Hello everyone! I have a few questions about honeymoons that I'm hoping someone might be able to shed some light on!
I am planning on having a honeymoon gift list as there is nothing else I want as I have already lived with my OH for years. First question is has anyone else done this and how did you go about it? I dont really know where to start looking at this but I want to use a company that I feel I can trust. From a quick google search it seems like there are plenty of companies that do this but i am wary of using people I have never heard of for something so important.
Second question is about timings. I would want at least two weeks for honeymoon as this is the length of our usual holidays (OH wants three but I think thats pushing it a bit!) But I am a bit worried about the time I am going to have to take off work. I will need a few days off before the wedding and I plan on going for honeymoon within a day or two, but that will mean I will end up taking about three weeks off work. Are companies normally good about weddings etc? Everyone in my office is very nice and im sure they will be accomodating, but I work in an all male office so im worried I will ask for this time off and they will look at me like I'm crazy!
Any thoughts would be great ?