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Beginner July 2011

Engagement ring disaster ! - urgent help & advice on buying a ring in New York

michaelac, 10 of October of 2010 at 12:33 Posted on Planning 0 7

Hello - any advice on buying a ring New York - I've had a complete disaster and now need to start looking again for a ring . Future Hubby bought the most beautiful ring from Boodles on March this year - the Margurite ring in green, not a traditional engagement ring but I wanted something different so it was perfect. Complete surprise but I fell in love with the ring immediately.

3 weeks agoi I notice a fragment of the stone in the middle of the ring had come away. Took it back to Boodles where intially I was given the price to replace the stone! After much discussion they agreed to replace the stone as it was only 6 months old. Whilst I was in Boodles I noticed this ring was being sold as cocktail ring,.When I asked if this ring was suitable as an engagement ring as I was assured no stone could be guaranteed but there was no reason why this ring could not be worn every day as an engagement ring. At this point I was feeling a bit disillusioned with the customer service offered by Boodles in Liverpool and decided to ring Boodles on London. I asked about the ring and I was told that they would not recommend it as an engagement ring due to the softness of the stone - they couldn't stop you from using it as an engagement ring but they would strongly advise against it and warn that it would be easier for that stone to pick up knocks. Asked the futre hubby and he said he was told nothing of the sort, given no forewarning at all.

Got the ring back, 6 days later the stone had cracked this time - Boodles have agree to refund the cost of the ring as after this time I just want nothing more to do with them -feel so let down that my beautiful ring is no more and my boyfriend feels as if we have been treated as if we are returning a jumper back to Mark's!, no consideration given to the fact that he spent 3 months looking for the perfect ring, that ring was the ring he proposed with and also that Boodles told me exactly how much the ring cost whilst he wasn't there - all the romance has gone!

So we are off on holiday to New York in 2 weeks and we are going to start our search again there - any advice would be fab. Not bothered by a "name "jeweller after the disaster with Boodles but any advice from anyone who has bought a ring in New York would be great. Been told to head for the Diamond District so any reccomendations would be fantastic x

7 replies

Latest activity by Bol`, 3 of May of 2024 at 13:30
  • tinks269
    Beginner February 2011
    tinks269 ·
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    Cant help on buying a ring in New York but just wanted to say that I too have a non traditional engagement ring. We chose it together and from the moment i saw it i knew that t was the one, although i was advised against having it as an engagement ring as well. I love it to bits and wouldnt have it any other way. I noticed that it had started to get scratched and we talked about ways we could try and stop it happening, but it is my engagement ring and I didnt want another one. What we have done is go and buy an exact copy of it which I wear if I go out etc and know it wont get a battering (I will wear it on my wedding day) and then my actual engagement ring i wear everyday. Obviously your stone is softer than mine but would it be possible to have your engagement ring and then have a jeweller replace the stone with one similar which was more hard wearing. I just think it is such a shame that your OH looked for so long and found a perfect ring and now you have to go and find another one.

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  • Mynnie the Moocher
    Beginner May 2011
    Mynnie the Moocher ·
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    Sorry, I'm another one that can't help with New York (although, isn't that where Tiffany's is? I would soooooo love to go and chose something from there!)

    Just wanted to say that if you don't find what you're looking for while you're out there, had you though of trying the jewellery quarter in Birmingham when you get back? There's loads and loads of jewellery shops (seriously, it's like heaven!) and they do everything from antique/ pre loved pieces through ready made to design your own pieces and there's loads of shops to chose from. We bought my rings from there and there was so much choice - the worst part was having to decide which one I wanted! And it's not all just diamonds.

    Good luck with your search and be sure to flash when you find something you both love x

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  • crafty em
    Beginner June 2008
    crafty em ·
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    I was going to suggest the same as tinks, if you love the style of the ring so much could you not have the stone replaced for something more hardwearing.

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  • Red Baroness
    Beginner July 2012
    Red Baroness ·
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    I know someone who was proposed to in Tiffany's New York! Her OH proposed by asking her to pick out her engagement ring.

    I don't know about New York either, bt have heard lots of good thingd about the Birmingham jewellery quarter.

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  • judeclarke
    Beginner October 2011
    judeclarke ·
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    The hardness of stones is measured on the Mohs scale, so you need to consider this for your ring. Diamond is extremely hard (10) so is hard wearing and is suitable for every day wear. Sapphire and ruby are a 9, so still pretty hard, topaz and alexandrite are 8, emerald and beryl gems and quartz are 7, and most are suitable for engagement rings worn every day. Once you get below 7 gems are prone to chipping or wearing, so are used in occasional wear jewellery, such as cocktails rings (opal, garnet, moonstone, jade, onyx, pearls etc).

    OK science lesson over. Don't know any good jewellers in NY, but I do know you'll get more for your money in Birmingham, the States is an expensive place to buy jewellery. And I'd be wary any way, what if you get home and 2 weeks later there's a problem? It's a long way to go to make a complaint!

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  • M
    Beginner July 2011
    michaelac ·
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    Thanks girls for all your advice - I feel much better than I did. I did ask Boodles for a price for a harder stone and they did suggest a sapphire but the price they came back with was £15,000:00 ! I think I am going to try to get my ring remade by a jeweller but using a harder stone but hopefully not that expensive or a similar style with the stone more protected.Thanks for the advice on Birmingham , its's definately worth a visit x

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  • Cheeky_pie
    Beginner August 2011
    Cheeky_pie ·
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    My friend in work got her ring in the diamond district of New York. I remember her saying they shopped around and compared prices with each jeweller and got a really good price by haggling!!! As they saved so much money she was able to get some diamond earrings to wear on the wedding day with the left over cash from thier budget lol!!!! HTH
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