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Beginner August 2015

Does your workplace know you are getting married?

AKWedding, 27 of June of 2015 at 11:58 Posted on Planning 0 19


Just wanted to find out what other brides' workplaces are doing and some tips on how to navigate a potential minefield.

Does your workplace know you are getting married?

Are you expecting a send-off (big or small)?

If you manage to slip away quietly and without a fuss, how did you deal with the wedding issue on your return e.g. when somebody clocked your wedding ring?

Is it the norm to share photographs etc with your work colleagues?

I work in a small team of three with 2 guys (1 of which is my boss). I announced my engagement at the time but have not mentioned the wedding much since. I do not wear my engagement ring at work. I haven't invited any of my colleagues to my wedding.

The norm in my workplace is to invite everyone in the department (about 20-odd people) to a send-off, either cakes and tea in the office or a lunch. Photographs are usually circulated by email after the wedding. There has been a lot of office politics recently, and a restructure so I don't really want the whole department to be invited to a send-off as there are some people in the office that I intensely dislike (I don't say this lightly, this goes way beyond annoying but ultimately harmless colleagues). My boss is an inclusive person and a 'turn the other cheek' type of guy so he may want to use my wedding as a way of building bridges and bonding the department.

To be honest, I would be happy to slip away quietly or have a very small send-off with just my team plus maybe one or two select people. However I don't want to appear anti-social, standoffish or for people to feel snubbed. If I do slip away quietly, I wouldn't want my team to feel guilty because they feel like they should have organised something and think that I would be upset when I wouldn't be at all. I certainly don't want to circulate my wedding photo around the whole department (who knows what will happen with digital files?)

Grateful for any advice. I have a feeling my boss may raise this soon.

19 replies

Latest activity by Erin8, 29 of June of 2015 at 16:52
  • A
    Beginner March 2015
    Ash953 ·
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    Does your workplace know you are getting married? They did. I was pretty open when I was hired that I had to have about a month off because I was getting married. I do wear my engagement ring to work so that generated a lot of comments.

    Are you expecting a send-off (big or small)? No, and I didn't have one. However, there was a steady stream of people who gave me their good wishes the couple days before I left.

    If you manage to slip away quietly and without a fuss, how did you deal with the wedding issue on your return e.g. when somebody clocked your wedding ring? A small conversation about the day. Close colleagues have asked to see photos and I sent them a link.

    Is it the norm to share photographs etc with your work colleagues? I'd only share if they asked and if I was comfortable sharing. he may want to use my wedding as a way of building bridges and bonding the department. Chat with your boss about it and make it clear what you want or what you don't want. I would hate it if my wedding was used as a "team building exercise".

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  • Kittylove
    Beginner August 2015
    Kittylove ·
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    My work place know I'm getting married. There are three of us planning weddings at the moment so quite a bit of wedding conversation. I get asked quite a lot by work people how the planning is all going and stuff. I haven't really invited many work people, other than a couple that I go and have a drink with anyway, so more friends than colleagues.

    I am having a joint send off with another guy who gets married three weeks before me. We are going karting, should be good fun. My boss has turned it into a team exercise though and invited a couple of people that we are hiring, and don't work with us yet. I can understand this though as we are doing it in work time, and sold it to him as a team building exercise.

    I will share photos if people ask but don't plan on bombarding the office with hundreds of pics.

    I do work with a guy who came back from a long holiday and said, by the way I got married, and that was my honeymoon. He is a very private person, and I think it's easier for blokes to do this as there is generally less stuff that a bloke would need time off for, ie dress fittings etc. but it can be done.

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  • M
    Beginner September 2015
    Milly_Bride ·
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    Hmm tricky one. If there are people you already actively dislike and who you are unlikely to spend much time with, I wouldn't worry too much about trying to have a big happy send off. It might just feel awkward and weird. It sounds like things are a little awkward already with the restructure, it might be OK to do something a bit different than previously. Then again I suppose it depends if you have to share an office with everyone... a small get together of a few cakes and a cuppa one lunchtime might not be the worst thing to deal with.

    I'm lucky in that I have good relationships with all my work colleagues and am inviting a few to the wedding. We usually go out for a meal and a few drinks as a send off for folk getting married, sometimes even a work 'hen do'. Usually everyone is invited and there aren't any hard feelings if someone can't make it.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    Everyone at my work knew I was engaged but I only told one person, my boss, the date. As my wedding was the same day as my 40th birthday, it didn't appear unusual that I was talking 2wks off at the time. After the wedding I sent an email letting everyone know, but I'm friends with lots of them on Facebook, Instagram or twitter so they had already seen it there. When I returned to work I asked if anyone wanted to see photos by email, and a few took me up on it. I personally *hate* unsolicited personal photos arriving by email so I would never have just sent them to everyone.

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  • M
    Beginner September 2015
    MrsEdisToBe ·
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    I work in a small office of about 12 women so everyone knows and means I had to invite everyone. The girls are organising a bit of a hen do / night out and my last day we will have a bit of tea and cake type thing.

    i wouldn't be happy about the idea of using it as a team building thing. Maybe just say you want to keep things low key of your boss asks and you would rather not have the attention and fuss??


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  • hellandglory
    Rockstar October 2019
    hellandglory ·
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    My work know, because OH works there as well and they asked us why we wanted to put 3 weeks holiday in together - we're only allowed 2 weeks without explanation.

    I'll bet money there won't be any sort of send of, but i do think people will pass on well wishes etc Smiley smile

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  • cez1987
    Beginner October 2015
    cez1987 ·
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    My workplace knows I'm getting married because I am getting married where I work ?

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  • Daisy Bell
    Beginner August 2015
    Daisy Bell ·
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    My colleagues know I am getting married. Got a lot of comments when we first got engaged, and comments about the wedding planning every now and then but I don't mind sharing.

    I think my OH kept it from his work for a few weeks but I thought he should tell them, as we had to view a venue on a Friday so he was away from work for a couple of hours during the day and didn't want them thinking he was taking the piss. It makes things like requesting time off a lot easier.

    Neither of us have invited coworkers to our wedding as we are having a very small wedding, only closest family and friends will be there.

    I am not expecting a big send off as we are a small company of only 6 employees, only 3 of us are in our office though (the others work remotely) and one is leaving next week, so basically it'll only be me and one colleague in the office here.

    People get married, that's pretty normal, most people do it at some point in their lives, so I think after some initial excitement things will just return to normal and you being married is just normal.

    I will probably share pictures but not all of them, just a few.

    I would not be happy either to have my wedding be used as a team building exercise.

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  • Karen84
    Beginner July 2016
    Karen84 ·
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    There's about 22 of us and most people know I'm getting married. I get on all of my colleagues but I'm not 'close' to anyone so I won't be inviting anyone. For the same reason I would be extremely surprised if any kind of send off was organised for me.

    I wouldn't be happy about having a send off used as a team building exercise, and effectively having people who I didn't know/get on with wishing me well.

    I wouldn't have any problems sharing my photos with anyone who wants to see them, but I will probably wait to be asked first.

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  • S
    Beginner December 2015
    SunnyPinkConfetti310 ·
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    My workplace know I am getting married, in fact my colleagues have been a great support when I had a huge bust up with a bridesmaid (who is no longer a bridesmaid) and when my venue closed down with no notice.

    I was quite new here when we got engaged and I didn't tell anyone, but they noticed the ring and they were very congratulatory, and got us a card and a bottle of champagne which was lovely.

    I only work in a small firm. My colleagues know when we're getting married and are actually coming to the evening reception, as I really like them. They've also asked how things are going and offered helpful suggestions on things, though not to the point of becoming annoying. Because they're coming to the wedding, I'm not expecting a send off or anything dreadful, and I will be back in the office for a couple of days before we go on honeymoon.

    Can you just say to your boss that you understand the importance of trying to move on after the restructure, but your wedding is not to be used as a pawn in that, and that you really do not want a send off. In your circumstances, I'd hope my boss would listen to my feelings!

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    Everyone knew I was engaged and when I was getting married. My team in the office is only small but everyone else on the floor knows me. I wasn't expecting anything as all of my team are men and they don't give a stuff about weddings. I was expecting to slip away quietly at the end of the day but they did a little presentation, giving me a card, bottle of fizz and a £75 John Lewis voucher. It wass mortifying as I don't like being the centre of attention, but it was really sweet as well.

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  • halloweeny
    Beginner October 2013
    halloweeny ·
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    Yes everyone knew and i had a send off. i only sent photos to those who asked but am friends with some and they came to the wedding.

    To be perfectly honest with you, i think you're over thinking this. I think it would be impolite to tell your boss that you do not want a send off. It might make him look as if he couldn't be bothered. He is unlikely to appreciate you putting him in that position.

    My personal feeling on this is that you should try and grin and bear it.

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  • Calella
    Beginner August 2016
    Calella ·
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    Yes people in my office know. We're a pretty close team, I didn't announce our engagement but they saw it on facebook.

    They know when the wedding is because we all coordinate our time off between us.

    My last day in the office I'll likely bring cakes in and just leave them in the kitchen as we do on birthdays etc.

    Let them do what they want, if they want to celebrate, then that's a nice thing to do! Regarding photos, I'd only show people who asked to see them. I do plan on inviting people from my office to the evening reception. The people I dislike, the feeling is mutual so the chances of them showing up are slim to none.

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsWebberToBe ·
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    Yes, my work colleagues know I'm getting married on Friday as I told them all as soon as we got engaged and started planning it. Some of them are coming to the evening for a drink. Not sure about sharing photos, I might bring them in for people to see if they want to, or put a few on FB so they can see them there.

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  • MrsV-wasMissB
    Beginner August 2015
    MrsV-wasMissB ·
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    I work in an office with 8 others, 7 men and 1 lady. The owners (man and wife) have a son here too who is also engaged but doesn't speak of it. Me on the other hand, talk about it a lot. Noone cares, but I talk anyway.

    I work on a team of 3, naturally I am closest to the 2 men on my team. I'd love them to come to the wedding, and they did make jokes about not being invited to the day do, but if I invite them I'd have to invite everyone else as overall we are all in 1 office together and all are generally close in a work manner.

    Noone is doing me a send off, they're all men! Its hard enough getting any of them to do anything never mind send offs! Best we get is cakes on birthdays which the birthday boy/girl has to buy.

    Be nice if they did a surprise send off.... doubtful mind.

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  • Lui
    Beginner October 2015
    Lui ·
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    My works know I’m getting married mainly because two of my best friends work with me and both of them are invited to the day. Our team are tight luckily with a few people who got married recently so they know cost and numbers are an issue and really don’t mind being invited only to the evening.

    I don’t mind if I have a send off or not as I’ll be too busy stressing as I leave work 2 days before my wedding.

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  • CBeckford
    Rockstar July 2015
    CBeckford ·
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    Yes, my work colleagues know I'm getting married - I've been banging on about it long enough! ?

    Last week my team went out for drinks and dinner in Soho for a Sten do (me and another member of my team are both getting married in July) which was lovely.

    In our organisation (which is about 75 people) there is a tradition of cards and gifts for anyone leaving to get married/have a baby so even though I know it won't be a huge thing, I know there will be something going on as people have been doing the shifty card signing thing, I've just pretended not to notice.

    I'll only send a few pics to colleagues I'm closest to as I have their phone numbers so will just be a couple of pics via whatsapp.

    If you would rather slip away without a fuss I would let someone know this. Maybe just mention that you don't like that kind of thing and would rather keep it quiet and just a team thing. I'm sure the people you get on with and want to know about it already know and would congratulate you separately anyway.

    Regarding your photo, you certainly don't have to send anyone any pictures if you don't want to. The people I work with are sharers, but I won't be emailing everyone pics either!


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  • bubblerawk
    Beginner July 2016
    bubblerawk ·
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    My workplace know but tbh there is around 8 of us getting married over the next year, so alot of us are sharing plan ideas.

    mine will more than likely be on facebook but if anyone ask i may bring in an album

    i dont expect any sort of send off tbh. big or small i wont mind Smiley smile

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    They knew l was getting married -l took nearly a month off work!

    I didn't expect a send off and didn't get one

    I shared the odd picture with people l was close to but that was it

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