Spent the day in Salisbury today looking at potential places to eat after the wedding. Having ditched the village hall in the middle of nowhere, we're faced with pro's and con's of alternatives.
Found some lovely pubs today, with a separate room upstairs to hire, or the whole upstairs or an area of the main dining area. Trouble is, we want different features of each place lol.
Main thing, entertainment. No hall means no disco. Has anyone hired a disco for a pub function room, or hired a sound system to do their own music? The ceremony s at 3.15, so by the time we've had photos and eaten, it will be evening. The adults will be quite happy chatting away and catching up, but the kids will all be bored. Especially with no garden to play in.
Tips and advice most welcome!
On a plus, we've booked the hotel for the wedding night - lovely oak paneled room with a fireplace and a wonky building a few hundred years old ?