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Lili Donkey
Beginner July 2006

HRML: Holiday booked but can’t be bothered to go – WWYD?

Lili Donkey, 8 October, 2008 at 10:31

Posted on Off Topic Posts 122

Not so much of a holiday but a short break - Mr Lili and I are supposed to be going away next week but I really can't be bothered We booked it a couple of weeks ago because Ryanair were selling ridiculously cheap flights - without thinking I booked flights to Biarritz and then struggled to find a...

Not so much of a holiday but a short break - Mr Lili and I are supposed to be going away next week but I really can't be bothered

We booked it a couple of weeks ago because Ryanair were selling ridiculously cheap flights - without thinking I booked flights to Biarritz and then struggled to find a hotel I liked, actually once I started looking into it I struggled to find anything I liked about Biarritz - I just can't work out what we're going to do for 5 days as it's not going to be warm enough to hang out on the beach - is there anything to do there?!

I've just checked the hotel booking and I cancel it without penalty, the flights were only £40 so nothing much to loose there...

I just can't be bothered to book holiday insurance, a car parking space at the airport, struggle to pack just hand luggage as I haven't booked baggage allowance and now begrudge doing it, drive to the airport, sit around for hours, fly to France, get to the hotel and then do what?! It's not a luxury hotel (although it's rated 2nd in Biarritz on Trip Advisor) and although it has a TV it doesn't have a DVD player so vegging out isn't an option and I think that's what we both need more than anything...

So do I cancel what we have booked and find a nice hotel here in the UK, somewhere quiet and quaint where we can explore during the day and veg out in white fluffy robes eating room service dinners and catching up on dvd's in the evening?

I'm swaying towards the latter option but I really did want to go to Biarritz - just need convincing it's worth going...If I cancel I then need to find somewhere in the UK which seems just as exhausting - pah. I'm a mess at the moment, just can't be bothered to sort anything or do anything - I need a life planner ?

122 replies

  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    I agree, but you can't force him to respond. All you can do is:

    1. Ask Hitched to ban him for rule-breaking, and although he's been a rute git I think that would probs be a loss on balance.

    2. Let it drop, stick him on your "loons to be ignored" list and carry on as before.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    Right. So again he gets away with being a rude and hypocritical and no one can say anything as he'll either play the bullied card or whoever brings it up gets told they're causing bad feeling. It'd be ok if I called him a cunt whenever he posted something I didn't agree with as long as I just kept my head down for a couple of days afterwards?

    I'm fuming here.

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  • POD
    Beginner November 2003
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    ? he's been on my list for a long time, as I know I'm on his.

    I don't understand the completely ignoring things though. It it an attempt at being funny, arrogance in the sense that it doesn't matter so it not worth replying to or something else.

    I do agree that there have been some fab threads recently (esp the baby one) and it's very refreshing to see open discussions which on the whole don't resort to name calling.

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    Don't get me wrong, I agree that Nick has been completely and unnecessarily spiteful, and out of order on at least a couple of occasions now, however having seen that his somewhat childish response appears to be simply to walk away and ignore other hitcher's protests at his behaviour I think that Sophie's pragmatic approach (aka point 2) may be a way forward.

    Also I agree with Chicken's very valid point - next time he posts something you disagree with why not give him a taste of his own particularly unpleasant medicine and see what reaction that provokes

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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
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    Excatly WPODS.

    It's very difficult to completely avoid someone on a board like this.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    I totally understand why you're fuming, Chook, I really do. But I still don't think there's anything you can do about it, short of getting him banned.

    If everyone felt the same as you, the power of collective action would ensure that no one responded to his posts, ever, and eventually he'd give Hitched up as a bad job, but we've seen that tactic fail totally with trolls in the past, and anyway a lot of Hitchers, myself included, are friends with Nick and don't want to see him leave.

    I don't want to see him chucking vitriol around either though. Unless it's at people I don't like. ?

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    I don't care if he leaves or not. I certainly don't care enough to report him. I just want him to stop being a hypocritical cock. And I don't see why I should monitor my responses when he clearly doesn't. The bad feeling isn't down to me (or anyone else) for responding to or about him. It's down to him.

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  • NickJ
    NickJ ·
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    So, is the solution here for me to apologise?

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    Or for others to accept that you're not going to. Or I suppose both ?

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  • Wordsworth
    Beginner September 2005
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    I imagine an apology is only going to be a solution if it's actually heartfelt.

    However the sense I've got (as a complete outsider) from reading this thread that the issue is now more about people taking responsibility and being accountable for what they post, rather than pretending it hasn't happened.

    Apologies if I'm way off the mark and if so, feel free to ignore me as a loon. I ummed over whether to post but even if I'm not involved directly, this sort of thing affects the atmosphere here for a lot of people, so I decided I would. Don't worry, I'm shutting up now. ?

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    Well, it's a little late for some apologies now as it would be clear they're not meant (I recall you explicitly stating you wouldn't apologise to Hole when questioned).

    Perhaps an explanation of why you think it's acceptable to be so insulting to people, whilst continuallyt pulling others up on their conduct? And if we could have that without insults, it would be much appreciated.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    What are you playing at now? Hinting you're going to say sorry then pissing off again? Or are you going to offer up a sarcastic, half hearted apology? Either way you can suck my manky big toe.

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  • M
    mariets ·
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    I agree HH, I can't think of a worse name to be called. I bet Nick would'nt be too happy if any man called his wife that.

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  • NickJ
    NickJ ·
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    i wasnt hinting at anything. it was a simple question, which got the highly predictable answer from winkle. conversely, sophie understood what i meant.

    anyway, winkles answer is the reason i didnt bother responding to the other threads, even if i had apologised, the tirade would just continue, as demonstrated here. so, in light of that, i wont be reading or responding again to this thread, or others like it on the same subject.

    oh and if you and your merry little band want to kick up a whinge and ban me, thats fine.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    How do you know? You haven't even tried it apologising. Just mentioned something about not getting 'closure'. And where has anyone said they want you banned?

    You're a joke.

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  • SK Returns
    SK Returns ·
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    Gawd, I go away from hhitched for a few months and come back and all of a sudden NickJ isn't popular? What happened! How the mighty have fallen.

    Anyhoo, back to the thread, Lil, when you're down, everything is a hassle, even something that you know is going to make you feel better is a hassle. Don't get dragged down by it, loosen up, throw some items into a bag, take a book, not a DVD - they're often better anyway, and go and relax - a rest is as good as a holiday and you're getting both! Chill, go with the flow and enjoy. Have a great time!

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  • Zebra
    Zebra ·
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    Yes, the answer is yes. You owe HH an apology for a completely unprovoked insult and now you owe Winkle one for a completely OTT response.

    Across the board regular posters are agreeing on these points, it's not about a witch hunt or anyone having a particular grudge. Apologise and we can all let the matter drop.

    You've consistently been someone who plays fair and takes the moral highground - I am clearly not alone at finding it really difficult to understand why you've suddenly taken a completely different tack.☹️

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    Nick, that's a cop out. I said some apologies wouldn't be meant, not all. You DID say you wouldn't apologise to Hole, so if you did now, it wouldn't be heartfelt, and therefore pointless and empty.

    So - by all means apologise to me, and if you could add an explanation regarding your recent insults too, I'd be very grateful.

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  • HeidiHole
    Beginner October 2003
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    "You and your merry little band" You see? Why so rude? Why would you think you're important enough for people to want to get you banned? People just want an explanation for your rudeness, that's all.

    But this is always your way, isn't it, Nick? You say you're going to refuse to reply or respond when your behaviour is questioned and then act as if you have some moral high ground to uphold, when in fact you've only continued to expose yourself as a hypocrite.

    I was really hoping that at some point you would explain why you were so rude to me, but I suspect the fact is that you can't, because there is no plausible reason and you can't think of one good enough to explain it away.

    Ah well, it's you that looks the fool every time you're rude and ignore the repercussions.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    To be fair, it was I who raised the banning issue, not Nick.

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  • HeidiHole
    Beginner October 2003
    HeidiHole ·
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    Just to add, I don't believe for a minute that you're not reading this.

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  • Taz
    Beginner December 2007
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    Well it would be a start. I've kept out of this so far but your comment on this thread really hacked me off. I don't want you to leave or to be banned but you certainly can't post comments like that without, at the very least, being pulled up on it.

    I get that you, Wonks and HH don't get on. Hell the entire board gets it. But when it's ruining other people's enjoyment of the forum it's not on.

    You were out of order here. You know it and I know it. A sincere apology would be a start. I'd be raging if you called me that.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    ? But again, there's no earthly way to make a person respond if they don't want to. That was my original point - you can't coerce an explanation or an apology out of Nick, so in many ways you'd be better off just leaving it, however out of order he was.

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  • HeidiHole
    Beginner October 2003
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    No, I know, Sophie, and in many ways I agree with you. It just makes my shit itch that Nick gets away with being so rude because we ignore it, he's not a child, he should grow some balls and explain and apologise.

    He won't though, and now I want to be really rude about him. But I won't ?

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  • M
    mariets ·
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    I know you're always nice on here Sophie, but Nick SHOULD be forced to make a public apology. Why should he get away with behaviour like that?

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    But he can't be forced. There's no practical way of doing so. He can be banned for refusing to, but I think that would be a bit of a case of Hitched cutting off its nose to spite its face.

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  • M
    mariets ·
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    Taz has asked him nicely, but if refuses I think he should be banned.

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
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    Exactly. And I think that the more this is debated, the harder it's going to be for him to say sorry, should he decide to do so.

    Like Sophie I consider nick a friend- that's not to say I can't criticise what I consider to be bad behaviour, like today's outburst. However, this seems like a recent thing which IS out of character, from somebody who is generally fair and extremely compassionate, and I only hope that there is a simple explanatoin for this and not anything serious wrong (which this thread will, I imagine, not be helping).

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad going on

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad going on with the people he's insulting,

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad going on with the people he's insulting, no?

    He had plenty

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