I'm going to see the Registrar tomorrow to give notice and I wanted to take our music and readings/poems with me to see if they are ok.
I've got one reading already but would like one for when we exchange our rings. The Registrar has a poem about a Wedding Ring but its referring to a 'band of gold' - my ring is platinum and OHs is palladium.
Can anybody help me find a nice poem (not too slushy) about Wedding Rings or the exchanging of wedding rings??? Its a civil ceremony so no religious content is allowed.
I've only managed to find this so far which is ok but not ideal....
Wedding Rings.
Wedding Rings. Rings which bind.
Symbols which call to each wearers mind.
That people come and people go but
The wedding Rings remain.
Perhaps at times appointed end?
When all of the rings are piled
and stacked end on end.
Only two rings will remain.
To show that a single man and a single woman
lived together in every age.
In a kind of harmony upon lifes stage.