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Beginner October 2003

How much alcohol do you drink?

Clairy, 2 of March of 2009 at 14:32 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 76

I know we've done this several times before, but up until then I've been in denial and not willing to confront the amount I actually do drink.

I don't think I have a *problem* but I know I drink way over the recommended levels and it's starting to worry me. I've decided to have an alcohol free week and think seriously about cutting down.

Currently I drink two large glasses of wine per night, every night. Some nights I will have 3 or 4 (although never more, and this is usually reserved for weekends). I make that 40.5 units per week. Fucking hell.

76 replies

Latest activity by ~~~liz~~~, 3 of March of 2009 at 12:59
  • Sparkley
    Beginner September 2007
    Sparkley ·
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    I drink far, far too much than I should. I try to have one alcohol free night a week, but I struggle.

    I don't want to think about how many units a week I go through. Probably 80+ <gulp>

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  • P
    Beginner May 2005
    Pint&APie ·
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    I tend not to drink sunday - thursday (schoolnights), but can happily polish off 30-40 units over a weekend.

    I'm not proud.

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  • Kazmerelda
    Beginner August 2006
    Kazmerelda ·
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    Clairy it is blooming scary adding it up isn't it?

    I have to say I have been more restrained in the last year, at the weekend most of the time we have a bottle of wine between us and I rarely drink during the week now. Perhaps one or 2 gin and tonics over the week or a pint of beer shared with H (this is at home).

    If we go out in the week I will have a max of 2 drinks, but those will be large glases of wine so quite alot really.

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  • jelly baby
    jelly baby ·
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    Probably not what you want to hear but none. You know when you have one of those really bad hang overs and say "I'm never going to drink again" - well, I had one of those in 2001 and have never drunk again. Well, never, is a bit strong - i have had the odd glass of champagne at a wedding but the thought of anything else turns my stomach.

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  • Lillythepink
    Lillythepink ·
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    Very little, comparatively. I don't drink every week, or even every month.

    about once every 6 weeks (ish) we have a cocktail night. I get bladdered on woo woos. I'm trying not to do it so much, as I lose my whole weekend to feeling ill & knackered and frankly, my kids deserve better.

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  • Sunset21
    Sunset21 ·
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    I think if you can't go without it then there's a problem.

    H and I tend to cut out drinking in the New Year. We went alcohol free in January and are now just getting back into drinking. I probably had a couple of bottles of lager during the week last week and saturday night/sunday night we shared 2 bottles over both nights.

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  • Old Nick Esq.
    Old Nick Esq. ·
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    Quantity is no substitute for quality....

    But quantity has a quality all of it's own.

    I think Uncle Joe said that, he was talking about tanks mind.

    Generally.... More than the wee charts and things in the Dr's Waiting room even cover.

    But not as much as I did in my Roaring Days.

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  • Kazmerelda
    Beginner August 2006
    Kazmerelda ·
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    Jelly one of my friends' did this, had a bad time at his graduation at uni and has never drunk since.

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  • Clairy
    Beginner October 2003
    Clairy ·
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    Can I do without it? Yes. But it's a habit, and a pleasurable one at that. Those are the hardest to give up...

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  • CelticAngel
    Beginner May 2007
    CelticAngel ·
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    I am terrible with alcohol.

    Its not that i drink very often, but when i do i have no off switch.

    Once i get a few drinks into me there is no talking to me, i will just keep going until i fall down!

    I guess i am a binge drinker?


    i hate waking up and thinking oh god what have i said/done

    and am on a diet at the minute so alcohol is out totally, and with lent started i have decided to stay off it.

    And truth is, i feel so much better.

    But this is the thing, i can quite happily go months without drinking, but when i do it all goes downhill.

    So i am realising i do have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

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  • MD
    MD ·
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    Normally, I don't drink Mon-Thursday nights. Then Friday/Sat/Sun will have 2 large glasses of wine.

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  • marmalade atkins
    Beginner January 2008
    marmalade atkins ·
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    Hardly at all and practically never in the house. Before I was pregnant with the twins, we easily could have polished off several bottles of wine on a weekend, but H works late and starts early and doesn't like to drink in the week, and I refuse to drink alone, so nothing in the week for us. He's paranoid too about drink-driving b/c of his job and refuses to take any sort of risk. Also, I can barely face the thought of getting up early on a weekend to deal with the runts.

    If we go out on our own., we'll certainly have a few - more if the kids are at my mum's - but again, the thought of dealing with them with a hangover doesn't do it for me and I feel terribly guilty if I palm them off on her for too long.

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  • July
    July ·
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    Not much nowadays. I've only had a drink twice this year. I was out on Saturday night with the girls and the other time was the middle of January when a friend came over, but even both times it wasn't an awful lot. I was drinking bottled beer both times, so its even less than 1/2 pt per bottle.

    I don't really drink in the house, I just get more tired with it. I have cut it down though as trying to lose weight. I do think OH drinks far too much. He has at least 2/3 drinks most nights, usually 5 or 6 nights a week.

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  • Roobarb
    Beginner January 2007
    Roobarb ·
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    I estimate I was drinking way way over my recommended units before I got pregnant with my first baby, and then probably still a good bit over by the time I got pregnant with my second. After having him I was lighter than before I got pregnant and I realised a lot of my weight issues must be down to my drinking (as obviously didn't drink when pregnant) and so have drastically cut down from what I drank before.

    I will usually have either 2 or 3 measures of spirits or half a bottle of wine, 3 nights a week. Can't drink much more than that as tolerance is fooked after pregnancy and also it's not conducive with getting up in night. Trying to have 4 alcohol free nights a week, but sometimes only have 2 or 3 nights off.

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  • WifeyLind
    Beginner April 2006
    WifeyLind ·
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    There's a handy little calculator on this website which I found because I actually wasn't sure of what consitutes a unit.

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  • stafoo
    Beginner October 2007
    stafoo ·
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    Perhaps two or three units in the week and 6-10 on a normal weekend. If i'm out for the night, a whole lot more. I had 7 this weekend which was quite 'good'. I think i'm quite a seasonal drinker - once the outdoor drinking weather starts it'll be quite a lot more. I can recall weeks when i've had15+ units (bbqs, nights out, drinks after work etc).

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  • NickJ
    NickJ ·
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    but thats all about the line between drinking heavily and addiction. if you drink double the recommended units per week, then thats a problem, but it does not mean that it's an addiction. The problem with drinking regularly is that your liver is always under pressure, its actually "better" believe it or not to have a binge now and again, and nothing in between. And the further problem with drinking at home is that your "home" glass of wine is probably 2 or 3 times larger than a standard pub measure, or one unit, hence it means that one glass of wine could very easily be 3 units of alcohol. Your two glasses of wine then become 6 units, and if thats each night, thats 42 units a week - realistically, most who do that will then have more than that over the weekend.

    if i go out for a "proper" night out, then i ll hit it pretty hard, but i wont count what i have. the rest of the week, i might have one or two glasses of wine, and no more. i dont drink every night, sometimes nothing at all for a couple of weeks or more. I used to drink a lot, but after the little liver problem i had (not alcohol related), and discussions at length with a liver surgeon, i now drink rarely.

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  • Mr JK
    Mr JK ·
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    Thanks to the Drinkaware thingy, I'd say that a typical day's alcohol adds up to 2.95 units - or roughly twenty a week. That'll rise if I go to an alcohol-fuelled do of some kind (roughly once every 2-3 weeks), but I'd say my average intake is comfortably below recommended levels.

    I've never been particularly drinky, though, and spending a fair chunk of my twenties living with an alcoholic in denial and a recovering alcoholic in pretty quick succession was enough to make sure that I almost certainly never will. And if alcohol was banned tomorrow, I wouldn't turn a hair - it's probably harder to give up coffee, and even then I managed fine when I did it for a month just to prove that I could.

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  • H
    Headless Lois ·
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    Most nights I don't drink. This is because I have previously been in a situation where I felt I NEEDED a drink every night. At that point, I stopped drinking totally. Now I can take it or leave it. It isn't that I don't drink, but I only drink when I really fancy it, not out of habit. I would hate to drink out of habit, to me that way alcoholism lies (H drinks out of habit, and it worries me).

    So, in a week I might drink nothing, I might drink 3/4 beers over a couple of nights, or I might drink a bottle of wine in one night (maybe every 2-3 months).
    On the other hand, if I go out, I have no self control and inevitably get hammered (maybe every 2-3 months)


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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Magic ·
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    I don't drink alcohol for three reasons; the first is alcoholism in my family and I don't want to go down that road at all, secondly is my medication (although I could drink a little) and thirdly, I just don't like it very much.

    I probably drink a maximum of 3 units a year as I won't refuse a toast although I tend to swap glasses with someone after a few sips.

    I realise I'm an exception though.


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  • fox-in-socks
    Beginner May 2006
    fox-in-socks ·
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    I drink rarely. i can easily go weeks and weeks with none at all, and when i do drink it's never in the week as i get up early for yoga practice.

    i actually find alcohol extremely unhelpful. it makes me depressed and anxious the next day. i don't eat as well during / after i've been drinking, and it just generally makes me feel a bit 'off', even after just one glass.

    if we have social events i'll have a glass (or two, sometimes three), but no more. we sometimes share a bottle of wine over a weekend, but not every weekend. i only ever drink wine or what i term 'nice' beer like leffe. never spirits or alcopops or anything.

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
    Spring ·
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    We very rarely have drink in the house (about twice a year) and i probably drink 4 times a year. H doesn't drink at all. Never has.

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  • chids
    chids ·
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    I rarely drink anymore. Mainly since i started WW about 2 years ago and realised that points used on alcohol could be used on food instead.

    On the odd occasions that i don't drive and H does i perhaps have a couple of glasses of wine if we go out but rarely any more than that.

    I went out on a monday a couple of weeks ago and drank more than the couple of glasses of wine and i felt *** all the next day so i don't know why i do it.

    Drinking doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore, although when i was younger i used to binge drink most weekends.

    H on the other hand has a couple of bottles of beer most nights.

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  • A
    Beginner August 2007
    alison76 ·
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    Our consumption has dropped way off. We always have lots of wine in as we are members of a wine club.

    But whereas a year or so ago we'd easily finish a bottle of wine in a night, maybe 2 or 3 times a week, we're now opening 1 bottle and it'll last us a week i.e. we'll have 1 glass each maybe 1 or 2 times a week.

    Even on weekends we're not drinking that much. I did this weekend as I was on a hen do - a cocktail, a large rum & coke and probably the best part of a botttle of wine. Maybe a little more. But then I had a 3 course meal and had a glass of water for every glass of wine I drank.

    I just don't enjoy the slightly tipsy feeling or fuzzy head in the morning.

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  • eponymous
    Beginner January 2008
    eponymous ·
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    I only have maybe one or two units a month theses days. Before my son was born however mr E and I used to go through 8-10 bottles of wine a week which was ridiculous! It wasnt until I fell pregnant that we realised just how much we drank.

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  • MissL
    MissL ·
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    I have been drinking far, far too much and have made the decision to cut it out in the week unless I'm out for a special occasion (and already we've been invited out for a birthday meal tomorrow). I'm sick of always feeling a little hung over, I want to lose some weight and I realised that although it is a habit, it is a bad one.

    Lately I've been drinking every day and normally around 7/8 bottles of beer - and then far more at the weekend.

    Not big and not clever. I drink far more now that I did when I was at university etc. I really am going to try hard to cut it out during the week. It'll be hard because it has become a habit and in our social group everyone has a drink, or four, after work in the week.

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  • CountDuckula
    Beginner August 2009
    CountDuckula ·
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    I drink nothing during the week. I don't drink at home unless we have friends round for dinner or something. If I stay in on a Friday/Saturday night then I won't drink either. I do however consume quite a lot when I'm out which is only really a Saturday night. This Saturday I had just over a bottle of wine and 3 vodkas (only one of those was a pub measure), that's not even that much by my normal standards.

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  • Katchoo
    Katchoo ·
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    It varies from week to week, depending on whether I have client dinners etc. Left to my own devices I'll generally have nothing during the week then maybe a couple of cocktails on Friday or Saturday night. I'm not very keen on wine as it give me a huge headache, so I rarely drink it. I do, however, have a pretty impressive spirits selection and will mix up a margarita or somesuch, but then I always use measures so I know there's maybe 2 - 3 units per drink, and I never have more than two (usually I'm drunk after one).

    My weakness is champagne and I can polish off a bottle of that in next to no time, hence I just don't buy it very often.

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  • essexmum
    Beginner August 2009
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    WSS only my morning after was in 2000. I'm actually meeting up with some old army pals next weekend (14/15) whom I haven't seen for almost 20 years and the one thing that worries me more than anything else is the night out and subsequent expectation of an alcoholic fuelled evening, I really don't want to drink, but I'm worried I may be backed into a corner. I was an old soak in my army days and my whole personality revolved around that so I am worried about how they will see me now.

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  • Buckley
    Buckley ·
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    Now I was drinking a bottle of wine a night, and Probably a bottle at lunch at work on a Friday and god only knows what on a night out (maybe once a week) I do know that wine, spirits and sometimes up to 6 Jagerbombs on top ov everything else. And with 9 units I think in a bottle of wine withoutdoing much math it does not take a genius to work out it was probably on 90+ units a week.

    In the last couple of months (after an inforced 2 weeks on the dentists antibiotics, the vomit if you booze ones) I cut out most of the 'at home' wine as it was habit more than anything else, but still probably have a bottle on a Friday lunch and maybe A bottle on a friday night and Saturday night and nights out remain the same. But I must have at least halved my consumption.

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  • AllyDrew
    Beginner May 2007
    AllyDrew ·
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    I have a small glass of wine maybe once a week, but this is because I'm breastfeeding a very demanding 3.5 month old baby. Pre-pregnancy I was probably doing 20 units a week, often more.

    I love wine and i do feel deprived that I've not been able to really enjoy any for a year, but the very thought of having to deal with my baby while hungover makes me shudder. Plus she doesn't take a bottle, so there's no way I could even have a night off and give her expressed milk so I could have the time to get drunk.

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    I think i'm probably best described as a 'binge drinker' as I don't tend to drink at home and can go for a couple/few weeks without drinking at all. However if we go out with friends or to someone's house then i'll easily (over the course of an evening) work my way through a couple of bottles of wine plus 2/3 g&ts. Depending on what i've been drinking sometimes I get a hangover the next day while others I escape and just fine.

    It is less than ideal and comes down to a lack of self control on my part, H hardly drinks at all (worries about drink driving - he needs his licence for his job- plus his parents drink very little so it's not something he is particularly used to). So when it's just the 2 of us it's rare for us to have more than a couple of glasses of wine each. I don't get falling down drunk when go out but i'm definitely worse for wear.

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