pic is blonde and I'm brunette

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    I just did a mega flash and am now off to edit it to take the pic of me in my dress out and swap it for the one of the model in the dress!

    I honestly don't think anyone I know would be on here, but I guess you never know. I never really thought about it. I just got excited to find somewhere where I could talk about my wedding to people who wanted to listen. I love people posting on something I've flashed because I'm keeping everything secret in real life.


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  • mustard_mitt
    Beginner September 2015
    mustard_mitt ·
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    Some interesting views on this. I probably still won't flash (unless it's generic and not personal to me), just because that's just me and how I feel, but I certainly do believe in each to their own and flash if you wanna flash! ?

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