Anyone else get this to sometimes ridiculous degrees?
I went out to a company event on Friday and, like a lot of others, drank a lot. Beer, wine, champagne, Baileys. Our web designer had to lead me part of the way home and my husband met me at the other end - I have not been that bad in ages. Typical that it happens the first time I go out with work.
I am a happy drunk that gets huggy but I often get the paranoia the day after. For some reason I still have it today. I haven't got any blackouts but I remember being very loud and challenging a couple of guys to an arm wrestle, in a fun way. At least I hope it came across that way.
I'm dreading going in tomorrow as I have that ridiculous feeling of I was the most drunk and everyone else was sober - anyone else ever get that? I'm sure it'll be fine but there is still a nagging fear that I did or said something outlandish!