Having decided the best option is a register office, I sat OH down last night to make a rough guest list of day and evening people to get an idea of numbers. As expected, we've got 14 more than the register office is licenced for ☹️.
I was able to trim 8 off my side quite readily (the family's of 2 friends and the gf and baby of a second cousin), but then it's more tricky. He's got 19 on his side, and with desperately hoping his daughter will change her mind about seeing him again, that brings it to a nice even split. BUT it means I have to trim several more people, so I've now trimmed off my 2 cousins' husbands and children to get the desired number (got to treat both cousins the same).
There is a park next to the register office they can spend the half hour in, but I feel awful about having to exclude them. Is this acceptible? It doesn't sit quite right that OH has his cousins families and children, but I'm the one with the bigger family. I've asked the registrar about standing room, but no can do - 40 guests max.
I know not everyone may turn up, so it's too early to really worry, and I will write an explanation with the invites, but wondering how others dealt with limited guest issues and deciding hierarchy.