Rather than sending out save the date cards for our wedding, we've decided to set up a facebook event page infoming people that they are invited and the official invitaions will follow... Anyway, I have just had a message from one of my friends that has left me feeling a bit upset and im trying to calm myself down before i write a suitable response.
Basically she says she can't come to my wedding because the venue is where her ex husband got re-married on the 20th Dec ( 3 or 4 years ago now - they had been split for at over 10years at this point). Our wedding is the 17th Dec. Now I do get that she is lonely and resents the fact that her husband re-married but im also feeling sad that she can't put that aside to come share our special day. (and i also want to tell her that becuase she is still holding on to all of that hurt she cant move on and this is why she is so unhappy!). I know im being selfish in wanting her to be there, but im also really sadden for her. I want to ask her if she would have come if it was a different venue, i suppose just to try to make a point but i dont want to upset her either. Im really disappointed but can't tell her!!