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Savvy October 2024 Gloucestershire

Family difference

Estina, 29 of March of 2023 at 22:59 Posted on Etiquette and Advice 0 11

I am soooo frustrated. My Fiancé and I agreed on a rehearsal dinner. We picked the venue and we got the booking through via email. My Fiancé lost his shit because it has 46 people on it.

He said why so many people I thought it was wedding party and immediate family.
I said yeah thats what I've done. He said how. So I explained that my immediate family consists of my parents my siblings and their partners my 2 uncles (both parents have 1 brother) and aunties and my first cousin and his wife ( so everyone with my surname) and my nan. The bridesmaids and their partners and the 2 kids that are flower girls. He lost it. No wedding party and parents and siblings.its meant to be a small quiet thing.His family is miles smaller than mine.
If my face could change colour it would have. The day before we get married it's my birthday. I wanted a nice family and close friends dinner. Its my last night having the same name as my family and its my birthday. He said his cousins are not coming when I asked why he said because they wouldn't be able to afford it. We have had a big argument because he said I don't been all those people there as they will be with us all wkend. I'm gutted Its not possible for me to have something without these people. We do everything together. Hes now said I'm selfish because it's not about me. I said its my birthday he said unfortunately I've forfeit my birthday because it should be about us He told me no one will care its my birthday as they will be buzzing about the wedding.I tried to explain yes but if we are putting on drinks for people and it's branded birthday drinks how will no1 care. I know my family will be hurt if they are all not invited. He told me I need to stand up to them and say no. I don't want to say no I want them all there. I'm not selfish I just love my birthday and my family Why is he being like this

11 replies

Latest activity by Kirsty, 4 of April of 2023 at 14:21
  • Jack
    Beginner May 2023 Greater Manchester
    Jack ·
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    A rehearsal dinner really should only be your bridesmaid, groomsmen and parents
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  • Estina
    Savvy October 2024 Gloucestershire
    Estina ·
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    Yes I know but it's also by birthday so I thought it would be fun to have all the family.
    Plus culturally it's difficult for me to have something without all the people I have with me all the time.

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  • H
    Expert November 2022 Lincolnshire
    Hayley ·
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    Could you celebrate your birthday the weekend before in a less formal way with just your family? Then you keep your rehearsal dinner as being for you both as a couple to celebrate your wedding and and agree on the guest list?

    If you are calling it a rehearsal dinner then it's for you both and you should agree on everything, like you do for the main event. If it's actually a birthday dinner then you are within your right to be selfish and set the guest list.
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  • Estina
    Savvy October 2024 Gloucestershire
    Estina ·
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    I have called it rehearsal/ birthday dinner. My actual birthday is the 25th so no.
    In my family you don't celebrate your birthday before it comes just incase you don't make that day. Very old skool but that's what I believe. I am also a teacher and 1 of the things I love is that my birthday is in half term.
    It's not a big deal in my opinion. I have included everyone in the wedding party and my family. He has always known my family is big. I'm afraid that it will be very boring without my family there. My parents and his parents are not the closest as there is a 35 year age difference so it's just awkward every time they are together. This is just frustrating for me
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  • Laura
    Dedicated July 2023 Cambridgeshire
    Laura ·
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    I think you might need to be a bit humble here and accept that you had a miscommunication about what counts as immediate family (personally I don't include my aunts, uncles and cousins in that definition but you are clearly close to yours and do, did your other half know that before the rehearsal dinner came up?) I think you need to empathise with him but also gently explain how important it is to you to have your family members there. Perhaps you could invite a few more on his side, and/or host something more casual to save on cost?
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  • K
    Savvy August 2023 Co Londonderry
    Katherine ·
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    Sorry but you need to rethink your priorities here. You clearly havent discussed this with your fiance and hes rightly pissed. Your post sounds like you decided and thats that. Not off to a good start here. Think you might be better separating the 2 events imo. The rehearsal dinner is about your wedding day. As a couple. Your birthday is about you. Just my 2 cents worth.
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  • S
    Rockstar April 2023 West London
    Sarah ·
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    Honestly I think I agree with your fiancé. While clearly you haven’t intentionally done anything wrong, I would be livid if my fiancé organised a birthday party the day before our wedding.

    Also, as a fellow teacher who is also getting married in the holidays (tomorrow, in fact!), I can tell you right now that the couple of weeks leading up to the wedding are absolutely exhausting! I’ve got my immediate family coming to stay at mine tonight and honestly right now even that is feeling like a lot as I’m not home from work yet. My advice would be to keep pre-wedding events as low-key as possible, but I understand this might not be the same for you.

    Either way, you and your fiancé need to get on the same page because you both deserve to have the celebration you want.

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  • Estina
    Savvy October 2024 Gloucestershire
    Estina ·
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    He always knew i wanted to have a mass gathering the day before as its my 40th so when we were given the date for what was free on our wedding it so happened to be the day after my birthday. I said we could find another date and he was like no its fine would be a double celebration. So this is a shock for me that all of a sudden its a huge deal. we have now come to the conclusion that we just won't be having anything.
    I am lucky that I am getting married the end of the 1st week of my October half term so it will be fine. Good luck on your amazing day.
    Hopefully it will stop raining

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  • S
    Rockstar April 2023 West London
    Sarah ·
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    Ok well that sounds a bit different if he already agreed to a double celebration - it sounds now more like the two of you just interpreted that differently.
    How do you think he would feel about having a low-key rehearsal dinner at lunchtime/the day before your birthday, with just the absolute closest people, and then making it clear that this celebration is your birthday party? Maybe it’s a bit too much but it’s an idea to suggest to him.
    Good luck, I hope you get it all sorted!
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  • R
    VIP July 2020 Monmouthshire
    RomanticGreenStationery27135 ·
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    I can see both points of view - for me 'immediate family' would be parents and siblings, not cousins, friends etc. But I know that in many cultures, 'immediate family' has a much wider interpretation, so I think you have just had a misunderstanding over the definition of the phrase.

    I'm a bit concerned that he has got so angry with you about this though. It's ok to disagree, but flying off the handle is another thing entirely. Does he often do this?

    Also, have you spent any time talking through your cultural differences and your expectations for the future? It can be a huge adjustment for any couple, but the adjustment tends to be even bigger when you are both from different backgrounds, because what you each assume is 'normal' or 'common' can be totally different!

    If you haven't done already, I'd really encourage you to do some marriage prep. You can get some courses online now, and they tend to look at things like your expectations around family, finance, celebrations (Christmas, birthday etc). My husband and I found it really helpful to talk through our differing views and work out compromises where we disagreed.

    In one way, it's maybe good that this has cropped up now, because every couple has to work out ways of compromising and disagreeing well, so I guess it's better to deal with it now than after the wedding.

    I hope you manage to resolve this quickly and happily. Best wishes xxx

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  • K
    Dedicated June 2023 Essex
    Kirsty ·
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    I agree with a lot of the above. It sounds to me like a miscommunication. I have a feeling you both have different ideas what a 'close family gathering' actually means.

    Personally, my views are more aligned with your partner. If this is a rehearsal dinner then that should be parents and wedding party. Aunties, Uncles and Cousins are extended family and wouldn't normally go to a rehearsal dinner. This should really be about you and your partner and not your birthday. Its your last night to enjoy each others company before the big day and honestly you are gonna need a chill evening. Its harder to see when you are far out from your wedding, but I am only 7 weeks away from mine and I have the final details coming through and the thought of a big gathering the night before the wedding day sounds horrific to me. There is so much to think about the night before, it really needs to be less of big party.

    Obviously you still want to celebrate your birthday, so why not do it on a different day and separate the birthday from the rehearsal dinner? At the end of the day your birthday should be all about you, but your rehearsal dinner should be about both of you and I feel mixing the two takes that "togetherness" aspect away and basically focuses the whole thing on you. Your partner may be feeling a bit left out.

    Alternatively, if you cannot agree on size of this, why not change it completely? Have a special birthday with just the two of you and plan something intimate and romantic. You can enjoy your birthday and savour that special time the night before the wedding.

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