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*Mrs M to be*
Beginner August 2014

Finding some of my friends a bit disinterested!

*Mrs M to be*, 12 of August of 2013 at 21:46 Posted on Planning 1 12

Hey everyone :o)

Was wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I got engaged 3 months ago and last month we booked our date and venue. Very exciting! :o) All of our family are really excited and happy for us. Both sets of parents are helping out big time with the finances and everyone asks how the plans are coming along and offers suggestions and gets excited with us but I'm finding that some of my closest friends I thought would be ecstatic for me... Just aren't. They barely show any interest at all!

Our wedding isn't until next August so I realise it's a while off yet and I also know that it's a lot more exciting for me/ us as it's our wedding but on a few occasions now a couple of friends have upset me a bit and I don't know if I'm just expecting too much. One friend in particular who I would consider my closest friend hasn't asked me anything about anything.

I've recently relocated so live quite a distance from all my friends and family now (yet to make some new friends in the new place!) so we don't get to chat all the time. The other day I phoned the friend mentioned and we chatted for about an hr and we talked about her, her family, her business etc etc. I didn't bring the wedding up at all for the first 45 min or so as I'm trying not to be a wedding bore! But when I did bring it up, just to say that she should expect a save the date card to come through the door in the next few days, she just said ok. I then said that the wedding plans were sort of coming together and that we'd booked a couple of things and she just 'oh ok' and then said she had to go!

I was actually really hurt. It isn't even that I'm guilty of chatting her ear off about the wedding and now she's sick of it because I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her about it yet! She doesn't know about any of the plans at all. I don't expect her to be as obsessed with the wedding as I am but I'm upset that she doesn't ask me anything about the plans. I know her and all her family will have got their save the date cards last week but she hasn't even mentioned it. I hand made them all and I was so chuffed with them but it's only the family members who have said anything about them.

Also another of my closest friends who is also going to be a bridesmaid, although she is excited and happy for me and shows an interest, she cant help but drop in the odd snidey comment here or there. The other day she started totally bashing the institution of marriage and saying how divorce rates are so high and that marriage isn't important to her and that she thinks it's a waste of money etc. She's obviously entitled to her opinion but I did feel it was done slightly for my benefit. P***ing on my parade so to speak! haha.

Sorry! I'm totally rantng and moaning now. Just seeing if I'm alone in this!

12 replies

Latest activity by *J9*, 13 of August of 2013 at 09:14
  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
    Hoddy ·
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    That is really spiteful. Really, really nasty. I wouldn't be having that...........

    Without knowing too much background (whether your friends have partners, are married, their ages etc) I would say they sound jealous to be honest. If you are really concerned about it just try asking them. Anyone who is going to be like that isn't worthy of being a bridesmaid (and that is just my opinion!)

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    I completely agree that they sound quite jealous.
    Obviously no one is as excited as the wedding day as you are but they don't even sound like they're trying to be polite about it, or trying to seem the least bit interested.
    It's just good manners to show some interest after all, they really sound like they're being quite bitchy & as I say, i'd definitely agree the green eyed monster is taking over with them.

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  • *Mrs M to be*
    Beginner August 2014
    *Mrs M to be* ·
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    Yeah, you've both sort of said what my fiancé says. He thinks they're maybe a bit green eye. I don't know why they'd be jealous though. The first friend I mentioned is a bit older than me so she's done the whole wedding thing AND a vow renewal which I was so excited about and helped her organise! And the second friend is in a relationship and lives with her guy.

    It would just be nice to come off of the phone from them feeling excited and happy but I find that every time I've spoken to them I've got a bad taste in my mouth. Also a bit worried I've made a bad bridesmaid choice!

    That's a shame that your mum doesn't seem too excited. She'll maybe warm up as the wedding approaches though?

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    It's hard to know without knowing the full situation, but I have to say that before I was planning my wedding and knew the effort that went into it, I didn't really think anything of getting a save the date card other than to go 'oh that's nice'.

    I wouldn't have thought to mention it to someone, especially if they already knew I had the date saved. maybe it's just bad timing for her and she's got other stuff on and hasn't thought about it? I've also replied late to an RSVP once which now I know the hassle of that it makes me feel bad!!

    I'd say the majority of those mega excited for me are those that have already been married, know what it's like to get excited about planning a wedding day.

    She might not have meant anything by the wedding/marriage talk. I've had friends talk about marriage/weddings being a waste of money since I got engaged but I know they're just talking about them. Try not to let it get to you, they probably are very happy for you, just don't realise what they're meant to be excited about yet.

    Sounds like there are plenty of other people who are excited for you to share it with and hitched is a great place to get excited about the little details! If your friends are good in other ways, don't worry too much and I'm sure they'll share in your excitement as the day gets nearer!

    Edit - I wrote some of this before I saw your reply so the bit about not being married doesn't count!

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  • Siobhan200286
    Beginner August 2015
    Siobhan200286 ·
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    Hmm I agree with others I think they are perhaps envious, and maybe the older friend who is already married is perhaps just a bit 'bored' with the whole wedding excitement because she's already done it. She could even be a bit envious in terms of being sad her day is over and now it's your turn to shine.

    One of my friends irritated me when I got engaged as when we met up she just talked about how she wanted her bf to propose...but that friend has always been an attention seeker so I let it slide, it's just how she is.

    My FMIL has been, simply, bizarre since we got engaged, so much so that my OH commented on it and he never notices things like that. We used to see her fairly regularly but after we got engaged it was literally months until I saw her. Now we've found a venue and showed her it she did seem a bit more keen, but honestly she is nowhere near as excited as I thought she'd be. I wonder if she is a bit sad about it because she probably won't be getting involved too much - I'll be doing all the girly things with my mum and friends. And FMIL doesn't have daughters so she'll never get to do all that mother/daughter stuff.

    I suppose all you have to try and remember is that not everyone will be as excited as you might like them to be, and unfortunately you have to just learn to deal with each person accordingly. It is upsetting and infuriating at times but I think it's just an example of odd human nature and you have to try not to take it personally. Planning the wedding is stressful enough as it is, without having to worry about people's odd reactions.

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  • *Funky*
    Beginner January 2001
    *Funky* ·
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    Trust me a month or 2 before the wedding suddenly all the excitement kicks in and everyone will be telling you about their new diet/exercise regime they are doing to get in shape for your big day, asking for advice about what to wear and lots of annoying questions they would know if they just read their bloody invite!

    You always have Hitched for all the wedding related chat and excitement you could ever need. ?

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  • F
    Beginner November 2013
    FutureBright ·
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    You are not in this alone, I am experiencing friends not being interested and it doesn't matter how much I chase them they just are not interested and this includes my bridesmaid. You can't make people interested, this is the time where you realise who really Is there for you. A friend who just got married told me "Tunnel Vision".. only you and your OH matter do what is best for you and do not worry about anyone else it is your wedding. So please think of who you want to be part of your day. Good Luck

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  • *Mrs M to be*
    Beginner August 2014
    *Mrs M to be* ·
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    Thanks for all the advice. I am really trying not to let it bother me. I don't want to fall out with anyone, especially one of my bridesmaids. She has been excited for me most of the time. It's just the odd little comment.

    I suppose when you're planning your wedding you can be a bit guilty of forgetting what other people might have going on in their lives. I was so happy with how the save the dates looked I suppose I wanted people to comment on them but they are just save the date cards! God knows what I'll expect when I've sent the invites out. A fanfare or something! Haha.

    I've got a bit of a gripe with the first friend I mentioned anyway because she's just disinterested in what's going on in my life generally, not just with the wedding. We tend to just talk about her. I've had a bit of a crap time job hunting the last few months and she never asks anything about that either. Never asks how it's going or whether I've had any interviews or anything, just slips in the odd comment about how I'm a lady of leisure and I sit on my arse all the time! Haha. I'm really not painting her in a good light at all but she wasn't always like this. There's definitely been a change in her since I met my other half and moved away and settled down.

    You're right about the tunnel vision thing. My fiancé is a lot better at that than me! I'm always asking, "do you think so and so will mind that?" or "I'm worried people won't enjoy that" or "blah de blah will slag that off"... His usual response is "I couldn't give a bleep what anyone thinks of any of it as long as you and I enjoy it and we will". :o) I am coming round to that way of thinking slowly but surely!

    Anyway! I'll definitely be on here a lot. It's a good place for me to be wedding obsessed and I don't have to worry about boring or annoying anyone! Haha.

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  • vintagedreams
    Beginner August 2013
    vintagedreams ·
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    Sorry your feeling this way it was the same for me, now I am four days away and the wedding is all anyone mentions! I'm the one who is sick of talking about it and I honestly think my bridesmaids are more excited than I am at this moment! So hang in there, I am sure they will catch up with you in the excitement stakes nearer the time :-)

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  • *Mrs M to be*
    Beginner August 2014
    *Mrs M to be* ·
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    Ooh 4 days away! Exciting! Although I'm wondering if the few days run up will be exciting or if there's just so much to do you don't get time to be excited! :o) That seems so long away for me but sure it'll come around quick enough.

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  • vintagedreams
    Beginner August 2013
    vintagedreams ·
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    I finished everything about a week ago, I was more excited then, now I'm not doing anything weddingy its worn off a bit, sure it will come back Thursday. It took two of my bridesmaids getting married themselves to pick up in the excitement stakes and the hen do got people going. Use hitched to keep your wedding excitement alive, we are always happy to hear about your wedding plans :-)

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    I know the feeling. My 2 BMs who I thought would be more interested have been a bit pants. My MOH on the other hand (who said she doesn't possess the wedding gene) has been amazing.

    One of my BMs is married and actually keeps telling me how certain things are a complete waste of money or won't be appreciated etc. This is majorly peeing me off as it feels like she's trying to put a dampener on my plans.

    The other BM is a bit jealous I think. She's been with her bf for 2 years longer and they've only just moved in together and always thought she'd be married first.

    Just try to ignore the negative and we'll support you and get excited for you ?

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