I'm going to have a meal for all my friends and family so that's that sorted but I want to do something for the day/overnight/weekend for just me and my 4 best friends. I'm struggling to think of ideas as I'm pregnant and that's restricting me. So far we've thought of things like activitiy days ie go-karting (out), spa day (out - I know they can do treatments for pregnant woman but my friends have said its so restrictive it's not worth bothering with and I'm not overly fussed about spa's anyway), any type of drinking (obviously out!), hiring a cottage with a hot-tub (can't use hot-tubs), show in London (out as I'm not a particular fan of citys), horseracing (out - done it before).....and so it went on.
Surely it shouldn't be this hard lol!! Any suggestions anyone? Pretty please! ?