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Beginner October 2015

How to deal with a MomZilla

SunnyBlueFlowers390, 20 of July of 2015 at 11:15 Posted on Planning 0 8

Hi everyone,

I need a little advice on how to deal with my fiances mother, who is taking over the wedding and causing unnecessary stress.

My fiances parents are contributing to the wedding heavily - he is their only son who will ever get married and they of course want him to have the best day of his life - we are grateful.

But, we are limited to 120 people on the guest list due to the limitations of the venue, and every time we see them they want to add some people we've never even hard of to the list, causing us to be forced to strike our own friends or my relatives off the list. I'm already down to 10 people from my side - he admittedly has a bigger family and closer by but some of these people neither of us even know. We feel we can't say no.

Everything in the wedding is being done by my fiances family, starting from the ushers to the the speeches. The Momzilla even suggested his dad would give me away instead of my brother, which I had to refuse. When choosing the suits to the groomsmen, I suggested that my brother have the same suit to fit in and to feel a part of the group and this caused aggravation and I felt I had to argue my point across until it got accepted. She is making me feel like I have very little to do with my own wedding and it's not really even her son's day, it's a party for her and her friends and family.

She's stressed about everything and constantly haunts us about what we are doing about the things we are paying for ourselves, she called us on a daily basis 6 months before the wedding asking when we were posting the invitations because people were asking HER when they would get theirs and she was stressed about it. She was stressed about the bridesmaid dresses and went looking for them on her own when I was deciding. When I finally decided on something she demanded they were tried on the next day so she could tell her granddaughter what she was wearing. Oh yeah, her granddaughter was named as a bridesmaid without consulting me.

Yesterday, Momzilla got into such a rage about one of the bridesmaids posting a (very poor) picture on social media of herself in her dress that Momzilla ended up upsetting my fiance. She called him, had a massive go at him, told him to tell me she was upset with me and hung up on him. Because apparently, someone "had called her to let her know there was a picture of the bridesmaid dress on social media". To be fair, it was a blurry selfie which didn't give away too much.

I don't want to seem ungrateful. But I also am so stressed I am not enjoying my wedding planning or the run up to the day. I don't know how to tell her to calm down and to take a step back.

Has anyone any advice on what to do?

8 replies

Latest activity by DreamsComeTrue2015, 22 of July of 2015 at 14:36
  • Kittylove
    Beginner August 2015
    Kittylove ·
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    How does your OH feel about his mothers involvement, and all the associated issues it is causing? I think you need to talk to him about it, and how it's making you feel. If he is supportive of your feelings, which I hope he would be, maybe he could approach his mother and tactfully try and raise that she is being overbearing (easier said than done I know). Or would his Dad could be asked to calm her down a bit.

    Just because they are contributing financially it shouldn't give her the right to take over everything. It is yours and your OHs day, not hers. If really necessary could you pay for the wedding yourselves and stop them using the money as a reason to control things?

    With regard the guest issues, me and my OH set a rule, if we haven't BOTH met someone, then they don't get an invite to the day, we relaxed the rule for evening guests a bit, and did allow partners we hadn't both met. Our wedding is a bit smaller, so more of a sticking point. Could you put this rule in place for your wedding. Perhaps make exceptions for close family if necessary. It is totally unreasonable to expect your guests to be bumped for her guests. It doesn't matter how much they are paying.

    Hope you get it sorted.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2015
    SunnyBlueFlowers390 ·
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    Thanks for the advice!

    My OH feels exactly how I feel, if not worse, as he gets the brunt of the demands and irrational fits of rage. It's a good tip to ask him to talk to his dad, maybe he can alleviate the situation without it blowing up any more than it already has. His dad is pretty sensible so hopefully he can talk some sense into her.

    I'll keep you posted on how it ends up!

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  • S
    Beginner May 2015
    sarah.jones ·
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    This is a tricky one and I really feel for both you and your OH. It's a lot easier if you are paying for everything yourself but I can understand that you feel "obliged" to take her opinions & wishes into account. Is it feasible to have the conversation along the lines of "we are grateful for helping us financially & we will try our best to please you but some decisions will be ours alone" If it's really getting unbearable can you consider scaling back the wedding & paying for it yourself thereby feeling a bit more empowered to have the day you want.

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  • Paula @ Ollievision
    Paula @ Ollievision ·
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    It's hard to tell from what you've written, but I'm wondering if his mum could have a mild narcissistic personality disorder?

    Have you spoken to him re whether this is normal behaviour for her? Has she always been like this? Is nobody able to stand up to her? Do people who stand up to her get evicted from her life and become like they are "dead" to her?

    If discussions around this matter reveal that this is what she is like then I think you need to prepare yourself for a rocky ride. If you begin to assert your rights and behave normally in this abnormal situation she will turn on you. You need to consider whether you could cope with cancelling the wedding in it's current format and DIY-ing a much smaller (or possibly overseas) event.

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  • halloweeny
    Beginner October 2013
    halloweeny ·
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    Oh dear... sounds stressful. Can you afford to do this on your own without their help? Some parents think they get a lot of say because they are paying.

    I guess your OH will have to take a stand and tell his mum to back off. Try not to tell her anything about the wedding. The less info she has the less she can fret. Just say you're still discussing the options, you want to work on the budget or similar.

    Paula - I'm sure you're trying to be helpuful, but i'm concerned that diagnosing NPD via a third party post on the internet is perhaps a tad eager. I know you've got personal experience of living with a sufferer, but i think you could easily be wrong here putting unnecessary strain on OP and her relationship with FMIL and OH. Counselling someone to go overseas because their FMIL might potentially have a Personality Disorder is frankly a tad presumptuous.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2015
    SunnyBlueFlowers390 ·
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    @Sarah My partner is going to talk to his dad tomorrow and see if he gets anywhere with him. It's probably best if his dad speaks to her to begin with. Hopefully. Thanks for the advice, though, will definitely have a talk like this with with them both once the dust of this latest incident has settled.

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  • A
    Beginner March 2015
    Ash953 ·
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    Tell your OH to sort his mother out. It's his mother and he needs to stand up to her.

    You guys do not owe her anything regardless of whether she is paying for it. The financial contribution is a gift - not a controlling shareholding.

    I would be livid if my friends and family couldn't be at my wedding because FMIL forced them out. I would rethink having a wedding if my nearest and dearest weren't there - might as well pop down to the registry office.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2015
    SunnyBlueFlowers390 ·
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    @Halloweeny Thanks for the advice - my OH is going to talk to his dad tomorrow first, he is much more sensible than MomZilla so hopefully he can talk some sense to her. It's our first port of call, then when the dust of this latest fit settles we will have a bit of a chat about what has been going on and how to move forward. But you're right, the less they know the better.

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  • DreamsComeTrue2015
    Beginner July 2017
    DreamsComeTrue2015 ·
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    Sounds horrific and I really feel for you. Her pushing your family out in favour of hers is completely unacceptable. My parents are paying a large chunk of our wedding and at this point my OH's family aren't paying anything (which is completely fine) and I would be furious if my mum pushed his family out just because she was paying.

    The only thing I have to add to the excellent advice above is that you and your OH have to stand up to her and fast but pick your battles. For some of the things she's done it's probably too late to change them but for anything you can change and any decisions she's making on your behalf now you guys need to put your foot down. I would also give the venue a call and say that from now on all the decisions must be approved by you or your OH - even if she's not the type to call up and try and change things behind your back you're better safe than sorry.

    Good luck dealing with her. For what it's worth I've been lurking round Hitched for a while and seen some similar situations and it's a great community here - always here for advice or just to rant to - so don't feel alone in it!

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