Well, now is the time I need some honest opinions.
We are having a small reg office do followed by a larger wedding breakfast.
We to the reg office we are inviting family (including aunts, but no cousins) and close friends only. To the wedding breakfast we are inviting everyone- cousins, 2nd cousins, uni friends etc.
About 3 weeks ago my brother announced he had a new girlfriend. He had recently been in a 5 year relationship (they broke up last year) and has since been dating, and had apparently been with this new girlfriend for 3 months.
My aunt is divorced and has since had a couple of boyfriends. I met her latest one at Christmas- I say met, he didn’t talk to me or anything (and I don’t think we were introduced).
We drew up a list of people we would be inviting to the reg office last year (before I knew my aunt had a boyfriend and before my brother was in this new relationship). My h2b and I decided that we would invite bro’s girlfriend and aunt’s boyfriend to wedding breakfast/reception but not to the reg office. There are no seats left (I have cousins and friends that I would love to come) and we hadn’t factored them into our numbers.
We have written out the invites and I told my brother and mum I was doing this. Their reaction had made me worried that we are doing the wrong thing. My brother looked surprised and said, “Oh well, I am sure she won’t be offended.” My mum (I told her by email as I was emailing her about other wedding stuff) didn’t really mention it, but I could tell by the fact she didn’t say, “oh, it’ll be fine” obviously thinks it’s not the right thing.
I have spare invitations and could re-write them to include said partners, if I invite 2 more people they will fit into the reg office, but it will mean we will have a couple of people standing. I am now thinking I invite them (my aunt has not been sent her invite yet nor does she know I was planning invite her boyfriend to the ceremony).
What do you think I should do? Honest opinions please (I won't flounce, I want impartial advice).
I am starting to think that I should invite them, I feel guilty. If I invite them, I can just forget about it and stop worrying! I don’t like offending people.