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Lili Donkey
Beginner July 2006

HRML: Holiday booked but can’t be bothered to go – WWYD?

Lili Donkey, 8 October, 2008 at 10:31 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 122

Not so much of a holiday but a short break - Mr Lili and I are supposed to be going away next week but I really can't be bothered

We booked it a couple of weeks ago because Ryanair were selling ridiculously cheap flights - without thinking I booked flights to Biarritz and then struggled to find a hotel I liked, actually once I started looking into it I struggled to find anything I liked about Biarritz - I just can't work out what we're going to do for 5 days as it's not going to be warm enough to hang out on the beach - is there anything to do there?!

I've just checked the hotel booking and I cancel it without penalty, the flights were only £40 so nothing much to loose there...

I just can't be bothered to book holiday insurance, a car parking space at the airport, struggle to pack just hand luggage as I haven't booked baggage allowance and now begrudge doing it, drive to the airport, sit around for hours, fly to France, get to the hotel and then do what?! It's not a luxury hotel (although it's rated 2nd in Biarritz on Trip Advisor) and although it has a TV it doesn't have a DVD player so vegging out isn't an option and I think that's what we both need more than anything...

So do I cancel what we have booked and find a nice hotel here in the UK, somewhere quiet and quaint where we can explore during the day and veg out in white fluffy robes eating room service dinners and catching up on dvd's in the evening?

I'm swaying towards the latter option but I really did want to go to Biarritz - just need convincing it's worth going...If I cancel I then need to find somewhere in the UK which seems just as exhausting - pah. I'm a mess at the moment, just can't be bothered to sort anything or do anything - I need a life planner ?

122 replies

Latest activity by Mrs Winkle, 8 October, 2008 at 18:33
  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    I don't really understand this. There's loads of people who'd be delighted to go on holiday, and you're moaning that you can't be bothered. Sheesh.

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  • Iris
    Iris ·
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    Quite. WMWS.

    I'd love to go away at all.

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
    LouM ·
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    Biarritz is fantastic- culturally lots to do and see, great restaurants and shopping, and one of teh best hotels in teh world (hotel du palais). i sometimes thnk you're from a completely different planet Lily. Is your cup ever half full?

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  • Clairy
    Beginner October 2003
    Clairy ·
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    You could give it to me, and I could bestow you with eternal gratitude ?

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  • Flump
    Expert January 2012
    Flump ·
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    You're bonkers Lily - go! You might surprise yourself and enjoy it? Eating room service and DVDs sounds dull as anything?

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    I can't say I've ever had a similar dilemma.

    I'll go, although I will have to borrow some annual leave off you as I've used up all 20 of my days way before the end of the year as usual.

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
    Treacle tart ·
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    WEES. Most people would love a holiday.

    The opportunity may not arise for you for a while again.

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  • Crookshanks
    Beginner September 2007
    Crookshanks ·
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    I get excited about holidays, short breaks and weekends away. Hell, I even get excited about weekends at home! ? Have you had a look at :

    This seems to be a good website with ideas of things to do wherever you go. I'm sure there'll be plenty for Biarritz, and it should have recommendations for bars etc - ideal for a relaxing break. On car parking at airports - consider taking the train instead. Everything you list above could be swept aside if you had a positive viewpoint.

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  • B
    Beginner October 2007
    Bridget F ·
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    Yep agree with Mrs Jess - stay at home. Poor thing, all that parking to book and luggage allowance to sort

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    I'd say that 5 days away in the south west of France is slightly more than a "short break" to me that was this year's holiday!!

    Just get yourself motivated, pack your bags, get your backsides out there and explore, see what's around and just enjoy a break from work, your life at home and the normal day to day routine.

    On second thoughts, you come here and do my job and i'll go for you!

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    I'll go in your place. I've not had a holiday for over 2 years. Just go, you might actually enjoy it.

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  • kewbride
    Beginner September 2007
    kewbride ·
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    I would imagine there is loads to do:

    WWID - I would go, definitely...

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    Nomination for Most Ungrateful Hitcher anyone?

    If you don't want to go then don't. But I don't see why you have to bang on about it on here. Didn't you read the posts from Hitchers who lost out when XL crashed? And people losing their jobs? Talk about insensitive.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    Lili, you are very odd indeed. If you don't want to go, don't - as you say it's only £40.

    I am beside myself with excitement because loml and I mightbe going away for Christmas, for 7 nights to a self-catering cottage-type place in the UK. We'll mostly be reading bookss, going for long walks, relaxing, and enjoying having time together.

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  • Lili Donkey
    Beginner July 2006
    Lili Donkey ·
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    Please don't get me wrong - I'd love to go on holiday I'm just not sure what we are supposed to be doing is right for us right now. Money is a big factor, we're broke and so any holiday needs to be spot on as we can't afford to go away and not enjoy it - this is supposed to be a budget break but the more I think about it the more I can see costs soaring...

    Other than an aquarium I can't find much to do in Biarritz that's suitable for mid October. It's not going to be warm enough for the beach and the tourist website / online guides like Time Out don't suggest many alternatives other than exploring the region which involves hiring a car which is yet more expense and more hassle.

    I can't be bothered to sort out insurance and car parking because once I've done that we'll have to go, I can afford to loose £40 on flights but not flights, insurance and car parking.

    We are both stressed up to our eyeballs, and just need to escape life for a few days - if I could have someone come in and cook and clean for us for a few days that would be perfect, I'd love nothing more than to stay at home really as what we need is to just spend some time together hibernating but that means cooking, cleaning, ironing and that's what I need to escape from.

    I'm not being ungrateful by any means, H and I are desperate for a break - we haven't had a holiday for 2 years because of various issues and need to get away before one of us cracks.

    Lou, to be honest I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment - I'm so negative all of the time. Miserable and negative - I can't see the good in anything or anyone, and to be honest I don't know how to shake it off, hence why I'm trying to decide if we should risk going and being bored / stressed / fed up out there or if we should cancel the hotel now and just book ourselves into a hideaway here.

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  • C
    Beginner January 2012
    carolinabena ·
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    Cup completely empty?

    i'm sorry but i'd go. you can have a nice holiday without a dvd player, if you're so keen to watch dvds then bring a portable one in your hand luggage.

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
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    ? Sorry if I sounded harsh Lili. You don't really sound like your usual sparky self tbh. A break might be just what you need, and as long as you're sensible it needn't cost the earth, or indeed any more than you'd necessarily spend at home. As long as you have a good wooly jumper, you and MrL can go for lovely invigorating walks along the blustery beach or the promenade. There are plenty of reasonably priced restaurants along with the glitzier ones too. I would still go- and if all you wnat to do is hibernate, then do so in biarritz and enjoy the change of scene. ?

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    Blimey Lilli is it really over 2 years since you got married !!

    Where does the time go?? ?

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  • kewbride
    Beginner September 2007
    kewbride ·
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    I agree with Lou. It will probably do you the world of good just being somewhere totally different. You can go for lovely walks exploring, sit in lovely cafes with a good book or 2 and buy cheap french plonk and get squiffy in the evenings. I doubt going anywhere nice in the UK will be any cheaper tbh.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    We're looking at Ludlow so we'd also have lots of fab food cooked for us ?

    Don't get this "hideaway" thing, Lili. If you want to cosy up in your hotel room and sleep/shag/read/whatever, you can do that just as well in France as anywhere else, surely? If the cost of the hotel is an issue, plan a holiday at home - get a cleaner to come in the day before it starts and the day you go back to work so you don't have to worry about keeping the place tidy - it would only cost about £50 all told. It's hard to do though - when one's at home, there's always work/internet/DIY/other distractions.

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  • policefox lyn
    Beginner November 2003
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    Get some good books and a few games. Have long lie ins, lazy lunches, go to the aquarium one day, go for walks, window shop, sit and look at the views. Go back to the hotel for siestas, nice evening meal and back to the room for an early night.

    That way you've had a change of scenery, you've had plenty of time to relax and spend time together and you haven't spent any more than you would at home. Sounds like the ideal way to recharge your batteries.

    When H was working in Africa we met up for a week in The Gambia on a cheap break. We had a fab time on a low budget, we look back now and can't believe how much we enjoyed our evenings spent eating sweets and chocolate and playing Uno!

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
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    Sophie, this sounds fab! Room for one more and a pair of size 8 walking boots? ?

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
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    Oo, missed this earlier. How lovely! ?

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    I know - I think it's such an ace idea ? We can't really afford it, but what the hell.

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    We did the going away to a cottage for Christmas thing last year - it was lovely and relaxing.

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  • Lili Donkey
    Beginner July 2006
    Lili Donkey ·
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    You're all right - I am an ungrateful cow ?

    As I said I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, I think I'm just so tired and so stressed and Mr. Lili is too - I just woke up this morning and felt like I need to hide away somewhere, lock myself in a room with supplies and ‘recover' but deep down I know that's not what I need. I need fresh air and a change of scene and me and Mr. Lili need to have some fun...Sophie, If I'm honest I don't get the hideaway thing either - although your holiday does sound heavenly - that's what I need, no expectations or rigid planning but you're right, there's no reason why we can't have that, in Biarritz.

    The hotel cost isn't an issue, I reckon we'd actually spend more on a hotel here - if anything I'm worrying it's too cheap - it's rated so highly on Trip Advisor hence why I booked it, it's only 2 star but looks very funky and like it could be fun I'm just worried there's a catch - funky boutique hotels are usually costly?!

    I suppose I just needed reassurance and as always you've all made me see a bit of sense - I know I can rely on you all to tell me how it is ?

    This break is a big deal for us right now and I need it to be good - I'm stressing about things I wouldn't normally care about but I just feel like I have the weight on the world on my shoulders, even though I'm not insensitive or stupid to know that our worries are nothing compared to what others are going through, they are big worries for us though, mainly money related hence spending money is making me feel so guilty...

    God, I just need someone to shake me hard. I hate being pathetic.

    Crookshanks - Virtual Tourist has made me feel a bit better - the Biarritz tourism website was rubbish, it's just beach, watersports and golf - but VT suggests a few walks which could be good, and I didn't know there was a harbour or a lighthouse. I think we will need to hire a car though so will look at that later, with a car we could always drive to Spain for the day too...

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
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    Just had a look to see what's on next week- there's a food festival running all of next week at Les Halles, a concert of film music on Sat 11th in neighbouring (i.e. a short bus ride) St Jean de Luz (website)(Place Louis XIV at 18:00. For more information: ****.) Also, the weather for next week is to be in the high 60s low 70s, bright with sunny spells and the odd bit of fog. Sounding a bit better?

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  • AnnaBanana
    Beginner July 2007
    AnnaBanana ·
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    I usually hate preparing for holidays but once im there, its fine. I went with H to Lubljana about a year ago because we got a cheap flight. He had to go for work so I was on my own all day. its a very small city but i just grabbed a map, and walked around all the little alleys and sat and read in a cafe etc. Its just nice to be somewhere else for a change so im sure you will enjoy it. I even found a little spa place and got a facial and manucire for about £30. Hope you go and im sure you'll enjot it once you're there.

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  • NickJ
    NickJ ·
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    that is SO unfair. so what if she cant be bothered to go? its her money. since when did someone have to wear bloody sackcloth and flagellate themselves just becuae theyre feeling a bit lazy or disinterested?

    anyway, biarritz is quite good fun, and there are some excellent restaurants there, one particular one springs to mind on the quayside at a village called guethary, which does the most amazing sardines. cant remember its name though.

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    Lil just to let you know off peak French hotels often are cheapy cheapy- even the fab ones. i had exactly the same thought a few years ago when we went to SOF in December

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
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    But it's OK to call people stupid and insult them with absolutely no provocation, of course.

    Lili - st Jean de luz is really nice - we used to go on holiday there when I was a kid. Anyway, even if the weather is cold, walks on windy cold beaches are great for blowing away the cobwebs.

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  • NickJ
    NickJ ·
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    Post has been removed for abusive language - Nickj that was uncalled for

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