Hi ladies
Well its like this!!!!!!!!!!!
Went for my first try on of my actual dress yesterday and I absolutely love it to bits - gave me a lovely shape and Im really pleased and cant wait to wear.
Two little itsy bitsy concerns :-
1. It felt so tight - lady in shop said it relaxes when youve tried it a few times and it did feel better after fifteen minutes in it but what about when youve had some food - dont want to feel like Im bursting out of it!! Can anyone reassure me??!!
and secondly,
How can I put this - top of the dress from the back looked like I was slightly bulging over the top of the dress. Mum said it was my back bones and lady in shop said it can be slightly let out under the arms but not to worry and that it may have been cos I was wearing a strapless bra and next time to try without as the padding in the bra forces everything upwards and that the corset would hold me in.
Im sure everything will be OK but think pre-wedding jitters are making me panicky
Anybody else had these little worries when trying their dresses????
Thanks ladies!!