I feel I have doen nothing but look at shoes (for mine and another's wedding) in about 6 months.
'im indoors is a smidgen shorter than me and I am really conscious of not looking like the Broons Granny in heels beside him and my shorter bridesmaids.
I LOVE the irregular choice shoes and Ruby Shoo but I can't see anything in a flat style that comes even close to that. There's an iron Fist possibility but it has monsters on it so perhaps not.
I saw some Vivienne Westwood flats that were the closest (kind of jelly shoes) but while testing the water I said "so...would you be upset if I spent £90 on shoes" and he just looked at me. Technically not a No but quite close!
I've also considered customised Converse as I live in mine but I don't want to 'stomp down the aisle' in trainers!
Do any of you have any ideas of something a little funkier in flats? I'm one more Google away from just buying basic flats and making my own shoe clips but I'd really like something a bit more special.
Something along these lines: