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how to unblock my ear?

tea and toast, 2 April, 2008 at 18:06 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 14

My left ear is really blocked and when I touch my ear it actually feels numb. Typical for this to happen after the doctors and chemists close. Anyone have any top tips to unblock your ear... using things I don't have to get in the chemist? argh, it's really irritating!

14 replies

Latest activity by tea and toast, 2 April, 2008 at 18:39
  • kierenthecommunity
    Beginner May 2005
    kierenthecommunity ·
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    Warmed olive oil?

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    tea and toast ·
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    Ooh... and just pour it in?! Sorry for the naive question! ?

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  • kierenthecommunity
    Beginner May 2005
    kierenthecommunity ·
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    Yep ?

    trying to remember how to warm in though, long time since i've done it. i recall having some in an egg cup and placing that in a mug of hot water...

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    Don't do anything, I'd go to A&E, especially if your ear is numb. Do you have any pain inside?

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    tea and toast ·
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    Ok! Am a little scared of it, but I'll give it a shot as it's really numb and really annoying. Will let you know how I get on!!

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    tea and toast ·
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    No pain, ruth. It literally just started in the last hour. I've had a bad cold and flu in the last week so wondered if it was linked to that. *puts the olive away for the moment!*

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    tea and toast ·
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    *olive OIL away! ? hitched isn't letting me log in!

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  • C
    Beginner June 2002
    cjb ·
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    Hiya, I've had a cold and a horrible blocked ear for ages.. It's really really annoying, feels like I've been swimming and got water in it, plus it makes me dizzy if I move my head too quickly..

    I went to the docs, he wasn't able to offer anything, other than 'try inhaling Olbas Oil'.. apparently there is some mucusy-fluidy stuff in the tube that will just disperse in it's own time.. (nice!).

    Still annoying me on and off, I can 'feel' the ear which seems weird, but it's not numb per se...

    I think the warmed olive oil is a remedy for ears that are blocked with wax...

    Not much use to you there am I ?

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    I wouldn't try anything like olive oil. Do you not have a local tesco or asda with a pharmacy in? Do you not have late night chemists near you? I'd seek propper advice first to be honest...

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    tea and toast ·
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    Yeah, we have an asda but it doesn't tend to have much selection... I struggled to even find some cold remedies in it. But I'll take a little trip round and see if I've any luck. Thanks! Ruth - you think I should go to the doctors if I can't get anything in asda?

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    Yep, I would. I work on a head and neck ward, which includes ENT, and I'd advice seeing somebody before messing with your ears. Hope you're feeling better soon!

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  • EsmeWeatherwax
    EsmeWeatherwax ·
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    If it is blocked with wax I'd recommend Otex - I had a problem with this when I was a teen and the doc told me that if Otex is used, this can often avoid the whole gross olive oil-ear syringing scenario...

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  • bookgirl
    Dedicated June 2007
    bookgirl ·
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    This happened to me a couple of years ago badly and it drove me nuts - it was right before xmas and I had to wait until the new year to have my ears syringed!

    Try, first of all, blowing your nose. Then try this - I do it and I'd like to apologise because it's gross. Sorry all.

    Use your middle finger (i find it easiest) and touch inside your ear just above the ear canal. Rotate your finger round 90 degrees until the pad of your finger is resting at the top of the ear canal so it blocks it a little. Then very gently push down so it sort of blocks the ear in a "plunger" type way. Move your finger gently a little so you know it's blocking it, then pull it away. After a couple of goes I usually find a plug of ear wax pops out.

    It's disgusting, I know, but really effective. I am NOT suggesting sticking cotton buds or fingers or anything down into your ears - just block the top of the ear canal and it does work like a plunger unblocking a loo!

    Good luck. If it persists call NHS direct, or see your doctor.

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  • bookgirl
    Dedicated June 2007
    bookgirl ·
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    quote:Originally posted by bookgirl
    This happened to me a couple of years ago badly and it drove me nuts - it was right before xmas and I had to wait until the new year to have my ears syringed!

    Try, first of all, blowing your nose. Then try this - I do it id="red">and I'd like to apologise because it's gross. Sorry all.

    Use your middle finger (i find it easiest) and touch inside your ear just above the ear canal. Rotate your finger round 90 degrees until the pad of your finger is resting at the top of the ear canal so it blocks it a little. Then very gently push down so it sort of blocks the ear in a "plunger" type way. Move your finger gently a little so you know it's blocking it, then pull it away. After a couple of goes I usually find a plug of ear wax pops out.

    It's disgusting, I know, but really effective. I am NOT suggesting sticking cotton buds or fingers or anything down into your ears - just block the top of the ear canal and it does work like a plunger unblocking a loo!

    Good luck. If it persists call NHS direct, or see your doctor.

    Just to point out, I only do this when my ears are blocked, not for fun. ?
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    tea and toast ·
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    Thanks bookgirl, I gave that a try but it didn't do anything. It doesn't really feel like wax when I think about it. It feels like when you drive uphill and your ear blocks from the pressure. My throat is starting to hurt a little. just wondered whether I should give it some time before I ring the doctor... I always feel wick hassling the doctors over something that might sort itself out in an hour!

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