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Pink Han-bag
Beginner March 2013

How long between claiming JSA and getting payments?

Pink Han-bag, 16 April, 2009 at 21:41 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 9

I was just looking for others experiences of claiming JSA and how long it takes. I've been through the phone helpline and have an appointment tomorrow morning with an advisor at the job centre, the helpline concluded I qualify for JSA, will the advisor just be confirming this? I'm pregnant and have moved back to my hometown hence my reason for stopping work, plus my employers were also being unreasonable and I couldn't cope with fighting them. I will say I'm willing to work but in practice I doubt anyone will employ me, you just need to look at me ?

After an appt at the job centre, did it take long for your first payment?


Han xxx

9 replies

Latest activity by Pink Han-bag, 17 April, 2009 at 17:36
  • Serendipity
    Beginner August 2002
    Serendipity ·
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    Why wouldn't anyone employ you, - just because you're pregnant? I started new jobs (temping) in both my pregnancies and didn't have any problems. I was about 4 months pregnant the first time and five months the second time. Is temping something you'd be able to do?

    Re JSA, when MrS lost his job 7 years ago he had to apply for this but I can't remember how long he waited for the first payment, probably a couple of weeks.

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  • Pink Han-bag
    Beginner March 2013
    Pink Han-bag ·
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    I suppose I was just thinking with the current job climate people might want to take on people they know are going to be around for a while. If I was in a city I suppose it might be different.

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  • bettyb
    Beginner July 2006
    bettyb ·
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    MrB applied for JSA a couple of months ago. They told him it would be up to 6 weeks before he heard, however he got a letter within 2 weeks to say what he would get (which was nil in his case as he was previouslt self employed).

    As an aside, my friend got made redundant when she was 4 months pregnant and she is just doing temping work until the baby is born as she said she didn't think she would get anything permanent because she was pregnant (not that its right, but I think its realistic in a lot of cases about what is going on).

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  • Pink Han-bag
    Beginner March 2013
    Pink Han-bag ·
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    Thank you both, sorry for only just replying it wouldn't let me!

    bettyb, I'll see what the job centre suggest, I know it's not right but an employer wouldn't employ anyone visibly pregnant would they?! I did a phone fill in form type thing and they said I should qualify for jsa and booked me in with someone at the job centre which is tomorrow, I have to confirm my identity and so on, hopefully it won't take 6 weeks but it's better than nothing ?

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  • B
    bobbly1 ·
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    It took 5 weeks for me to get any money through - in fact I had signed off and started my new job before I got my JSA money! - I signed on in February this year. Apparently they had a huge backlog of new claims, hence the delay.

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  • AllyDrew
    Beginner May 2007
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    When my H was made redundant a couple of years ago it took over 3 months for any payments to be made. He was back in work before he recieved any money.

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  • maxiemax
    maxiemax ·
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    I have recently done ths - it took 3 weeks from when I applied (same procedure as you, telephone then went into job centre to see them) till I got the letter and some money appeared in my bank account. hth.

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  • Pink Han-bag
    Beginner March 2013
    Pink Han-bag ·
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    Thanks all, it does help. I'm not going to starve luckily, I'm quite apprehensive really but needs must!

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  • S
    Beginner November 2005
    Skittalie ·
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    I just had my interview yesterday, all they did was have me confirm all the stuff I said over the phone, check my ID and take a copy of my uni results letter (don't know why)

    Then another woman went through the whole jobseekers agreement thing, I offically only need to apply for 2 legal assistant/paralegal roles in the next 2 weeks and that will carry on for 13 weeks (after that I assme they change the boundaries), be prepared to travel up to one hour to work each way on public transport as a minimum(even though I'm looking a 30 mile radius and using my own car), check the internet daily, use rec agents and get jobs paper at least once a week and keep a log of all jobs I apply for.

    It's not an experience I enjoyed and it did feel like a waste of time, I mean I can see how people who don't want a job can float along not getting one for years and you do feel like you're on a conveyer belt but H keeps saying you've paid in so you should take out if you need it. Grit your teeth and you'll do fine, at least I got home before crying

    I shoul get confirmation of my claim in the next 2 weeks (could be up to 6 weeks tho) and she gave me a leaflet about crisis loans so there is help available should you need it

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  • Pink Han-bag
    Beginner March 2013
    Pink Han-bag ·
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    Thanks, it was pretty grim and embarrassing (I think that's the right word) I was the only person there not in jeans or tracksuit bottoms apart from the staff! It all went ok though and they acknowledged it's doubtful, whether that's right or wrong, I'll get any employment but I've obviously got to do the things they asked. I've got to go back next week and then 2 weeks after to sign on, search for jobs 3 times a week and apply for one a week. I was also told I should hear in about 2 weeks but it could be longer.

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