I have fairly long hair. Here's a pic of me that I'll be taking down fairly soon. Just so you can see the length of my hair when it's slightly curled;
It doesn't usually stay curly for that long and ends up looking quite flat and lifeless.
This is how I want my hair on my wedding day;
I ideally would like some clip-in hair extensions.. just to give it extra body and a bit more length but only by a few more inches and not much more (I'm not having a veil so I want my hair to be pretty full) Does anyone work in the industry and know roughly how much it'll cost for me to obtain clip-in extensions and how much I'll need? (full head, etc?) I have no idea what I'm talking about but I want to get my extensions fairly soon as I want to book my hair trial and take them with me.
Can anyone give me any kind of advice on this as I've never had extensions before?