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Dedicated July 2022 Durham

Father bride and mother groom songs

Charlotte, 5 of July of 2022 at 00:44 Posted on Etiquette and Advice 0
Hello, so my mother in law and my dad get on really well, and have made a promise that they'd dance together on my wedding day, which me, my mum, and my partner love. My h2b lost his dad 3 year ago due to a brain tumour and my mil just wants one dance. They're both a fan of Glen Miller and I know there's two songs that got mentioned String of pearls and moonlight serenade?
I know few songs by Glen miller but both if these sound lovely but I'm asking if anyone else has any other suggestions for them. Even if it's not a Glen miller but similar era.....I briefly know "don't sit under the apple tree" but I don't know the whole lyrics. They obviously don't want anything to "weird" but something they both like. If that makes sense. Is there even such things as father of the bride and mother of groom dances. I'd mentioned my mam and dad were having a dance, and my mum in law looked gutted and my dad offered which really made her day, as it'll definitely be tough emotional day for us all.

Any help or advice would be lovely
Thank you in advance

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