New issue of the week for us, we were creating an excel budget last night and we disagreed over what values to put in the outfit boxes. I wear a suit every day to work and my plan was to buy a new one for the wedding, but my fiancée had assumed that I would hire my outfit. I really do not want to do this but I’m having a hard time justifying my thoughts in any other way than I don’t think I will feel as confident in a rented suit. She says that a wedding suit is different to an every day suit and that it won’t look like I’m in a wedding unless I hire one.
I asked whether she would be prepared to hire her dress and the answer was a definite and immediate no, I then pointed out that this seems illogical because she will not wear a wedding dress again whereas I will wear my suit again. I don’t have a problem with her buying her dress if that is what she wants to do, I just don’t think it will make any difference to her if I’m in a hired suit or not so surely it should be down to me to make the decision. She also wants to come with me to choose whatever I end up wearing and I think I’d like it to be a surprise, I have some opinions about what kind of dress I’d like to see her in and certain features I wouldn’t like but I respect that she wants to surprise me so I’m keeping that to myself.
I’m a bit lost here, I really don’t understand why hired suits are so much better for a wedding and my fiancée can’t explain it other than insisting she is right with no attempt to back up her opinion. How do I get out of this one?