With our venue, we have a package deal with a set number of guests to the wedding breakfast. With this in mind, we carefully chose our guest list with our closest family and friends, deciding to limit child invites to evening only (except for bridal party) and we were happy that we had invited everyone we loved the most.
We sent our invites out (still have a couple of weeks to reply) to our day guests only but so far we have had 4 people say they can't make it, due to having problems with looking after their children. 2 are coming to the evening but 2 aren't coming at all. I have half a feeling that another guest is also going to decline, as whenever I've mentioned it, she just says nothing!
Anyway, we made the decision we would send day invites early so if anyone declined, we could 'bump' evening guests. The thing is, we're struggling to find ones that we want to bump! We are going to invite 2 family members so there's only 2 more places to fill but it's giving us a right headache! We're not close enough to any other family (christmas card type!) and wouldn't say any of our friends on our evening list are that close, really, either.
I know in theory all guests should be as important as each other, but in reality, my immediate family and bestest mates are more important to us than friends we see a couple of times per year or family we only see at weddings and funerals! (is that bad??) Hence the reasons for being on daytime or evening lists.
Guess I'm saying, has anyone else had to bump and how did you make the decision? Was it obvious or did you have the same problems as us that you just don't know who to ask?