We have been offered a kitten for free and I would love to accept but my H is not so keen after we had a rabbit that had alot of problems and cost alot of money in vets bills. I have never had a cat as my dad hates cats so I dont know how much they cost to take care of, wether they need injections and that kind of thing. I dont want him to change his mind and then when we go to the vets for something and he says 'told you so.' Im also not sure how a kitten would be around a 6 yr old and a 6 mth old, how has kittens been with you children? And how have your children been with the kitten? B screams when I pulls her hair and I is only 6 mths so she knows no better.
So what kind of things do they need around the house and what sort of things do they need from vets?