Thought we could have this for any newbies (and oldies) to refer to. I'll get it started but let me know if I can add to it:
- OT - Off topic
- OH - Other half
- BM - Best man or Bridesmaid
- CBM - Chief bridesmaid
- MOH - Maid/Matron of Honour
- SIL/BIL/MIL/FIL - Sister.../brother.../mother.../father..... in law
- H2B - Husband to be
- IYKWIM - If you know what I mean
- IYSWIM - If you see what I mean
- Tog - photographer
- HIB - Hitcher in business
- WWYD - What would you do
- WSS - What she said
- WEES - What everyone else said
- N&P - Name and praise
- TBH - To be honest
- TIA - Thanks in advance
- RAHK - Random act of Hitched kindness
- PSA - Public service announcement
- HTH - Hope that helps
- Troll - someone fake on Hitched
- STD - Save the date
- IMO - in my opinion
- (sp) - not sure if spelling is correct
- HRML - hitched rules my life!
- AIBU- Am I Being Unreasonable.
- IIRC- If I Remember Correctly
- VOG - videographer
- ER - engagement ring
- WR - wedding ring
- PIL - Parents in law
- FPIL - Future parents in law
- OM - old marrieds
How do we make this a sticky??