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Lili Donkey
Beginner July 2006

HRML: Holiday booked but can’t be bothered to go – WWYD?

Lili Donkey, 8 October, 2008 at 10:31

Posted on Off Topic Posts 122

Not so much of a holiday but a short break - Mr Lili and I are supposed to be going away next week but I really can't be bothered We booked it a couple of weeks ago because Ryanair were selling ridiculously cheap flights - without thinking I booked flights to Biarritz and then struggled to find a...

Not so much of a holiday but a short break - Mr Lili and I are supposed to be going away next week but I really can't be bothered

We booked it a couple of weeks ago because Ryanair were selling ridiculously cheap flights - without thinking I booked flights to Biarritz and then struggled to find a hotel I liked, actually once I started looking into it I struggled to find anything I liked about Biarritz - I just can't work out what we're going to do for 5 days as it's not going to be warm enough to hang out on the beach - is there anything to do there?!

I've just checked the hotel booking and I cancel it without penalty, the flights were only £40 so nothing much to loose there...

I just can't be bothered to book holiday insurance, a car parking space at the airport, struggle to pack just hand luggage as I haven't booked baggage allowance and now begrudge doing it, drive to the airport, sit around for hours, fly to France, get to the hotel and then do what?! It's not a luxury hotel (although it's rated 2nd in Biarritz on Trip Advisor) and although it has a TV it doesn't have a DVD player so vegging out isn't an option and I think that's what we both need more than anything...

So do I cancel what we have booked and find a nice hotel here in the UK, somewhere quiet and quaint where we can explore during the day and veg out in white fluffy robes eating room service dinners and catching up on dvd's in the evening?

I'm swaying towards the latter option but I really did want to go to Biarritz - just need convincing it's worth going...If I cancel I then need to find somewhere in the UK which seems just as exhausting - pah. I'm a mess at the moment, just can't be bothered to sort anything or do anything - I need a life planner ?

122 replies

  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad going on with the people he's insulting, no?

    He had plenty of time to apologise when

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad going on with the people he's insulting, no?

    He had plenty of time to apologise when he was first

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    What? We shouldn't be questionning his rudeness in case there's something bad going on? In that case he shouldn't be throwing around rude comments in case there's something bad going on with the people he's insulting, no?

    He had plenty of time to apologise when he was first rude to HH

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  • Hecate
    Hecate ·
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    I have been watching this unfold and have sat on my hands but I just wanted to say something.

    Without being nasty Lou, whether anything is going on off the board to cause these outbursts doesn't excuse them, nor until Nick tells us if in fact that is the case is it a reason.

    If anyone else had made an outburst like that they would be slated. If they then came back and said "I'm sorry but its because of x, y and z" the first thing that anyone said including Nick would be "well you didn't say that in the first post"

    I just get the feeling that Nick is at times unduly cossetted and gets away with stuff that other people wouldn't, kind of like a "ha, ha, good old Nick at it again" (yes I know he and ONE are different people!)

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  • Hecate
    Hecate ·
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    Sorry Chicken didn't quite catch that ?

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
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    But then that is letting nick 'get away with it'. I have no feelings good or bad for nick as a hitcher, our paths very rarely cross, but sometimes his actions can effect the forum and thus indirectly effect me. I think his behaviour today was wrong, and this needs to be recognised, especially as he is not going to appologise. His behaviour should not be tolerated or ignored simply because he will not appologise.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    ? FFS! I can't even delete them. Stopped the rage at least.

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  • Taz
    Beginner December 2007
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    I can if you want. Nothing worse than having your outrage pissed on by forum randomness. ?

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    Please Taz. I'm nearly crying with laughter here. How lame do I now look! ?

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  • Taz
    Beginner December 2007
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    Was that a rhetorical question? ?

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    That wasn't opinion, Ruth, it's fact. You can't force someone to write something on a forum that they don't want to write. My point is that the only way to avenge the insults to Hole and Winkle would be to delete Nick's log-in, and I don't believe we as a community really want to do that.

    Edited to add - PMSL at Chook. ?? It's comedy gold when Hitched does that - it will never not be funny. I could imagine you stuttering with rage.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    Yes! ? Or you can have seconds on my manky big toe.

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    I wholey appreciate what you are saying Sophie, and I agree that nick is a big character on hitched, and would be missed if he was banned. I just wonder if he actually realises the consequences of his actions?

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  • Lady Falafel
    Beginner April 2006
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    I'm sure he does. It appears there aren't any so he gets to behave as he pleases.

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
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    Waaaah chicken, it only ever happens at the most inopportune times. ?

    No, of course I'm not saying that his rudeness should not be questioned, merely that I think it has now been questioned at some length and that it seems like people are going round in circles now which is almost as disruptive as the comment itself. (and without wanting to be a hypocrite by being party to the continued debate or subjected to chook's manky toe ?), I'm out!) ?
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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    Yeah, I'm done today too. I think hitched has just, in a roundabout sort of way, requested I stop posting. Can't say that I won't bring this up again or be able to sit on my hands at any of Nick's posts in future though. I'm not generally known for being mature and if it's good for the goose ...

    (You know you want a lick of the toe Lou)

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  • J
    Beginner May 2003
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    I'm not sure I buy all this 'for the good of the community let's leave it' approach. In order for a community to remain that, there are certain rules that all need to abide by. I'm not takling Darren's rule rules, just a certain code of conduct.

    IF we all went round calling eachother cunts, and refusing to apologise or be held to account then there'd not be community for very much longer would there? I don't see why some people should be allowed more dispensation than others.

    And as for giving him a break because there *might* be something wrong. Again, there have been puuurrrlenty of people pulled up by Nick himself for doing the old "Oh please excuse my appalling behaviour but my mum's poorly and I'm just not myself" line.

    I think I might try a week of being amazingly rude to people, refuse to apologise and see how long I last, because it wouldn't be long. And rightly so.

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  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
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    Sophie, that sounds like my heaven too. Books, Films, nice pubs, good food and cooking and a good rest.

    Lili, I am yet to read the whole thread, but would suggest, if you do go, that you go to a charity shop, buy about 5 books, and then aim to read them all. That way, even if it is dull, you can relax with a wine or coffee in a nice cafe, with a sea view, and enjoy it.

    Also, think about hiring a car so you can explore the coast, or maybe take a drive further down to Spain?

    For me, it sounds like you need to be a bit more positive, and perhaps there is a deeper reason as to why you don't want to go. Its like you are looking at the holiday so negatively, and not able to see the wonderfulness of the things you could do.


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  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
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    And now I look like a plum!

    This is a perfect example of someone who hasn't read the thread properly! Dammit.


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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    Never mind Vicbic, you're probably happier not reading it. ?

    I totally agree with Janna - beautifully put. I'm sure I've been a bit rude to people in the past, but I'll always apologise or explain my actions...and usually I would have to be extremely provoked before calling someone a cunt (other than in jest between friends). So, I'm not perfect, far from it, none of us are. But I really don't understand why Nick, time after time, is rude and people stand up for him. It's not on, really, it's not. And as Jess said, if I'm called a "tedious cunt" then I'll bloody well react to it...very reasonably I think, given the circumstances.

    Oh, and one final rant, then I'll leave it. Lou, I've got some pretty serious stuff going on in my life at the moment but it doesn't make me rude or obnoxious, and nor should it. And I don't want sympathy for any of it. But if this isn't helping Nick, then what about all of the people he offends with no thought for what might be happening to them? It's not one rule for him and a different one for others.

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