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xxxsnowbunnyxxx, 2 February, 2009 at 11:03 Posted on Planning 0 9

I will give you some background first before I start woferling.

OH's parent's are seperated and have been for 7 years they both have new partners, My mum is no longer with us and my dad has a partner of about 10 years now.

Right OH's dad rang yesterday to ask where his girlfriend would be sat for the meal, we said we hadn't sorted the table plan out yet, and asked why. he said he wanted to sit next to her as she wouldn't know anyone, we said he would be on the top table and there would be no room for her on there.

He said it wasn't fair as my dad's partner was on the top table so why couldn't she be, so then we got into it, the only reason dad's partner is on the top table is beacuse she is stepping in for where my mum was meant to be sat.

Now he is insisting that she either

Sits on the top table with him or He sits on a normal table with her.

I feel like I want to scream, OH agrees that he is being silly but I really don't want them to spoil my day.

If we say ok you sit on a normal table with your partner, then it is going to open the floor for a free for all, Oh's mum wanting to sit with her partner, MOH wanting to sit with her husband and BM wanting to sit with his partner.

No one else seems to have a problem with it, god I just want to scream.

Thank you for listening, like I just needed to get it off my chest before I exploded at work.

9 replies

Latest activity by Braw Wee Chanter, 2 February, 2009 at 12:49
  • Champagne
    Beginner June 2007
    Champagne ·
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    I think the seating plan can end up being the most emotive part of the day! You'll never please everyone so will have to compromise.

    Our father's were deceased, so we sat our Mums on the top table, either side of us and H's Mum's 2nd husband on a separate table with some old friends of his and H's relatives. His Mum wasn't too happy but she'd not contributed to or got involved in the day whereas my Mum had paid for and was hosting the day and we didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

    In your situation I would consider your top table just being you and your attendants (BMs, best man, ushers with or without their partners, then your parents can host other tables.

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    Beginner August 2009
    FIONATS73 ·
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    We have the same problem, when I explained to the hotel where we are getting married that my parents where divorced what can we do? He suggested have a top table with just me and h2b on it. Both bridesmaids can sit with partners and kids and not problems on parents as mine are both remarried. I believe from a magazine its called a sweet heart table. Certainly saved me 1 less headache even though I have one big one at the moment my Dad!

    Good Luck Hun


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  • bec84
    bec84 ·
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    Champagne, think thats a good idea! That way, you'll not have the hassle. x

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  • xxxsnowbunnyxxx
    xxxsnowbunnyxxx ·
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    I am thinking weather to just have me, OH, my dad and dad's partner (as they are paying for most of it) on a top table and then all the others can sit on normal tables with there partners.

    I am still going round later though as I feel he is being unreasonable and needs to remember that it's his son's wedding.

    OH has said if he still kicks up a fuss then i'll tell him not to bother coming at all. Which I don't really want but I don't want drama on the day.

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  • claires
    Beginner July 2008
    claires ·
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    To a certain degree, i can see his point, as in, why should your Dads partner be on the top table, but not your OH Dads partner? I understand your reasoning, but it may not be as clear to him. Would it really spoil your day if all the parents and partners were on the top table? If so, could you consider having a top table of just you an OH, and say BM and Bridesmaids?

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  • loobyg
    Beginner November 2008
    loobyg ·
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    Our top table had me, H, CBM and her partner and best man and his partner on it as our parental units are mightily complicated too. We also decided we'd rather sit with friends we'd have a laugh with rather than our parents!!

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  • milna
    Beginner May 2009
    milna ·
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    Hmmmm ... I reckon if its important to him to sit with his partner, you should try to accommodate that. Personally, I am having my dad's new partner on the top table. My mum doesn't have a new partner, but if she did, they would be there.

    If your OHs dad is happy not to sit on the top table, then why not just put him on another table?

    Putting myself in his partners positon (which I could be, one day, as my OH already has children) ... I too would like to be sat with him. It wouldn't bother me if we sat seperately at a friends wedding where I knew other people - but family events where you know very few people (with the exception probably of those on the top table) and there are also ex wives/husbands and their families to deal with can be very daunting.

    And the other point I suppose is that by sitting them seperately there is a degree of 'excluding' the new partner. fair enough you may not consider her as family - but you are asking people to come and celebrate your relationship, and so it seems only fair to also respect other peopels relationships and make new partners of family emembers feel welcome?

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  • xxxsnowbunnyxxx
    xxxsnowbunnyxxx ·
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    I understand everyone views thank you.

    We are going round tonight to talk about it, think I just needed to get it off my chest that was all.

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
    bluewater ·
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    Can you do what loobyg did?

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  • Braw Wee Chanter
    Braw Wee Chanter ·
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    The sweetheart table works really well in these circumstances. To make the parents feel 'important' you can have them 'host' a table. That way they all get to sit with their partners but the parent is the important figure and the partner just happens to be sat next to them IYSWIM.


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