I'm having 4 bridesmaids and had the (naive?) budget of £100 per dress. I was hoping to find them on the high street but can't find any like what I had in mind. There's some nice ones online but they are often from abroad and obviously a bit dubious about the quality of them and how well they would fit. Bridal shops bridesmaid dresses are shockingly expensive (about £200 each). Has anyone got any recommendations? I am after full length strapless dresses, or ones that are same style but different straps/designs.
Also, is it acceptable to expect bridesmaids to get their own shoes? I was even debating letting them choose their own as the dresses will be full length so won't really see them anyway...or is this dangerous? Perhaps just smart sandles would do as it will be summer.
wedding next June so not in a massive rush but trying to be organised!