We'd like a hog roast for our evening reception. We estimate at having about 110 guests for this part of the day, and are trying to work out budgets.
We'd obviously need the meat, stuffing and hopefully crackling, bread rolls and apple sauce but what else? Potatoes - jackets? Other? Salads? Couscous? Quantities?
We've been offered free use of a hog roast machine, and the owner of it uses it in conjunction with a butcher who will prepare and roast the pig for us, then it'd be transported to the venue on the machine, and kept warm there prior to serving. We're waiting for quotes from him for the cost of hog and prep, but as we would also have to provide all the extras (ie bread and sides) I thought I ought to do some budgeting - it may work out cheaper to pay a company to come in and do the lot ? I literally have no idea what is 'normal' for a hog roast for this quantity!
I'm also starting to think about evening drinks. I don't know whether to provide a certain amount FOC and also invite guests to bring their own, or pay to have a bar (the venue doesn't have it's own bar, although it does have the appropriate licence if we choose to get a bar in). We definitely want some kind of free drink as guests come in, as a minimum (possibly bucks fizz, a favourite of H2Bs!) but haven't thought beyond that.
Any advice appreciated!