Seeing as wer're all posting coupley pics heres ours at a recent wedding!! not feeling the whole 'couples look alike' kinda thing tho lolol sorry iof its a massive pic lol
aww bless you Hels...its natural, looks like i have highlights and lowlights put in i know, everyone always asks me...esp if i been out in the sun ! and annoying as i cant dye doesnt stay dyed lol
Funnily enough, we did a similar thread to this last year and one of the male hitchers said that I couldn't be blonde or small because he'd got to know me as tall, dark with green eyes and that's what all florists looked like !! He was disappointed to hear I was blonde, blue eyed and a short arse !!!
Is it auburny (sp?) and/or brown?? Its just beautiful! Im very jealous! My sister has natural blonde highlights going through her hair, yet I spend alot of money getting mine put in ha
yep, auburny running through it...thank to my mother...and just takes to the sun easily i guess re highlights! OH always says my hair tans like i patches lol