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Beginner October 2014

Glasses or contacts? *includes FLASH*

MrsCWB, 10 April, 2014 at 07:51 Posted on Planning 0 33

I have worn glasses for about 15 years. I have dabbled in contact lenses, but never really stuck to them. I just prefer the ease of use of glasses. I can't see much without them. The whole world goes rather blurry!

Do I wear glasses or contacts on my big day? I've looked at the UK lady who makes special wedding glasses and although they are awesome, they are very, very expensive and I couldn't see me wearing them again afterwards.

Then I found these ones:

I really like them, but they are still nearly £200. Contacts would be slightly cheaper, I think, but I'm not used to them, so I would have to get them in advance.

Any other glasses wearers out there with any advice? What do you think of the ones I've seen? Do you know anywhere that does particularly nice, yet cheap, glasses?


33 replies

Latest activity by SecretlyEloped, 20 April, 2014 at 13:14
  • H
    Beginner August 2014
    H3LEN ·
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    I would be inclined to wear glasses their part of who you are.

    Costco do very reasonable glasses too. You have to think about though would you wear them again?

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  • MrsBeckiW
    Beginner May 2014
    MrsBeckiW ·
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    My OH and I are both wearing our glasses on our wedding day.

    I thought about wearing my contacts because I normally feel more special and dressed up with them in.

    I decided not to wear them because;

    - I only take my glasses off at night so when I take them off during the day I automatically feel tired

    - I can't see as well, which I think also makes me more tired. (plus I have a lay eye that creeps back in when my eyes are tired) And I don't want to sign on the wrong line :p

    - I would worry that after that many hours they would start to feel uncomfortable. I would just end up putting my glasses on anyway

    - Mainly, I wear glasses. That is me.

    I am going to stick with the glasses I have. They are a little battered but I figure no one notices normally so I don't know why they would that day.

    My OH's glasses were a bit wonky so he ordered some more from glassesdirect. There are tons to choose from and all kinds of price ranges. If you do look there and you have time, wait for a sale. They have them all the time.

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  • *
    Beginner April 2014
    *PN* ·
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    I think if you normally wear glasses you should wear glasses.

    The thing is with contact lenses you have to build yourself up over a week or so to be able to wear them all day if you are not used to wearing them regularly or semi regularly at least.

    £200 is a lot of money, but will you continue to wear them after the wedding? Keep them for special occasions? Specsavers sometimes do BOGOF, could you buy an everyday pair and a nicer pair?

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    I wear both, mostly lenses but I wear glasses 2 or 3 days a week. I wore lenses for our wedding, mainly because I'm used to wearing them and I feel 100% better about y appearance when I wear them.

    If you're not going to be comfortable or confident in lenses then definitely stick to glasses. Personally, I wouldn't bother too much about buying fancy ones. As you wear them all the time anyway people aren't going to notice.

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  • SoftKitty
    Beginner December 2016
    SoftKitty ·
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    I'm wearing my glasses. I look much better with them on and I don't like putting things i. My eyes.

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  • J
    Beginner April 2014
    julie26.04.14 ·
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    I use both glasses and contacts, although tend to wear glasses most days and contacts to feel more dressed up. I feel self conscious in glasses though and hate the thought of my glasses in my wedding photos (not that I like having my photo taken but on the odd occasion that it happens I whip my glasses off!) I am going to wear contacts for the bulk of my day (a bridesmaid has a bottle of comfort drops in her bag) and have my glasses to hand in case my eyes get tired, this usually happens around the 12 hour point if I'm not stuck in front of a computer screen all day. My vision is stronger with my contacts even though the prescription is the same as my glasses.

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
    SillyWrong ·
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    You need to look like YOU on your wedding day ... I'm going to start learning to use and be comfortable with contacts soon because I don't wear my glasses all the time (even though I'm blind as a bat) so they aren't really a part of me ..

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    Thank you all so much for helping me! Smiley laugh

    I think I will go for glasses, I think I knew that already really, I just needed a bit of back up! I want a special pair because it's a special day, but not so special that I can never wear them again. That's my only hang up about the ones I flashed. I love them, but when would I wear them again? Could I wear ivory glasses with jeans and a hoody? I do have loads of glasses to suit my mood (the online shop I use starts at £6 a pair, so very affordable), I just don't have any that are glitzy and glamorous and special for my wedding day!


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  • M
    Beginner October 2013
    MrsM*LZ ·
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    I was in a similar situation to you. I dabble in contacts occasionally but can never really last for more than 4-5 hours with them in and I'm so used to wearing glasses I didn't want to look to different.

    I knew that my regular glasses were a no no, both pairs are quite dark, heavy framed and when i found my dress they just didn't look particularly nice.

    My optician friend suggested rimless glasses as wearing contacts for your wedding, you'd end up wearing them for about 15 or so hours as they would need to be in before your make up etc. Plus I would worry about them itching/me crying etc etc!!

    I had a look around and found that rimless ones were quite expensive so i selected a few pairs from glasses direct as they had a BOGOF sale on. You can order up to 4 pairs of frames which are sent to you to try then you can order a prescription if you like any of the frames. I think 2 pairs cost me £95.

    Its great as now I have 4 pairs of glasses I can swap between and wear for different looks - I'm not sure I could buy a pair for one day knowing I wouldn't wear them again!

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
    cymruangel ·
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    I wear glasses every day, but thankfully am long sighted and often leave them off to go out for the evening so people are used to seeing me without them.

    I think if you're used to glasses, you should stick to them. But do talk to your photographer about it and let them know that's what you're planning - they can factor it in to avoid glare in your photographs.

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  • M
    Beginner June 2014
    metal_gear_panda ·
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    I'm a constant glasses wearer part time lens wearer.

    I had this same thought too, I tried my dress on with my glasses... and I looked like every day me with this special dress thinking for going with my lenses, I have till june to get used to wearing my lenses for long periods, although my lenses arent too bad unless I'm at work, but I have drops to use for them for when my eyes get tired/sore. My h2b is used to me with my specs on, but I think I'd look more special without them, and its a waste of eye make up for me if I wear my glasses as my glasses are heavy rimmed and thick legged lol! That and I cant see anything with them off, I had to do this as a BM for my friends wedding and I was like "where am I" and walked right into a door...dont want that happening on my big day! haha! xxx

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  • terri_cramp
    Beginner May 2015
    terri_cramp ·
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    I've worn glasses for 10 years and I didn't want to get married wearing glasses, so I got contact lenses a couple of months before oh popped the question and i'm so please I did.. it took a while for me to get used to myself with out glasses, and other people couldn't work out what had changed, because I had a fringe cut too just to try and deter people from noticing the obvious loss of glasses.

    It's been 6 months now, and i'll still wear my glasses if i'm just at home and being lazy but most days I pop the lenses in.

    I do really like the glasses that you've flashed, and would have gone for something similar had I chosen the glasses route.


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  • K
    Beginner October 2014
    katie80uk ·
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    Having the same thoughts but I've worn glasses since I was 16..34 so everyone knows me with glasses. I thought I would look better with contacts but my partner will be wearing his and I think I'd feel weird looking at my wedding photos without me wearing glasses. I'm just making sure my hairs done in a way to make me look nice with glasses on :-)

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  • emjjarvy
    Beginner September 2014
    emjjarvy ·
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    I used to work as an optical assistant in a previous life and I would be warey of ivory/ white glasses as they will stand out much more than you think when they are on. They could look fab on but I would certainly go to a few shops where you an try on different styles and see what suits you. I think it's a good excuse to get a lovely pair of glasses you will wear again/ all of the time. Also, if you get your eyes tested but don't like any of the glasses in that shop you can take your prescription elsewhere and use it.

    Contacts would be cheaper than £200, most opticians will do free trials and you can get monthly supplies for £15 or so depending on your prescription, but you would need an up to date eye test too. However, if you are happy in glasses I don't see a need to wear contacts if you don't want to xx

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  • pink & glitz
    Beginner August 2014
    pink & glitz ·
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    I would go contacts, I am saying that as they are cheaper and easy to put in. You could do lots of practicing before the wedding x

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  • S
    Beginner April 2014
    sophiesofa ·
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    If it were me I'd go for contacts. I used to have glasses but hated them sooo much and wore contacts mostly. Last year I had laser eye surgery and I'm so glad I did. But... If you don't mind wearing glasses then go with that but I don't think you should buy a special pair for a lot of money. Tricky!

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    I always think brides look a bit weird when they're so far from what they normally look like that they don't look themselves. I think it seems to work best when you look like a dressed up, polished version of yourself, so if you've always worn glasses, definitely wear them on they day.

    With glasses, as you probably know, shape and fit is just as important as the colour so it's hard to tell without know what they'd look like on you. Get down to a boots or a spesavers or similar and try a load on. They don't have to be ivory - just a lighter colour might be nice. I'm particularly thinking a light silver or gold frame (depending on your wedding colours) would be nice and wearable again or have a frame in one of your wedding colours just to give a subtle nod to it?

    Specsavers often have buy one get one free so you could even get a pair of prescription sunglasses too for summer or your honeymoon if you have one/are going away somewhere sunny.

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  • Shamy
    Beginner September 2014
    Shamy ·
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    I wear glasses every day but have daily disposable lenses for special occasions, so I'll be wearing contacts on my wedding day. They're not something you can just 'pop in' on the day though if you're not used to them, as previous posters have said, so they're more of a lifestyle change (at least in the run up to the wedding). I hadn't thought about eye drops so I'll be adding those to my list of things for the day. I find contacts very tiring on my eyes and I look forward to removing them even more than high heels after a night out!

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  • Trish2014
    Beginner June 2014
    Trish2014 ·
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    I only wear glasses for driving so it's not something I've had to think about. My OH wears glasses all the time though and has never tried contacts. From the other point of view I'd hate it if he decided to try contacts for the day as it just wouldn't look like him. I love him for who he is and if he turned up without his glasses on I'd probably wonder who I was marrying!

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  • I-go-by-many-names
    Super April 2015
    I-go-by-many-names ·
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    I hardly ever wear my glasses as they make my eyes look tiny due to my very strong prescription (-12). However wearing contacts for longer than around 10 hours makes my eyes really dry and tired, so I'm leaning towards changing into glasses mid-evening. By that point everyone will be drunk, including me, so won't care, and the photographer will have gone anyway.

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  • L
    Laura Radford Photography ·
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    They are slick glasses! But just be aware your tog needs to know photoshop to mask out the flare from the flash during the evening reception photos!

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  • emjjarvy
    Beginner September 2014
    emjjarvy ·
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    This is a very good point and I would strongly recommend going for anti-reflection lenses if you are buying new glasses (I am certain you will be offered this at the opticians). They are slightly more expensive than standard lenses but well worth it as you get far less glare and the flash from a camera will not affect the pictures so much. Google anti-reflection verses standard lenses and you will see what I mean! Hope that helps! Xx

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  • M
    Beginner January 2015
    murphy88 ·
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    I am a glasses wearer and I plan on wearing contacts. I have appointment booked for next week and hen have 9months to get use to them.

    I don't mind wearing glasses but often they get interest. Plus I have a head band and then and glasses start to rub after a while....!

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    I'd wear the glasses if I was you - its what you normally wear so I think you'll feel more like yourself. I wouldnt necessarily buy a special pair either - just wear your ordinary ones ?

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  • TreacleTart
    Beginner May 2015
    TreacleTart ·
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    I'll be wearing my specs! always slightly amazed at how there are never any photos of brides in can look pretty and bride-y and still be a speccie wearer y'know! that said i did treat myself to some slightly more delicate looking ones, rather than my usual plastic ive gone for a bronze half rim. i did half consider something ivory-toned but decided that I probably wouldnt wear those at any other time so if you do treat yourself get a style that you wouldnt mind wearing again!

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  • Merigold
    Beginner June 2014
    Merigold ·
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    I'm wearing glasses. It would be strange to see me without them, and I can't see well without them.

    I did consider contact lenses - but I wear glasses and always have,

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    *Controversial comment alert*

    I really don't think glasses work with wedding dresses. There it is. Sorry.

    I definitely feel that the preferential option is to go for contact lens - where possible. I am a daily glasses wearer too, but also a non-wearer when dressed up. Whenever I see a bride done up on shows such as DTTB or Four Weddings, I always think "oooh, you should have worn contacts".

    However, I'll cave in and say glasses should be worn with wedding dresses WITH PRIDE under the following conditions:

    a) The bride never has and never will go without glasses (and use contacts) for any other social occasion past, present or future. So why do it as literally a one-off?

    b) The bride cannot wear contacts due to soreness / dryness / level of poor eyesight etc.

    c) The bride has bought some lovely 'special' glasses and has made them a nice fancy feature, rather than wearing their day to day ones (if you wear special hair accessories and jewelry, and carry flowers, why would you wear you bog standard glasses?)

    AlmostMrsCWB, I think you fell into more than one of these special circumstances, so wahhhh-heyyyyy, you met the criteria for it being ok to wear glasses, if you must!

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    Thank you all so much for your advice!!

    I have been going around the house with no glasses on for practice as it's a pretty safe environment, I know my home well! Unfortunately, as much as I know where everything is, I have still been tripping over stuff and walking in to things such as door frames. Not good when at the wedding I will be in a new place and I have a floral arch.

    So, I think I have decided to sod it, I will only get one wedding day, so I am going to buy the ones I flashed!! They come with anti-reflective coating included, so it should be ok for the photos. If not, I will take them off for posed photos and for the evening where there is little to walk in to and wear them just for the ceremony and the meal.


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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    Quite right for treating yourself to some nice glasses for your big day!

    I've seen some beautiful brides with their glasses on and I don't see why you should look any different to your usual self to please anyone else Smiley smile

    People amaze me when they think people should alter their appearance like wearing contacts, covering tattoos / piercings etc for one day because it's not bridal enough...I love when brides look like themselves on their day Smiley smile

    You'll look beautiful i'm sure!

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    I'm sure there was a huge sigh of relief from OP knowing she has your permission!? ?

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    As meatloaf would say, you took the words right out of my mouth! Was just coming on to post something similar (though probably not as eloquent). Why change who you are for your wedding day?

    Good choice op! And they'll look lovely in the summer with white dresdes/pale maxi dresses too.

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  • mariannechuaphotography
    mariannechuaphotography ·
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    I shot a bride with glasses, kind of teardrop shaped and she looked awesomee

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